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Discord API library for Deno
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import type { Bot } from "../../bot.ts";import { DiscordEmoji } from "../../types/discord.ts";
/** Create an emoji in the server */export async function createEmoji(bot: Bot, guildId: bigint, options: CreateGuildEmoji) { if (options.image && !options.image.startsWith("data:image/")) { options.image = await bot.utils.urlToBase64(options.image); }
const emoji = await<DiscordEmoji>(, "POST", bot.constants.routes.GUILD_EMOJIS(guildId), { name:, image: options.image, roles: options.roles?.map((role) => role.toString()), reason: options.reason, }, );
return bot.transformers.emoji(bot, emoji);}
/** */export interface CreateGuildEmoji { /** Name of the emoji */ name: string; /** The 128x128 emoji image. Emojis and animated emojis have a maximum file size of 256kb. Attempting to upload an emoji larger than this limit will fail and return 400 Bad Request and an error message, but not a JSON status code. If a URL is provided to the image parameter, Discordeno will automatically convert it to a base64 string internally. */ image: string; /** Roles allowed to use this emoji */ roles?: bigint[]; /** The reason you are creating this emoji */ reason?: string;}