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Discord API library for Deno
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import { StatusUpdate } from "../../helpers/misc/editShardStatus.ts";import { DiscordGatewayPayload } from "../../types/discord.ts";import { GatewayOpcodes } from "../../types/shared.ts";import { LeakyBucket } from "../../util/bucket.ts";import { createShard } from "./createShard.ts";
// TODO: think whether we also need an identifiedShard function
export const MAX_GATEWAY_REQUESTS_PER_INTERVAL = 120;export const GATEWAY_RATE_LIMIT_RESET_INTERVAL = 60_000; // 60 secondsexport const DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL = 45000;
export type Shard = ReturnType<typeof createShard>;
export enum ShardState { /** Shard is fully connected to the gateway and receiving events from Discord. */ Connected = 0, /** Shard started to connect to the gateway. * This is only used if the shard is not currently trying to identify or resume. */ Connecting = 1, /** Shard got disconnected and reconnection actions have been started. */ Disconnected = 2, /** The shard is connected to the gateway but only heartbeating. * At this state the shard has not been identified with discord. */ Unidentified = 3, /** Shard is trying to identify with the gateway to create a new session. */ Identifying = 4, /** Shard is trying to resume a session with the gateway. */ Resuming = 5, /** Shard got shut down studied or due to a not (self) fixable error and may not attempt to reconnect on its own. */ Offline = 6,}
export interface ShardGatewayConfig { /** Whether incoming payloads are compressed using zlib. * * @default false */ compress: boolean; /** The calculated intent value of the events which the shard should receive. * * @default 0 */ intents: number; /** Identify properties to use */ properties: { /** Operating system the shard runs on. * * @default "darwin" | "linux" | "windows" */ $os: string; /** The "browser" where this shard is running on. * * @default "Discordeno" */ $browser: string; /** The device on which the shard is running. * * @default "Discordeno" */ $device: string; }; /** Bot token which is used to connect to Discord */ token: string; /** The URL of the gateway which should be connected to. * * @default "wss://" */ url: string; /** The gateway version which should be used. * * @default 10 */ version: number;}
export interface ShardHeart { /** Whether or not the heartbeat was acknowledged by Discord in time. */ acknowledged: boolean; /** Interval between heartbeats requested by Discord. */ interval: number; /** Id of the interval, which is used for sending the heartbeats. */ intervalId?: number; /** Unix (in milliseconds) timestamp when the last heartbeat ACK was received from Discord. */ lastAck?: number; /** Unix timestamp (in milliseconds) when the last heartbeat was sent. */ lastBeat?: number; /** Round trip time (in milliseconds) from Shard to Discord and back. * Calculated using the heartbeat system. * Note: this value is undefined until the first heartbeat to Discord has happened. */ rtt?: number; /** Id of the timeout which is used for sending the first heartbeat to Discord since it's "special". */ timeoutId?: number;}
export interface ShardEvents { /** A heartbeat has been send. */ heartbeat?(shard: Shard): unknown; /** A heartbeat ACK was received. */ heartbeatAck?(shard: Shard): unknown; /** Shard has received a Hello payload. */ hello?(shard: Shard): unknown; /** The Shards session has been invalidated. */ invalidSession?(shard: Shard, resumable: boolean): unknown; /** The shard has started a resume action. */ resuming?(shard: Shard): unknown; /** The shard has successfully resumed an old session. */ resumed?(shard: Shard): unknown; /** Discord has requested the Shard to reconnect. */ requestedReconnect?(shard: Shard): unknown; /** The shard started to connect to Discord's gateway. */ connecting?(shard: Shard): unknown; /** The shard is connected with Discord's gateway. */ connected?(shard: Shard): unknown; /** The shard has been disconnected from Discord's gateway. */ disconnected?(shard: Shard): unknown; /** The shard has started to identify itself to Discord. */ identifying?(shard: Shard): unknown; /** The shard has successfully been identified itself with Discord. */ identified?(shard: Shard): unknown; /** The shard has received a message from Discord. */ message?(shard: Shard, payload: DiscordGatewayPayload): unknown;}
export enum ShardSocketCloseCodes { /** A regular Shard shutdown. */ Shutdown = 3000, /** A resume has been requested and therefore the old connection needs to be closed. */ ResumeClosingOldConnection = 3024, /** Did not receive a heartbeat ACK in time. * Closing the shard and creating a new session. */ ZombiedConnection = 3010, /** Discordeno's gateway tests hae been finished, therefore the Shard can be turned off. */ TestingFinished = 3064, /** Special close code reserved for Discordeno's zero-downtime resharding system. */ Resharded = 3065, /** Shard is re-identifying therefore the old connection needs to be closed. */ ReIdentifying = 3066,}
export interface ShardSocketRequest { /** The OP-Code for the payload to send. */ op: GatewayOpcodes; /** Payload data. */ d: unknown;}