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Discord RPC module for Deno.
import { DiscordIPC, PacketIPCEvent } from "./conn.ts";import type { Activity, ApplicationPayload, AuthenticateResponsePayload, ChannelPayload, ClientConfig, Command, GetImageOptions, PartialChannel, PartialGuild, RelationshipPayload, RPCEvent, UserPayload, UserVoiceSettings, VoiceSettings,} from "./types.ts";
export interface ClientOptions { id: string; secret?: string; scopes?: string[];}
export interface ReadyEvent { type: "ready"; config: ClientConfig; user: UserPayload;}
export interface AuthorizeEvent { type: "authorize"; code: string;}
export interface AuthenticateEvent { type: "authenticate"; accessToken: string; expires: Date; scopes: string[]; user: UserPayload; application: ApplicationPayload;}
export interface DispatchEvent { type: "dispatch"; event: keyof typeof RPCEvent; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any data: any;}
export type ClientEvent = | ReadyEvent | AuthorizeEvent | AuthenticateEvent | DispatchEvent | PacketIPCEvent;
export class Client { ipc?: DiscordIPC; user?: UserPayload; config?: ClientConfig; token?: string; tokenExpires?: Date; application?: ApplicationPayload;
#authenticated = false; #writers = new Set<ReadableStreamDefaultController<ClientEvent>>(); #breakEventLoop?: boolean; #_eventLoop?: Promise<void>;
get userTag() { return this.user === undefined ? undefined : `${this.user.username}#${this.user.discriminator}`; }
get authenticated() { return this.#authenticated; }
constructor(public options: ClientOptions) {}
async connect() { this.ipc = await DiscordIPC.connect(); this.#startEventLoop(); const payload = await this.ipc.login(; this.user = payload.user; this.config = payload.config; return this; }
/** * Set Presence Activity */ setActivity(activity?: Activity) { return this.ipc!.sendCommand< Activity & { application_id: string; type: number } >( "SET_ACTIVITY", { pid:, activity, }, ); }
/** * Clears the currently set activity, if any. * This will hide the "Playing X" message displayed below the user's name. */ clearActivity() { return this.setActivity(); }
/** * Starts complete OAuth2 flow, using given client secret * and scopes in ClientOptions. * * Throws if they are not provided. */ async authorize() { if (!this.options.secret) { throw new Error("Client secret is required"); } if (!this.options.scopes) { throw new Error("Scopes are required"); } if (!this.options.scopes.includes("rpc")) { throw new Error("Scopes must include `rpc`"); }
const code = await this.ipc!.sendCommand<{ code: string; }>("AUTHORIZE", { client_id:, client_secret: this.options.secret, scopes: this.options.scopes.join(" "), grant_type: "authorization_code", }).then((e) => e.code);
const form = new URLSearchParams(); form.set("client_id",; form.set("client_secret", this.options.secret); form.set("scopes", this.options.scopes.join(" ")); form.set("grant_type", "authorization_code"); form.set("code", code);
const res = await fetch("", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", }, body: form.toString(), }).then((r) => r.json());
const token = res.access_token; if (typeof token !== "string") { throw new Error("Failed to get access token!"); }
this.token = token; return this.authenticate(this.token); }
/** * Authenticates with given access token. * This is automatically called when using `authorize()`. * * @param token OAuth2 Access Token * @returns Authentication Response */ authenticate(token: string) { return this.ipc!.sendCommand< AuthenticateResponsePayload >("AUTHENTICATE", { access_token: token, }); }
async subscribe<T extends Record<string, unknown>>( event: keyof typeof RPCEvent, args?: T, ) { await this.ipc!.sendCommand("SUBSCRIBE", args ?? {}, event); }
async unsubscribe<T extends Record<string, unknown>>( event: keyof typeof RPCEvent, args?: T, ) { await this.ipc!.sendCommand("UNSUBSCRIBE", args ?? {}, event); }
getChannels(guildID?: string) { return this.ipc!.sendCommand<{ channels: PartialChannel[] }>( "GET_CHANNELS", { guild_id: guildID, }, ).then((e) => e.channels); }
getChannel(channelID?: string) { return this.ipc!.sendCommand<ChannelPayload>( "GET_CHANNEL", { channel_id: channelID, }, ); }
getGuilds() { return this.ipc!.sendCommand<{ guilds: PartialGuild[] }>( "GET_GUILDS", {}, ).then((e) => e.guilds); }
getGuild(guildID?: string) { return this.ipc!.sendCommand<PartialGuild>( "GET_GUILD", { guild_id: guildID, }, ); }
getVoiceSettings() { return this.ipc!.sendCommand<VoiceSettings>("GET_VOICE_SETTINGS", {}); }
setVoiceSettings(settings: Partial<VoiceSettings>) { return this.ipc!.sendCommand<VoiceSettings>( "SET_VOICE_SETTINGS", settings, ); }
setUserVoiceSettings(settings: Partial<UserVoiceSettings>) { return this.ipc!.sendCommand<UserVoiceSettings>( "SET_USER_VOICE_SETTINGS", settings, ); }
getSelectedVoiceChannel() { return this.ipc!.sendCommand<ChannelPayload>( "GET_SELECTED_VOICE_CHANNEL", {}, ); }
selectVoiceChannel(channelID: string, force = false, timeout = 1) { return this.ipc!.sendCommand<ChannelPayload>("SELECT_VOICE_CHANNEL", { channel_id: channelID, force, timeout, }); }
selectTextChannel(channelID: string, timeout = 1) { return this.ipc!.sendCommand<ChannelPayload>("SELECT_TEXT_CHANNEL", { channel_id: channelID, timeout, }); }
async sendActivityJoinInvite(userID: string) { await this.ipc!.sendCommand("SEND_ACTIVITY_JOIN_INVITE", { user_id: userID, }); }
// TODO: Make sure it works async closeActivityJoinRequest(userID: string) { await this.ipc!.sendCommand("CLOSE_ACTIVITY_JOIN_REQUEST", { user_id: userID, }); }
async closeActivityRequest(userID: string) { await this.ipc!.sendCommand("CLOSE_ACTIVITY_REQUEST", { user_id: userID, }); }
getRelationships() { return this.ipc!.sendCommand<{ relationships: RelationshipPayload[] }>( "GET_RELATIONSHIPS", {}, ).then((e) => e.relationships); }
async getImage(options: GetImageOptions) { const base64 = await this.ipc!.sendCommand<string>( "GET_IMAGE", options as unknown as Record<string, unknown>, ); // TODO: Decode to Uint8Array? return base64; }
#emit(event: ClientEvent) { for (const writer of this.#writers) { writer.enqueue(event); } }
#closeWriters() { this.#breakEventLoop = true; for (const writer of this.#writers) { writer.close(); } }
close() { this.#closeWriters(); this.ipc!.close(); }
[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<ClientEvent> { let ctx: ReadableStreamDefaultController<ClientEvent>; return new ReadableStream<ClientEvent>({ start: (controller) => { ctx = controller; this.#writers.add(ctx); }, cancel: () => { this.#writers.delete(ctx); }, })[Symbol.asyncIterator](); }
#startEventLoop() { this.#_eventLoop = (async () => { for await (const event of this.ipc!) { if (this.#breakEventLoop) { break; }
if (event.type === "close") { this.#closeWriters(); break; } else if (event.type === "packet") { this.#emit({ type: "packet", op: event.op, data:, });
const { cmd, data, evt } = as { cmd: keyof typeof Command; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any data: any; evt: keyof typeof RPCEvent | null; };
if (cmd === "DISPATCH" && evt !== null) { this.#emit({ type: "dispatch", event: evt, data, });
if (evt === "READY") { this.user = data.user; this.config = data.config;
this.#emit({ type: "ready", config: this.config!, user: this.user!, }); } } else if (cmd === "AUTHORIZE") { this.#emit({ type: "authorize", code: data.code, }); } else if (cmd === "AUTHENTICATE") { this.#authenticated = true; this.user = data.user; this.application = data.application; this.token = data.access_token; this.tokenExpires = new Date(data.expires);
this.#emit({ type: "authenticate", user: this.user!, application: this.application!, accessToken: this.token!, expires: this.tokenExpires!, scopes: data.scopes, }); } } } })(); }}