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Discord API library for Deno
import type { Bot } from "../../bot.ts";import { Attachment } from "../../transformers/attachment.ts";import { Embed } from "../../transformers/embed.ts";import { Message } from "../../transformers/message.ts";import { DiscordMessage } from "../../types/discord.ts";import { AllowedMentions, FileContent, MessageComponents } from "../../types/discordeno.ts";import { BigString } from "../../types/shared.ts";
/** * Edits a message. * * @param bot - The bot instance to use to make the request. * @param channelId - The ID of the channel to edit the message in. * @param messageId - The IDs of the message to edit. * @param options - The parameters for the edit of the message. * @returns An instance of the edited {@link Message}. * * @remarks * If editing another user's message: * - Requires the `MANAGE_MESSAGES` permission. * - Only the {@link EditMessage.flags | flags} property of the {@link options} object parameter can be edited. * * Fires a _Message Update_ gateway event. * * @see {@link} */export async function editMessage( bot: Bot, channelId: BigString, messageId: BigString, options: EditMessage,): Promise<Message> { const result = await<DiscordMessage>(, "PATCH", bot.constants.routes.CHANNEL_MESSAGE(channelId, messageId), { content: options.content, embeds: options.embeds?.map((embed) => bot.transformers.reverse.embed(bot, embed)), allowed_mentions: options.allowedMentions ? bot.transformers.reverse.allowedMentions(bot, options.allowedMentions) : undefined, attachments: options.attachments?.map((attachment) => bot.transformers.reverse.attachment(bot, attachment)), file: options.file, components: options.components?.map((component) => bot.transformers.reverse.component(bot, component)), }, );
return bot.transformers.message(bot, result);}
/** */export interface EditMessage { /** The new message contents (up to 2000 characters) */ content?: string | null; /** Embedded `rich` content (up to 6000 characters) */ embeds?: Embed[] | null; /** Edit the flags of the message (only `SUPPRESS_EMBEDS` can currently be set/unset) */ flags?: 4 | null; /** The contents of the file being sent/edited */ file?: FileContent | FileContent[] | null; /** Allowed mentions for the message */ allowedMentions?: AllowedMentions; /** When specified (adding new attachments), attachments which are not provided in this list will be removed. */ attachments?: Attachment[]; /** The components you would like to have sent in this message */ components?: MessageComponents;}