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import type { Bot } from "../../../bot.ts";import { ApplicationCommand } from "../../../transformers/applicationCommand.ts";import { BigString, CreateApplicationCommand, DiscordApplicationCommand } from "../../../types/mod.ts";import { Collection } from "../../../util/collection.ts";
/** * Re-registers the list of application commands registered in a guild, overwriting the previous commands completely. * * @param bot - The bot instance to use to make the request. * @param guildId - The ID of the guild whose list of commands to overwrite. * @param commands - The list of commands to use to overwrite the previous list. * @returns A collection of {@link ApplicationCommand} objects assorted by command ID. * * @remarks * ❗ Commands that are not present in the `commands` array will be __deleted__. * * ⚠️ Commands that do not already exist will count towards the daily limit of _200_ new commands. * * @see {@link} */export async function upsertGuildApplicationCommands( bot: Bot, guildId: BigString, commands: CreateApplicationCommand[],): Promise<Collection<bigint, ApplicationCommand>> { const results = await<DiscordApplicationCommand[]>(, "PUT", bot.constants.routes.COMMANDS_GUILD(bot.applicationId, guildId), => bot.transformers.reverse.createApplicationCommand(bot, command)), );
return new Collection( => { const command = bot.transformers.applicationCommand(bot, result); return [, command]; }), );}