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import type { Bot } from "../../../bot.ts";import { ApplicationCommandOption, ApplicationCommandTypes, Localization } from "../../../mod.ts";import { DiscordApplicationCommand, DiscordApplicationCommandOption } from "../../../types/discord.ts";import { AtLeastOne, PermissionStrings } from "../../../types/shared.ts";
/** * There are two kinds of Application Commands: global commands and guild commands. Global commands are available for every guild that adds your app; guild commands are specific to the guild you specify when making them. Command names are unique per application within each scope (global and guild). That means: * * - Your app **cannot** have two global commands with the same name * - Your app **cannot** have two guild commands within the same name **on the same guild** * - Your app **can** have a global and guild command with the same name * - Multiple apps **can** have commands with the same names * * Global commands are cached for **1 hour**. That means that new global commands will fan out slowly across all guilds, and will be guaranteed to be updated in an hour. * Guild commands update **instantly**. We recommend you use guild commands for quick testing, and global commands when they're ready for public use. */export async function createApplicationCommand( bot: Bot, options: CreateApplicationCommand | CreateContextApplicationCommand, guildId?: bigint,) { const result = await<DiscordApplicationCommand>(, "POST", guildId ? bot.constants.routes.COMMANDS_GUILD(bot.applicationId, guildId) : bot.constants.routes.COMMANDS(bot.applicationId), isContextApplicationCommand(options) ? { name:, name_localizations: options.nameLocalizations, type: options.type } : { name:, name_localizations: options.nameLocalizations, description: options.description, description_localizations: options.descriptionLocalizations, type: options.type, options: options.options ? makeOptionsForCommand(options.options) : undefined, default_member_permissions: options.defaultMemberPermissions ? bot.utils.calculateBits(options.defaultMemberPermissions) : undefined, dm_permission: options.dmPermission, }, );
return bot.transformers.applicationCommand(bot, result);}
export function makeOptionsForCommand(options: ApplicationCommandOption[]): DiscordApplicationCommandOption[] { return => ({ type: option.type, name:, name_localizations: option.nameLocalizations, description: option.description, description_localizations: option.descriptionLocalizations, required: option.required, choices: option.choices?.map((choice) => ({ name:, name_localizations: choice.nameLocalizations, value: choice.value, })), options: option.options ? makeOptionsForCommand(option.options) : undefined, channel_types: option.channelTypes, autocomplete: option.autocomplete, min_value: option.minValue, max_value: option.maxValue, }));}
/** */export interface CreateApplicationCommand { /** * Name of command, 1-32 characters. * `ApplicationCommandTypes.ChatInput` command names must match the following regex `^[-_\p{L}\p{N}\p{sc=Deva}\p{sc=Thai}]{1,32}$` with the unicode flag set. * If there is a lowercase variant of any letters used, you must use those. * Characters with no lowercase variants and/or uncased letters are still allowed. * ApplicationCommandTypes.User` and `ApplicationCommandTypes.Message` commands may be mixed case and can include spaces. */ name: string; /** Localization object for the `name` field. Values follow the same restrictions as `name` */ nameLocalizations?: Localization; /** 1-100 character description */ description: string; /** Localization object for the `description` field. Values follow the same restrictions as `description` */ descriptionLocalizations?: Localization; /** Type of command, defaults `ApplicationCommandTypes.ChatInput` if not set */ type?: ApplicationCommandTypes; /** Parameters for the command */ options?: ApplicationCommandOption[]; /** Set of permissions represented as a bit set */ defaultMemberPermissions?: PermissionStrings[]; /** Indicates whether the command is available in DMs with the app, only for globally-scoped commands. By default, commands are visible. */ dmPermission?: boolean;}
/** */export interface CreateContextApplicationCommand extends Omit<CreateApplicationCommand, "options"> { /** The type of the command */ type: ApplicationCommandTypes.Message | ApplicationCommandTypes.User;}
export function isContextApplicationCommand( cmd: AtLeastOne<CreateContextApplicationCommand> | AtLeastOne<CreateApplicationCommand>,): cmd is AtLeastOne<CreateContextApplicationCommand> { return cmd.type === ApplicationCommandTypes.Message || cmd.type === ApplicationCommandTypes.User;}