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import type { Bot } from "../../bot.ts";import { BigString } from "../../types/shared.ts";import { ImageFormat, ImageSize } from "../members/getAvatarUrl.ts";
/** * Builds the URL to a guild splash stored in the Discord CDN. * * @param bot - The bot instance to use to build the URL. * @param guildId - The ID of the guild to get the splash of. * @param imageHash - The hash identifying the splash image. * @param options - The parameters for the building of the URL. * @returns The link to the resource or `undefined` if the guild does not have a splash image set. */export function getGuildSplashURL( bot: Bot, guildId: BigString, imageHash: BigString | undefined, options?: { size?: ImageSize; format?: ImageFormat; },): string | undefined { return imageHash ? bot.utils.formatImageURL( bot.constants.routes.GUILD_SPLASH( guildId, typeof imageHash === "string" ? imageHash : bot.utils.iconBigintToHash(imageHash), ), options?.size || 128, options?.format, ) : undefined;}