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import type { Bot } from "../../bot.ts";import { Embed } from "../../transformers/embed.ts";import { Message } from "../../transformers/message.ts";import { DiscordMessage } from "../../types/discord.ts";import { AllowedMentions, FileContent, MessageComponents } from "../../types/discordeno.ts";import { BigString } from "../../types/shared.ts";
export const sendWebhookMessage = executeWebhook;
/** * Executes a webhook, causing a message to be posted in the channel configured for the webhook. * * @param bot - The bot instance to use to make the request. * @param webhookId - The ID of the webhook to execute. * @param token - The webhook token, used to execute the webhook. * @param options - The parameters for the execution of the webhook. * @returns An instance of the created {@link Message}, or `undefined` if the {@link ExecuteWebhook.wait | wait} property of the {@link options} object parameter is set to `false`. * * @remarks * If the webhook channel is a forum channel, you must provide a value for either `threadId` or `threadName`. * * @see {@link} */export async function executeWebhook( bot: Bot, webhookId: BigString, token: string, options: ExecuteWebhook,): Promise<Message | undefined> { const allowedMentions = options.allowedMentions ? { parse: options.allowedMentions.parse, replied_user: options.allowedMentions.repliedUser, users: options.allowedMentions.users?.map((id) => id.toString()), roles: options.allowedMentions.roles?.map((id) => id.toString()), } : { parse: [] };
const result = await<DiscordMessage>(, "POST", bot.constants.routes.WEBHOOK(webhookId, token, options), { wait: options.wait, thread_id: options.threadId, thread_name: options.threadName, content: options.content, username: options.username, avatar_url: options.avatarUrl, tts: options.tts, file: options.file, embeds: options.embeds?.map((embed) => bot.transformers.reverse.embed(bot, embed)), allowed_mentions: allowedMentions, components: options.components?.map((component) => bot.transformers.reverse.component(bot, component)), }, ); if (!options.wait) return;
return bot.transformers.message(bot, result);}
/** */export interface ExecuteWebhook { /** Waits for server confirmation of message send before response, and returns the created message body (defaults to `false`; when `false` a message that is not saved does not return an error) */ wait?: boolean; /** Send a message to the specified thread within a webhook's channel. The thread will automatically be unarchived. */ threadId?: BigString; /** Name of the thread to create (target channel has to be type of forum channel) */ threadName?: string; /** The message contents (up to 2000 characters) */ content?: string; /** Override the default username of the webhook */ username?: string; /** Override the default avatar of the webhook */ avatarUrl?: string; /** True if this is a TTS message */ tts?: boolean; /** The contents of the file being sent */ file?: FileContent | FileContent[]; /** Embedded `rich` content */ embeds?: Embed[]; /** Allowed mentions for the message */ allowedMentions?: AllowedMentions; /** the components to include with the message */ components?: MessageComponents;}