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The Deno 2 Release Candidate is here
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type alias DiscordAuditLogChange
import { type DiscordAuditLogChange } from "";
| { new_value: string; old_value: string; key:
| "name"
| "description"
| "discovery_splash_hash"
| "banner_hash"
| "preferred_locale"
| "rules_channel_id"
| "public_updates_channel_id"
| "icon_hash"
| "image_hash"
| "splash_hash"
| "owner_id"
| "region"
| "afk_channel_id"
| "vanity_url_code"
| "widget_channel_id"
| "system_channel_id"
| "topic"
| "application_id"
| "permissions"
| "allow"
| "deny"
| "code"
| "channel_id"
| "inviter_id"
| "nick"
| "avatar_hash"
| "id"
| "location"
| "command_id"
; }
| { new_value: number; old_value: number; key:
| "afk_timeout"
| "mfa_level"
| "verification_level"
| "explicit_content_filter"
| "default_message_notifications"
| "prune_delete_days"
| "position"
| "bitrate"
| "rate_limit_per_user"
| "color"
| "max_uses"
| "uses"
| "max_age"
| "expire_behavior"
| "expire_grace_period"
| "user_limit"
| "privacy_level"
| "auto_archive_duration"
| "default_auto_archive_duration"
| "entity_type"
| "status"
| "communication_disabled_until"
; }
| { new_value: Partial<DiscordRole>[]; old_value?: Partial<DiscordRole>[]; key: "$add" | "$remove"; }
| { new_value: boolean; old_value: boolean; key:
| "widget_enabled"
| "nsfw"
| "hoist"
| "mentionable"
| "temporary"
| "deaf"
| "mute"
| "enable_emoticons"
| "archived"
| "locked"
| "invitable"
; }
| { new_value: DiscordOverwrite[]; old_value: DiscordOverwrite[]; key: "permission_overwrites"; }
| { new_value: string | number; old_value: string | number; key: "type"; }