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import type { Bot } from "../../bot.ts";import { BigString } from "../../types/shared.ts";
/** * Deletes multiple messages from a channel. * * @param bot - The bot instance to use to make the request. * @param channelId - The ID of the channel to delete the messages from. * @param messageIds - The IDs of the messages to delete from the channel. * * @remarks * Requires the `MANAGE_MESSAGES` permission. * * ⚠️ Messages older than 2 weeks old cannot be deleted. * * Fires a _Message Delete Bulk_ gateway event. * * @see {@link} */export async function deleteMessages( bot: Bot, channelId: BigString, messageIds: BigString[], reason?: string,): Promise<void> { if (messageIds.length < 2) { throw new Error(bot.constants.Errors.DELETE_MESSAGES_MIN); }
if (messageIds.length > 100) { console.warn(`This endpoint only accepts a maximum of 100 messages. Using the first 100 message ids provided.`); }
return await<void>(, "POST", bot.constants.routes.CHANNEL_BULK_DELETE(channelId), { messages: messageIds.slice(0, 100).map((id) => id.toString()), reason, });}