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Discord API library for Deno
import { Bot } from "./deps.ts";
// iMpOrTaNt to make sure files can be reloaded properly!export let uniqueFilePathCounter = 0;export let paths: string[] = [];
/** Recursively generates an array of unique paths to import using `fileLoader()` * (**Is** windows compatible) */export async function importDirectory(path: string) { path = path.replaceAll("\\", "/"); const files = Deno.readDirSync(Deno.realPathSync(path));
for (const file of files) { if (! continue;
const currentPath = `${path}/${}`; if (file.isFile) { if (!currentPath.endsWith(".ts")) continue; paths.push( `import "${Deno.mainModule.substring(0, Deno.mainModule.lastIndexOf("/"))}/${ currentPath.substring( currentPath.indexOf("src/"), ) }#${uniqueFilePathCounter}";`, ); continue; }
// Recursive function! await importDirectory(currentPath); }
/** Writes, then imports all everything in fileloader.ts */export async function fileLoader() { await Deno.writeTextFile("fileloader.ts", paths.join("\n").replaceAll("\\", "/")); await import( `${Deno.mainModule.substring(0, Deno.mainModule.lastIndexOf("/"))}/fileloader.ts#${uniqueFilePathCounter}` ); paths = [];}
/** This function will import the specified directories */export async function fastFileLoader( /** An array of directories to import recursively. */ paths: string[], /** A function that will run before recursively setting a part of `paths`. * `path` contains the path that will be imported, useful for logging */ between?: (path: string, uniqueFilePathCounter: number, paths: string[]) => void, /** A function that runs before **actually** importing all the files. */ before?: (uniqueFilePathCounter: number, paths: string[]) => void,) { await Promise.all( [...paths].map((path) => { if (between) between(path, uniqueFilePathCounter, paths); importDirectory(path); }), );
if (before) before(uniqueFilePathCounter, paths);
await fileLoader();}
/** Extend the Bot with the Plugin's added functions */export interface BotWithFileLoader extends Bot { /** Recursively generates an array of unique paths to import using `fileLoader()` * (**Is** windows compatible) */ importDirectory: (path: string) => void; /** Writes, then imports all everything in fileloader.ts */ fileLoader: () => void; /** This function will import the specified directories */ fastFileLoader: ( /** An array of directories to import recursively. */ paths: string[], /** A function that will run before recursively setting a part of `paths`. * `path` contains the path that will be imported, useful for logging */ between?: (path: string, uniqueFilePathCounter: number, paths: string[]) => void, /** A function that runs before **actually** importing all the files. */ before?: (uniqueFilePathCounter: number, paths: string[]) => void, ) => void;}
/** Pass in a (compatible) bot instance, and get sweet file loader goodness. * Remember to capture the output of this function! */export function enableFileLoaderPlugin(rawBot: Bot): BotWithFileLoader { const bot = rawBot as BotWithFileLoader;
bot.importDirectory = importDirectory; bot.fileLoader = fileLoader; bot.fastFileLoader = fastFileLoader;
return bot;}