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Discord API library for Deno
import type { Bot } from "../../bot.ts";import { Role } from "../../transformers/role.ts";import { DiscordRole } from "../../types/discord.ts";import { BigString, PermissionStrings } from "../../types/shared.ts";
/** * Creates a role in a guild. * * @param bot - The bot instance to use to make the request. * @param guildId - The ID of the guild to create the role in. * @param options - The parameters for the creation of the role. * @returns An instance of the created {@link Role}. * * @remarks * Requires the `MANAGE_ROLES` permission. * * Fires a _Guild Role Create_ gateway event. * * @see {@link} */export async function createRole( bot: Bot, guildId: BigString, options: CreateGuildRole, reason?: string,): Promise<Role> { const result = await<DiscordRole>(, "POST", bot.constants.routes.GUILD_ROLES(guildId), { name:, color: options.color, hoist: options.hoist, mentionable: options.mentionable, permissions: bot.utils.calculateBits(options?.permissions || []), icon: options.icon, unicode_emoji: options.unicodeEmoji, reason, });
return bot.transformers.role(bot, { role: result, guildId: bot.transformers.snowflake(guildId), });}
export interface CreateGuildRole { /** Name of the role, max 100 characters, default: "new role" */ name?: string; /** Bitwise value of the enabled/disabled permissions, default: everyone permissions in guild */ permissions?: PermissionStrings[]; /** RGB color value, default: 0 */ color?: number; /** Whether the role should be displayed separately in the sidebar, default: false */ hoist?: boolean; /** Whether the role should be mentionable, default: false */ mentionable?: boolean; /** The role's unicode emoji (if the guild has the `ROLE_ICONS` feature) */ unicodeEmoji?: string; /** the role's icon image (if the guild has the `ROLE_ICONS` feature) */ icon?: string;}