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Discord API library for Deno

Discordeno Big Bot Template


This template is designed for bots that aim or are already in millions of Discord servers. It is written with Node.js as currently Deno & Bun are not ready to run something at such a scale. The general idea of this template can be modified for any other runtime if this improves in the future.

Make sure to install the latest version when you use it.


  1. Run a find all for // SETUP-DD-TEMP: and follow all instructions and delete the comments as you finish them.


There are two ways to start your bot, using docker and node. Using docker will be the simplest and easiest way to start your bot. The default configuation will be set for Docker.

Using Docker

The docker compose file include the discordeno bot and influxdb, this would create an enviroment more close to the production enviroment.

First, rename the .env.example file to .env, and set the discord token and your dev guild id, change the REST_URL to rest and EVENT_HANDLER_URL to bot, set MESSAGEQUEUE_ENABLE to true to use message queue, copy the value of DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_xxxx to INFLUX_xxxx

Then, run … to build/rebuild the bot

  • docker-compose build

And, run … to start

  • docker-compose up -d

Your bot should be running now, you can check the rest/bot process fetch analytics (methods, status…) in influxdb’s webgui - http://localhost:8086 with the username and password in the .env file, message queue’s information (number of events…) at http://localhost:15672 with user: guest and pass: guest.

Using Node

you will need to start a few processes. The instructions below will use node but you can use something like pm2 to help keep your processes alive.

First, rename the .env.example file to .env, and set the discord token and your dev guild id, change the REST_URL and EVENT_HANDLER_URL to localhost

Then compile everything with npm run build.

After that, you can start your bot one by one with the following order.

  • Start REST
    • npm run startr
  • Start Bot
    • npm run startb
  • Start Gateway
    • npm run startg

Other things you can add:

  • InfluxDB for logging fetch analytics, by change value of INFLUX_xxxx to your influxdb config, leave it empty will disable it.
  • RabbitMQ for using message queues instead of fetch calls, by change value of MESSAGEQUEUE_ENABLE to true, and MESSAGEQUEUE_xxx of your rabbitmq config
    Note: the RabbitMQ must installed the RabbitMQ Message Deduplication Plugin