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Rich Displays for Jupyter JavaScript Kernels
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import { $display, Displayable, format, makeDisplayable, MediaBundle,} from "./format.ts";
export { $display };
interface DisplayOptions { raw?: boolean;}
/** * This function creates a tagged template function for a given media type. * The tagged template function takes a template string and returns a displayable object. * * @param mediatype - The media type for the tagged template function. * @returns A function that takes a template string and returns a displayable object. */function createTaggedTemplate(mediatype: string) { return (strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...values: unknown[]) => { const payload = strings.reduce( (acc, string, i) => acc + string + (values[i] || ""), "", );
return makeDisplayable({ [mediatype]: payload }); };}
/** * Markdown Tagged Template Function. * * Takes a template string and returns a displayable object for Jupyter frontends. * * Example usage: * * md`# Notebooks in TypeScript via Deno ![Deno logo]( * * * TypeScript ${Deno.version.typescript} * * V8 ${Deno.version.v8} * * Deno ${Deno.version.deno} 🔜 1.37.0 * * Interactive compute with Jupyter _built into Deno_! * ` */export const md = createTaggedTemplate("text/markdown");
/** * HTML Tagged Template Function. * * Takes a template string and returns a displayable object for Jupyter frontends. * * Example usage: * * html`<h1>Hello, world!</h1>` */export const html = createTaggedTemplate("text/html");
export const plain = createTaggedTemplate("text/plain");export const js = createTaggedTemplate("application/javascript");
/** * SVG Tagged Template Function. * * Takes a template string and returns a displayable object for Jupyter frontends. * * Example usage: * * svg`<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 100"> * <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="green" stroke-width="4" fill="yellow" /> * </svg>` */export const svg = createTaggedTemplate("image/svg+xml");
function isMediaBundle(obj: unknown): obj is MediaBundle { if (obj == null || typeof obj !== "object" || Array.isArray(obj)) { return false; }
// Check if all keys are strings for (const key in obj) { if (typeof key !== "string") { return false; } }
return true;}
/** * Display function for Jupyter Deno Kernel. * Mimics the behavior of IPython's display(obj, raw=True) while working with * the limitations of the 1.37 release of Deno (for now). * * Given that we don't have a direct way to create `display_data` (yet) in Deno, * at least from userspace, this function can only be used as the result in a cell. * * @param obj - The object to be displayed * @param options - Display options with a default { raw: true } * @returns An object that Deno can display */export function display( obj: unknown, options: DisplayOptions = { raw: true },): Displayable | unknown { // Pass undefined and null through if (obj == null) { return obj; }
const displayable = format(obj);
if (displayable) { return displayable; }
if (isMediaBundle(obj) && options.raw) { return makeDisplayable(obj); }
throw new Error( "Object not supported. Please file an issue on", );}