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import type { Bot } from "../../bot.ts";
/** * Updates the bot's voice state * Caveats: * - `channel_id` must currently point to a stage channel. * - Bot must already have joined `channel_id`. * - You must have the `MUTE_MEMBERS` permission. But can always suppress yourself. * - You must have the `REQUEST_TO_SPEAK` permission to request to speak. You can always clear your own request to speak. * - You are able to set `request_to_speak_timestamp` to any present or future time. * - When suppressed, the user will have their `request_to_speak_timestamp` removed. */export async function updateBotVoiceState(bot: Bot, guildId: bigint, options: UpdateSelfVoiceState) { await, "PATCH", bot.constants.routes.UPDATE_VOICE_STATE(guildId), { channel_id: options.channelId, suppress: options.suppress, request_to_speak_timestamp: options.requestToSpeakTimestamp ? new Date(options.requestToSpeakTimestamp).toISOString() : options.requestToSpeakTimestamp, });}
/** * Updates the a user's voice state * Caveats: * - `channel_id` must currently point to a stage channel. * - User must already have joined `channel_id`. * - You must have the `MUTE_MEMBERS` permission. But can always suppress yourself. * - When unsuppressed, non-bot users will have their `request_to_speak_timestamp` set to the current time. Bot users will not. * - You must have the `REQUEST_TO_SPEAK` permission to request to speak. You can always clear your own request to speak. * - You are able to set `request_to_speak_timestamp` to any present or future time. * - When suppressed, the user will have their `request_to_speak_timestamp` removed. */export async function updateUserVoiceState(bot: Bot, guildId: bigint, options: UpdateOthersVoiceState) { await, "PATCH", bot.constants.routes.UPDATE_VOICE_STATE(guildId, options.userId), { channel_id: options.channelId, suppress: options.suppress, user_id: options.userId, }, );}
/** */export interface UpdateSelfVoiceState { /** The id of the channel the user is currently in */ channelId: bigint; /** Toggles the user's suppress state */ suppress?: boolean; /** Sets the user's request to speak */ requestToSpeakTimestamp?: number | null;}
/** */export interface UpdateOthersVoiceState { /** The id of the channel the user is currently in */ channelId: bigint; /** Toggles the user's suppress state */ suppress?: boolean; /** The user id to target */ userId: bigint;}