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Discord API library for Deno
// The order of the import is importantimport { DiscordEmbed, Embed, formatImageURL, iconBigintToHash, ImageFormat, ImageSize, User } from "./deps.ts";
import { routes } from "../../util/routes.ts";
export const embedLimits = { title: 256, description: 4096, fieldName: 256, fieldValue: 1024, footerText: 2048, authorName: 256, fields: 25, total: 6000,};
// COPIED FROM DISCORDENO AS A TEMP SOLUTION// TODO: remove when DD has improved utilsfunction avatarURL( userId: bigint, discriminator: string, options?: { avatar: bigint | undefined; size?: ImageSize; format?: ImageFormat; },) { return options?.avatar ? formatImageURL( routes.USER_AVATAR( userId, typeof options?.avatar === "string" ? options.avatar : iconBigintToHash(options?.avatar), ), options?.size || 128, options?.format, ) : routes.USER_DEFAULT_AVATAR(Number(discriminator) % 5);}
export class Embeds extends Array<Embed> { /** The amount of characters in the embed. */ currentTotal = 0; /** Whether the limits should be enforced or not. */ enforceLimits = true; /** If a file is attached to the message it will be added here. */ file?: EmbedFile;
constructor(enforceLimits = true) { super(); // By default, always enforce discord limits but this allows bypass for any reason. if (!enforceLimits) this.enforceLimits = false;
return this; }
fitData(data: string, max: number) { // If the string is bigger then the allowed max shorten it. if (data.length > max) data = data.substring(0, max); // Check the amount of characters left for this embed const availableCharacters = - this.currentTotal; // If it is maxed out already return empty string as nothing can be added anymore if (!availableCharacters) return ``; // If the string breaks the maximum embed limit then shorten it. if (this.currentTotal + data.length > { return data.substring(0, availableCharacters); } // Return the data as is with no changes. return data; }
setAuthor(name: string, iconUrl?: string | User, url?: string) { const embed = this.getLastEmbed(); const finalName = this.enforceLimits ? this.fitData(name, embedLimits.authorName) : name;
if (typeof iconUrl === "string") { = { name: finalName, iconUrl, url }; } else if (iconUrl) { = { name: finalName, iconUrl: avatarURL(, iconUrl?.discriminator, { avatar: iconUrl.avatar!, }), url, }; } else { = { name: finalName, url }; }
return this; }
setColor(color: string) { this.getLastEmbed().color = color.toLowerCase() === `random` // Random color ? Math.floor(Math.random() * (0xffffff + 1)) // Convert the hex to a acceptable color for discord : parseInt(color.replace("#", ""), 16);
return this; }
setDescription(description: string | string[]) { if (Array.isArray(description)) description = description.join("\n"); this.getLastEmbed().description = this.fitData(description, embedLimits.description);
return this; }
addField(name: string, value: string, inline = false) { const embed = this.getLastEmbed();
if (embed.fields!.length >= 25) return this;
embed.fields!.push({ name: this.fitData(name, embedLimits.fieldName), value: this.fitData(value, embedLimits.fieldValue), inline, });
return this; }
addBlankField(inline = false) { return this.addField("\u200B", "\u200B", inline); }
attachFile(file: unknown, name: string) { this.file = { blob: file, name, }; this.setImage(`attachment://${name}`);
return this; }
setFooter(text: string, icon?: string) { this.getLastEmbed().footer = { text: this.fitData(text, embedLimits.footerText), iconUrl: icon, };
return this; }
setImage(url: string | User) { if (typeof url === "string") this.getLastEmbed().image = { url }; else { this.getLastEmbed().image = { url: avatarURL(, url.discriminator, { avatar: url.avatar!, size: 2048, }), }; }
return this; }
setTimestamp(time = { this.getLastEmbed().timestamp = time;
return this; }
setTitle(title: string, url?: string) { this.getLastEmbed().title = this.fitData(title, embedLimits.title); if (url) this.getLastEmbed().url = url;
return this; }
setURL(url: string) { this.getLastEmbed().url = url;
return this; }
setThumbnail(url: string) { this.getLastEmbed().thumbnail = { url };
return this; }
addEmbed(embed?: Embed) { if (this.length === 10) return this;
this.push({ ...embed, fields: embed?.fields ?? [] });
return this; }
/** Get the last DiscordEmbed, if there is no it will create one */ getLastEmbed() { if (this.length) return this[this.length - 1];
this.push({ fields: [], });
return this[0]; }
setFromJson(json: Record<string, any>) { if ( this.setAuthor(,, json.url); if (json.title) this.setTitle(json.title, json.url); if (json.description) this.setDescription(json.description); if (json.color) this.setColor(json.color); if (json.timestamp) this.setTimestamp(); if (json.footer?.text) this.setFooter(json.footer.text, json.footer.icon_url); if (json.thumbnail) this.setThumbnail(json.thumbnail?.url ?? json.thumbnail); if (json.image) this.setImage(json.image?.url ?? json.image); if (json.fields && Array.isArray(json.fields)) { for (const field of json.fields) { if ( && field.value) { this.addField(, field.value, field.inline); } } }
return this; }
setFromEmbed(embed: Embed) { if ( this.setAuthor(,, embed.url); if (embed.title) this.setTitle(embed.title, embed.url); if (embed.description) this.setDescription(embed.description); if (embed.color) this.getLastEmbed().color = embed.color; if (embed.timestamp) this.setTimestamp(embed.timestamp); if (embed.footer?.text) this.setFooter(embed.footer.text, embed.footer.iconUrl); if (embed.thumbnail?.url) this.setThumbnail(embed.thumbnail?.url); if (embed.image?.url) this.setImage(embed.image?.url); if (embed.fields && Array.isArray(embed.fields)) { for (const field of embed.fields) { if ( && field.value) { this.addField(, field.value, field.inline); } } }
return this; }
showEmbedCode(): DiscordEmbed[] { return => ({ ...embed, timestamp: embed.timestamp ? new Date(embed.timestamp).toISOString() : undefined, author: ? { name:, url:, proxy_icon_url:, icon_url:, } : undefined, footer: embed.footer ? { text: embed.footer.text, proxy_icon_url: embed.footer.proxyIconUrl, icon_url: embed.footer.iconUrl, } : undefined, image: embed.image ? { url: embed.image.url, height: embed.image.height, width: embed.image.width, proxy_url: embed.image.proxyUrl, } : undefined, thumbnail: embed.thumbnail ? { url: embed.thumbnail.url, height: embed.thumbnail.height, width: embed.thumbnail.width, proxy_url: embed.thumbnail.proxyUrl, } : undefined, })); }}
export interface EmbedFile { blob: unknown; name: string;}
export default Embeds;