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import type { Bot } from "../../../bot.ts";import { BigString, WithReason } from "../../../mod.ts";import { StageInstance } from "../../../transformers/stageInstance.ts";import { DiscordStageInstance } from "../../../types/discord.ts";
/** * Edits a stage instance. * * @param bot - The bot instance to use to make the request. * @param channelId - The ID of the stage channel the stage instance is associated with. * @returns An instance of the updated {@link StageInstance}. * * @remarks * Requires the user to be a moderator of the stage channel. * * Fires a _Stage Instance Update_ event. * * @see {@link} */export async function editStageInstance( bot: Bot, channelId: BigString, data: EditStageInstanceOptions,): Promise<StageInstance> { const result = await<DiscordStageInstance>(, "PATCH", bot.constants.routes.STAGE_INSTANCE(channelId), { topic: data.topic, }, );
return bot.transformers.stageInstance(bot, result);}
export interface EditStageInstanceOptions extends WithReason { /** The topic of the Stage instance (1-120 characters) */ topic: string;}