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import { BigString, Bot, Collection, CreateMessage } from "../deps.ts";
/** Maps the <userId, channelId> for dm channels */export const dmChannelIds = new Collection<BigString, BigString>();
/** Sends a direct message to a user. This can take two API calls. The first call is to create a dm channel. Then sending the message to that channel. Channel ids are cached as needed to prevent duplicate requests. */export async function sendDirectMessage( bot: Bot, userId: BigString, content: string | CreateMessage,) { if (typeof content === "string") content = { content };
// GET CHANNEL ID FROM CACHE OR CREATE THE CHANNEL FOR THIS USER const cachedChannelId = dmChannelIds.get(userId); // IF ID IS CACHED SEND MESSAGE DIRECTLY if (cachedChannelId) return bot.helpers.sendMessage(cachedChannelId, content);
// CREATE A NEW DM CHANNEL AND PLUCK ITS ID const channel = (await bot.helpers.getDmChannel(userId));
// CACHE IT FOR FUTURE REQUESTS dmChannelIds.set(userId,;
// CACHE CHANNEL IF NEEDED return bot.helpers.sendMessage(, content);}