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import { BitwisePermissionFlags, BotWithCache, Channel, Errors, Guild, Member, OverwriteReadable, PermissionStrings, Role, separateOverwrites,} from "../deps.ts";
/** Calculates the permissions this member has in the given guild */export function calculateBasePermissions( bot: BotWithCache, guildOrId: bigint | Guild, memberOrId: bigint | Member,) { const guild = typeof guildOrId === "bigint" ? bot.guilds.get(guildOrId) : guildOrId; const member = typeof memberOrId === "bigint" ? bot.members.get(bot.transformers.snowflake(`${memberOrId}${guild?.id}`)) : memberOrId;
if (!guild || !member) return 8n;
let permissions = 0n; // Calculate the role permissions bits, @everyone role is not in memberRoleIds so we need to pass guildId manually permissions |= [...member.roles,] .map((id) => guild.roles.get(id)?.permissions) // Removes any edge case undefined .filter((perm) => perm) .reduce((bits, perms) => { bits! |= perms!; return bits; }, 0n) || 0n;
// If the memberId is equal to the guild ownerId he automatically has every permission so we add ADMINISTRATOR permission if (guild.ownerId === permissions |= 8n; // Return the members permission bits as a string return permissions;}
/** Calculates the permissions this member has for the given Channel */export function calculateChannelOverwrites( bot: BotWithCache, channelOrId: bigint | Channel, memberOrId: bigint | Member,) { const channel = typeof channelOrId === "bigint" ? bot.channels.get(channelOrId) : channelOrId;
// This is a DM channel so return ADMINISTRATOR permission if (!channel?.guildId) return 8n;
const member = typeof memberOrId === "bigint" ? bot.members.get(memberOrId) : memberOrId;
if (!channel || !member) return 8n;
// Get all the role permissions this member already has let permissions = calculateBasePermissions( bot, channel.guildId, member, );
// First calculate @everyone overwrites since these have the lowest priority const overwriteEveryone = channel.permissionOverwrites?.find((overwrite) => { const [_, id] = separateOverwrites(overwrite); return id === channel.guildId; }); if (overwriteEveryone) { const [_type, _id, allow, deny] = separateOverwrites(overwriteEveryone); // First remove denied permissions since denied < allowed permissions &= ~deny; permissions |= allow; }
const overwrites = channel.permissionOverwrites;
// In order to calculate the role permissions correctly we need to temporarily save the allowed and denied permissions let allow = 0n; let deny = 0n; const memberRoles = member.roles || []; // Second calculate members role overwrites since these have middle priority for (const overwrite of overwrites || []) { const [_type, id, allowBits, denyBits] = separateOverwrites(overwrite);
if (!memberRoles.includes(id)) continue;
deny |= denyBits; allow |= allowBits; } // After role overwrite calculate save allowed permissions first we remove denied permissions since "denied < allowed" permissions &= ~deny; permissions |= allow;
// Third calculate member specific overwrites since these have the highest priority const overwriteMember = overwrites?.find((overwrite) => { const [_, id] = separateOverwrites(overwrite); return id ===; }); if (overwriteMember) { const [_type, _id, allowBits, denyBits] = separateOverwrites( overwriteMember, );
permissions &= ~denyBits; permissions |= allowBits; }
return permissions;}
/** Checks if the given permission bits are matching the given permissions. `ADMINISTRATOR` always returns `true` */export function validatePermissions( permissionBits: bigint, permissions: PermissionStrings[],) { if (permissionBits & 8n) return true;
return permissions.every( (permission) => // Check if permission is in permissionBits permissionBits & BigInt(BitwisePermissionFlags[permission]), );}
/** Checks if the given member has these permissions in the given guild */export function hasGuildPermissions( bot: BotWithCache, guild: bigint | Guild, member: bigint | Member, permissions: PermissionStrings[],) { // First we need the role permission bits this member has const basePermissions = calculateBasePermissions( bot, guild, member, ); // Second use the validatePermissions function to check if the member has every permission return validatePermissions(basePermissions, permissions);}
/** Checks if the bot has these permissions in the given guild */export function botHasGuildPermissions( bot: BotWithCache, guild: bigint | Guild, permissions: PermissionStrings[],) { // Since Bot is a normal member we can use the hasRolePermissions() function return hasGuildPermissions(bot, guild,, permissions);}
/** Checks if the given member has these permissions for the given channel */export function hasChannelPermissions( bot: BotWithCache, channel: bigint | Channel, member: bigint | Member, permissions: PermissionStrings[],) { // First we need the overwrite bits this member has const channelOverwrites = calculateChannelOverwrites( bot, channel, member, ); // Second use the validatePermissions function to check if the member has every permission return validatePermissions(channelOverwrites, permissions);}
/** Checks if the bot has these permissions f0r the given channel */export function botHasChannelPermissions( bot: BotWithCache, channel: bigint | Channel, permissions: PermissionStrings[],) { // Since Bot is a normal member we can use the hasRolePermissions() function return hasChannelPermissions(bot, channel,, permissions);}
/** Returns the permissions that are not in the given permissionBits */export function missingPermissions( permissionBits: bigint, permissions: PermissionStrings[],) { if (permissionBits & 8n) return [];
return permissions.filter((permission) => !(permissionBits & BigInt(BitwisePermissionFlags[permission])));}
/** Get the missing Guild permissions this member has */export function getMissingGuildPermissions( bot: BotWithCache, guild: bigint | Guild, member: bigint | Member, permissions: PermissionStrings[],) { // First we need the role permission bits this member has const permissionBits = calculateBasePermissions( bot, guild, member, ); // Second return the members missing permissions return missingPermissions(permissionBits, permissions);}
/** Get the missing Channel permissions this member has */export function getMissingChannelPermissions( bot: BotWithCache, channel: bigint | Channel, member: bigint | Member, permissions: PermissionStrings[],) { // First we need the role permission bits this member has const permissionBits = calculateChannelOverwrites( bot, channel, member, ); // Second return the members missing permissions return missingPermissions(permissionBits, permissions);}
/** Throws an error if this member has not all of the given permissions */export function requireGuildPermissions( bot: BotWithCache, guild: bigint | Guild, member: bigint | Member, permissions: PermissionStrings[],) { const missing = getMissingGuildPermissions( bot, guild, member, permissions, ); if (missing.length) { // If the member is missing a permission throw an Error throw new Error(`Missing Permissions: ${missing.join(" & ")}`); }}
/** Throws an error if the bot does not have all permissions */export function requireBotGuildPermissions( bot: BotWithCache, guild: bigint | Guild, permissions: PermissionStrings[],) { // Since Bot is a normal member we can use the throwOnMissingGuildPermission() function return requireGuildPermissions(bot, guild,, permissions);}
/** Throws an error if this member has not all of the given permissions */export function requireChannelPermissions( bot: BotWithCache, channel: bigint | Channel, member: bigint | Member, permissions: PermissionStrings[],) { const missing = getMissingChannelPermissions( bot, channel, member, permissions, ); if (missing.length) { // If the member is missing a permission throw an Error throw new Error(`Missing Permissions: ${missing.join(" & ")}`); }}
/** Throws an error if the bot has not all of the given channel permissions */export function requireBotChannelPermissions( bot: BotWithCache, channel: bigint | Channel, permissions: PermissionStrings[],) { // Since Bot is a normal member we can use the throwOnMissingChannelPermission() function return requireChannelPermissions(bot, channel,, permissions);}
/** Internal function to check if the bot has the permissions to set these overwrites */export function requireOverwritePermissions( bot: BotWithCache, guildOrId: bigint | Guild, overwrites: OverwriteReadable[],) { let requiredPerms: Set<PermissionStrings> = new Set(["MANAGE_CHANNELS"]);
overwrites?.forEach((overwrite) => { if (overwrite.allow) overwrite.allow.forEach(requiredPerms.add, requiredPerms); if (overwrite.deny) overwrite.deny.forEach(requiredPerms.add, requiredPerms); });
// MANAGE_ROLES permission can only be set by administrators if (requiredPerms.has("MANAGE_ROLES")) requiredPerms = new Set<PermissionStrings>(["ADMINISTRATOR"]);
requireGuildPermissions(bot, guildOrId,, [ ...requiredPerms, ]);}
/** Gets the highest role from the member in this guild */export function highestRole( bot: BotWithCache, guildOrId: bigint | Guild, memberOrId: bigint | Member,) { const guild = typeof guildOrId === "bigint" ? bot.guilds.get(guildOrId) : guildOrId; if (!guild) throw new Error(Errors.GUILD_NOT_FOUND);
// Get the roles from the member const memberRoles = (typeof memberOrId === "bigint" ? bot.members.get(bot.transformers.snowflake(`${memberOrId}${}`)) : memberOrId) ?.roles; // This member has no roles so the highest one is the @everyone role if (!memberRoles) return guild.roles.get(!;
let memberHighestRole: Role | undefined;
for (const roleId of memberRoles) { const role = guild.roles.get(roleId); // Rare edge case handling if undefined if (!role) continue;
// If memberHighestRole is still undefined we want to assign the role, // else we want to check if the current role position is higher than the current memberHighestRole if ( !memberHighestRole || memberHighestRole.position < role.position || memberHighestRole.position === role.position ) { memberHighestRole = role; } }
// The member has at least one role so memberHighestRole must exist return memberHighestRole!;}
/** Checks if the first role is higher than the second role */export function higherRolePosition( bot: BotWithCache, guildOrId: bigint | Guild, roleId: bigint, otherRoleId: bigint,) { const guild = typeof guildOrId === "bigint" ? bot.guilds.get(guildOrId) : guildOrId; if (!guild) return true;
const role = guild.roles.get(roleId); const otherRole = guild.roles.get(otherRoleId); if (!role || !otherRole) throw new Error(Errors.ROLE_NOT_FOUND);
// Rare edge case handling if (role.position === otherRole.position) return <;
return role.position > otherRole.position;}
/** Checks if the member has a higher position than the given role */export function isHigherPosition( bot: BotWithCache, guildOrId: bigint | Guild, memberId: bigint, compareRoleId: bigint,) { const guild = typeof guildOrId === "bigint" ? bot.guilds.get(guildOrId) : guildOrId;
if (!guild || guild.ownerId === memberId) return true;
const memberHighestRole = highestRole(bot, guild, memberId); return higherRolePosition( bot,,, compareRoleId, );}
/** Checks if a channel overwrite for a user id or a role id has permission in this channel */export function channelOverwriteHasPermission( guildId: bigint, id: bigint, overwrites: bigint[], permissions: PermissionStrings[],) { const overwrite = overwrites.find((perm) => { const [_, bitID] = separateOverwrites(perm); return id === bitID; }) || overwrites.find((perm) => { const [_, bitID] = separateOverwrites(perm); return bitID === guildId; });
if (!overwrite) return false;
return permissions.every((perm) => { const [_type, _id, allowBits, denyBits] = separateOverwrites(overwrite); if (BigInt(denyBits) & BigInt(BitwisePermissionFlags[perm])) return false; if (BigInt(allowBits) & BigInt(BitwisePermissionFlags[perm])) return true; });}