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Discord API library for Deno
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import { RestManager } from "../bot.ts";import { API_VERSION, BASE_URL, baseEndpoints, IMAGE_BASE_URL } from "../util/constants.ts";import { RestRequestRejection, RestRequestResponse } from "./rest.ts";
export async function runMethod<T = any>( rest: RestManager, method: "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE" | "PATCH", route: string, body?: unknown, options?: { retryCount?: number; bucketId?: string; headers?: Record<string, string>; },): Promise<T> { rest.debug( `[REST - RequestCreate] Method: ${method} | URL: ${route} | Retry Count: ${ options?.retryCount ?? 0 } | Bucket ID: ${options?.bucketId} | Body: ${ JSON.stringify( body, ) }`, );
const errorStack = new Error("Location:"); // @ts-ignore Breaks deno deploy. Luca said add ts-ignore until it's fixed Error.captureStackTrace(errorStack);
// For proxies we don't need to do any of the legwork so we just forward the request if (!baseEndpoints.BASE_URL.startsWith(BASE_URL) && route[0] === "/") { const result = await fetch(`${baseEndpoints.BASE_URL}${route}`, { body: body ? JSON.stringify(body) : undefined, headers: { Authorization: rest.secretKey, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, method, }).catch((error) => { errorStack.message = (error as Error)?.message; console.error(error); throw errorStack; });
if (!result.ok) { errorStack.message = result.statusText as Error["message"]; console.error(`Error: ${errorStack.message}`); throw errorStack; }
return result.status !== 204 ? await result.json() : undefined; }
// No proxy so we need to handle all rate limiting and such return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { rest.processRequest( rest, { url: route[0] === "/" ? `${BASE_URL}/v${API_VERSION}${route}` : route, method, reject: (data: RestRequestRejection) => { const restError = rest.convertRestError(errorStack, data); reject(restError); }, respond: (data: RestRequestResponse) => resolve(data.status !== 204 ? JSON.parse(data.body ?? "{}") : (undefined as unknown as T)), }, { bucketId: options?.bucketId, body: body as Record<string, unknown> | undefined, retryCount: options?.retryCount ?? 0, headers: options?.headers, }, ); });}