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import type { Bot } from "../../bot.ts";
/** Removes a reaction from the given user on this message, defaults to bot. Reaction takes the form of **name:id** for custom guild emoji, or Unicode characters. */export async function removeReaction( bot: Bot, channelId: bigint, messageId: bigint, reaction: string, options?: { userId?: bigint },) { if (reaction.startsWith("<:")) { reaction = reaction.substring(2, reaction.length - 1); } else if (reaction.startsWith("<a:")) { reaction = reaction.substring(3, reaction.length - 1); }
await<undefined>(, "DELETE", options?.userId ? bot.constants.routes.CHANNEL_MESSAGE_REACTION_USER( channelId, messageId, reaction, options.userId, ) : bot.constants.routes.CHANNEL_MESSAGE_REACTION_ME(channelId, messageId, reaction), );}