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Discord API library for Deno
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import type { Bot } from "../../bot.ts";import { Embed } from "../../transformers/embed.ts";import { Message } from "../../transformers/message.ts";import { DiscordMessage } from "../../types/discord.ts";import { AllowedMentions, FileContent, MessageComponents } from "../../types/mod.ts";import { BigString, MessageComponentTypes } from "../../types/shared.ts";
/** * Sends a message to a channel. * * @param bot - The bot instance to use to make the request. * @param channelId - The ID of the channel to send the message in. * @param options - The parameters for the creation of the message. * @returns An instance of the created {@link Message}. * * @remarks * Requires that the bot user be able to see the contents of the channel the message is to be sent in. * * If sending a message to a guild channel: * - Requires the `SEND_MESSAGES` permission. * * If sending a TTS message: * - Requires the `SEND_TTS_MESSAGES` permission. * * If sending a message as a reply to another message: * - Requires the `READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY` permission. * - The message being replied to cannot be a system message. * * ⚠️ The maximum size of a request (accounting for any attachments and message content) for bot users is _8 MiB_. * * Fires a _Message Create_ gateway event. * * @see {@link} */export async function sendMessage(bot: Bot, channelId: BigString, options: CreateMessage): Promise<Message> { const result = await<DiscordMessage>(, "POST", bot.constants.routes.CHANNEL_MESSAGES(channelId), { content: options.content, nonce: options.nonce, tts: options.tts, embeds: options.embeds?.map((embed) => bot.transformers.reverse.embed(bot, embed)), allowed_mentions: options.allowedMentions ? { parse: options.allowedMentions?.parse, roles: options.allowedMentions?.roles?.map((id) => id.toString()), users: options.allowedMentions?.users?.map((id) => id.toString()), replied_user: options.allowedMentions?.repliedUser, } : undefined, file: options.file, components: options.components?.map((component) => ({ type: component.type, components: => { if (subComponent.type === MessageComponentTypes.InputText) { return { type: subComponent.type, style:, custom_id: subComponent.customId, label: subComponent.label, placeholder: subComponent.placeholder, min_length: subComponent.minLength ?? subComponent.required === false ? 0 : subComponent.minLength, max_length: subComponent.maxLength, }; }
if (subComponent.type === MessageComponentTypes.SelectMenu) { return { type: subComponent.type, custom_id: subComponent.customId, placeholder: subComponent.placeholder, min_values: subComponent.minValues, max_values: subComponent.maxValues, disabled: "disabled" in subComponent ? subComponent.disabled : undefined, options: => ({ label: option.label, value: option.value, description: option.description, emoji: option.emoji ? { id:, name:, animated: option.emoji.animated, } : undefined, default: option.default, })), }; }
if ( subComponent.type === MessageComponentTypes.SelectMenuChannels || subComponent.type === MessageComponentTypes.SelectMenuRoles || subComponent.type === MessageComponentTypes.SelectMenuUsers || subComponent.type === MessageComponentTypes.SelectMenuUsersAndRoles ) { return { type: subComponent.type, custom_id: subComponent.customId, placeholder: subComponent.placeholder, min_values: subComponent.minValues, max_values: subComponent.maxValues, disabled: "disabled" in subComponent ? subComponent.disabled : undefined, }; }
return { type: subComponent.type, custom_id: subComponent.customId, label: subComponent.label, style:, emoji: "emoji" in subComponent && subComponent.emoji ? { id:, name:, animated: subComponent.emoji.animated, } : undefined, url: "url" in subComponent ? subComponent.url : undefined, disabled: "disabled" in subComponent ? subComponent.disabled : undefined, }; }), })), ...(options.messageReference?.messageId ? { message_reference: { message_id: options.messageReference.messageId.toString(), channel_id: options.messageReference.channelId?.toString(), guild_id: options.messageReference.guildId?.toString(), fail_if_not_exists: options.messageReference.failIfNotExists === true, }, } : {}), sticker_ids: options.stickerIds?.map((sticker) => sticker.toString()), }, );
return bot.transformers.message(bot, result);}
export interface CreateMessage { /** The message contents (up to 2000 characters) */ content?: string; /** Can be used to verify a message was sent (up to 25 characters). Value will appear in the Message Create event. */ nonce?: string | number; /** true if this is a TTS message */ tts?: boolean; /** Embedded `rich` content (up to 6000 characters) */ embeds?: Embed[]; /** Allowed mentions for the message */ allowedMentions?: AllowedMentions; /** Include to make your message a reply */ messageReference?: { /** id of the originating message */ messageId?: BigString; /** * id of the originating message's channel * Note: `channel_id` is optional when creating a reply, but will always be present when receiving an event/response that includes this data model. */ channelId?: BigString; /** id of the originating message's guild */ guildId?: BigString; /** When sending, whether to error if the referenced message doesn't exist instead of sending as a normal (non-reply) message, default true */ failIfNotExists: boolean; }; /** The contents of the file being sent */ file?: FileContent | FileContent[]; /** The components you would like to have sent in this message */ components?: MessageComponents; /** IDs of up to 3 stickers in the server to send in the message */ stickerIds?: [bigint] | [bigint, bigint] | [bigint, bigint, bigint];}