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Discord API library for Deno
import type { Bot } from "../../bot.ts";import { BigString } from "../../types/shared.ts";
/** * Initiates the process of pruning inactive members. * * @param bot - The bot instance to use to make the request. * @param guildId - The ID of the guild to prune the members of. * @param options - The parameters for the pruning of members. * @returns A number indicating how many members were pruned. * * @remarks * Requires the `KICK_MEMBERS` permission. * * ❗ Requests to this endpoint will time out for large guilds. To prevent this from happening, set the {@link BeginGuildPrune.computePruneCount} property of the {@link options} object parameter to `false`. This will begin the process of pruning, and immediately return `undefined`, rather than wait for the process to complete before returning the actual count of members that have been kicked. * * ⚠️ By default, this process will not remove members with a role. To include the members who have a _particular subset of roles_, specify the role(s) in the {@link BeginGuildPrune.includeRoles | includeRoles} property of the {@link options} object parameter. * * Fires a _Guild Member Remove_ gateway event for every member kicked. * * @see {@link} */export async function pruneMembers( bot: Bot, guildId: BigString, options: BeginGuildPrune,): Promise<number | undefined> { if (options.days && options.days < 1) throw new Error(bot.constants.Errors.PRUNE_MIN_DAYS); if (options.days && options.days > 30) throw new Error(bot.constants.Errors.PRUNE_MAX_DAYS);
const result = await<{ pruned: number | null }>(, "POST", bot.constants.routes.GUILD_PRUNE(guildId), { days: options.days, compute_prune_count: options.computePruneCount, include_roles: options.includeRoles, }, );
return result.pruned ?? undefined;}
/** */export interface BeginGuildPrune { /** Number of days to prune (1 or more), default: 7 */ days?: number; /** Whether 'pruned' is returned, discouraged for large guilds, default: true */ computePruneCount?: boolean; /** Role(s) ro include, default: none */ includeRoles?: string[];}