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Discord API library for Deno
import type { Bot } from "../../bot.ts";import { BigString, GatewayIntents, GatewayOpcodes } from "../../types/shared.ts";import { calculateShardId } from "../../util/calculateShardId.ts";
/** * Fetches the list of members for a guild over the gateway. * * @param bot - The bot instance to use to make the requests. * @param guildId - The ID of the guild to get the list of members for. * @param options - The parameters for the fetching of the members. * * @remarks * If requesting the entire member list: * - Requires the `GUILD_MEMBERS` intent. * * If requesting presences ({@link RequestGuildMembers.presences | presences} set to `true`): * - Requires the `GUILD_PRESENCES` intent. * * If requesting a prefix ({@link RequestGuildMembers.query | query} non-`undefined`): * - Returns a maximum of 100 members. * * If requesting a users by ID ({@link RequestGuildMembers.userIds | userIds} non-`undefined`): * - Returns a maximum of 100 members. * * Fires a _Guild Members Chunk_ gateway event for every 1000 members fetched. * * @see {@link} */export function fetchMembers( bot: Bot, guildId: BigString, options?: Omit<RequestGuildMembers, "guildId">,): Promise<void> { // You can request 1 member without the intent // Check if intents is not 0 as proxy ws won't set intents in other instances if (bot.intents && (!options?.limit || options.limit > 1) && !(bot.intents & GatewayIntents.GuildMembers)) { throw new Error(bot.constants.Errors.MISSING_INTENT_GUILD_MEMBERS); }
if (options?.userIds?.length) { options.limit = options.userIds.length; }
const shardId = calculateShardId(bot.gateway, bot.transformers.snowflake(guildId));
return new Promise((resolve) => { const nonce = `${guildId}-${}`; bot.cache.fetchAllMembersProcessingRequests.set(nonce, resolve);
const shard = bot.gateway.manager.shards.get(shardId); if (!shard) { throw new Error(`Shard (id: ${shardId}) not found.`); }
shard.send({ op: GatewayOpcodes.RequestGuildMembers, d: { guild_id: guildId.toString(), // If a query is provided use it, OR if a limit is NOT provided use "" query: options?.query || (options?.limit ? undefined : ""), limit: options?.limit || 0, presences: options?.presences || false, user_ids: options?.userIds?.map((id) => id.toString()), nonce, }, }); });}
/** */export interface RequestGuildMembers { /** id of the guild to get members for */ guildId: BigString; /** String that username starts with, or an empty string to return all members */ query?: string; /** Maximum number of members to send matching the query; a limit of 0 can be used with an empty string query to return all members */ limit: number; /** Used to specify if we want the presences of the matched members */ presences?: boolean; /** Used to specify which users you wish to fetch */ userIds?: BigString[]; /** Nonce to identify the Guild Members Chunk response */ nonce?: string;}