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Create and verify JSON Web Tokens (JWT) with Deno or the browser.
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// deno-fmt-ignore-file// deno-lint-ignore-file// This code was bundled using `deno bundle` and it's not recommended to edit it manually
const encoder = new TextEncoder();function getTypeName(value) { const type = typeof value; if (type !== "object") { return type; } else if (value === null) { return "null"; } else { return value?.constructor?.name ?? "object"; }}function validateBinaryLike(source) { if (typeof source === "string") { return encoder.encode(source); } else if (source instanceof Uint8Array) { return source; } else if (source instanceof ArrayBuffer) { return new Uint8Array(source); } throw new TypeError(`The input must be a Uint8Array, a string, or an ArrayBuffer. Received a value of the type ${getTypeName(source)}.`);}const base64abc = [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "+", "/"];function encodeBase64(data) { const uint8 = validateBinaryLike(data); let result = ""; let i; const l = uint8.length; for(i = 2; i < l; i += 3){ result += base64abc[uint8[i - 2] >> 2]; result += base64abc[(uint8[i - 2] & 0x03) << 4 | uint8[i - 1] >> 4]; result += base64abc[(uint8[i - 1] & 0x0f) << 2 | uint8[i] >> 6]; result += base64abc[uint8[i] & 0x3f]; } if (i === l + 1) { result += base64abc[uint8[i - 2] >> 2]; result += base64abc[(uint8[i - 2] & 0x03) << 4]; result += "=="; } if (i === l) { result += base64abc[uint8[i - 2] >> 2]; result += base64abc[(uint8[i - 2] & 0x03) << 4 | uint8[i - 1] >> 4]; result += base64abc[(uint8[i - 1] & 0x0f) << 2]; result += "="; } return result;}function decodeBase64(b64) { const binString = atob(b64); const size = binString.length; const bytes = new Uint8Array(size); for(let i = 0; i < size; i++){ bytes[i] = binString.charCodeAt(i); } return bytes;}function addPaddingToBase64url(base64url) { if (base64url.length % 4 === 2) return base64url + "=="; if (base64url.length % 4 === 3) return base64url + "="; if (base64url.length % 4 === 1) { throw new TypeError("Illegal base64url string!"); } return base64url;}function convertBase64urlToBase64(b64url) { if (!/^[-_A-Z0-9]*?={0,2}$/i.test(b64url)) { throw new TypeError("Failed to decode base64url: invalid character"); } return addPaddingToBase64url(b64url).replace(/\-/g, "+").replace(/_/g, "/");}function convertBase64ToBase64url(b64) { return b64.endsWith("=") ? b64.endsWith("==") ? b64.replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_").slice(0, -2) : b64.replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_").slice(0, -1) : b64.replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_");}function encodeBase64Url(data) { return convertBase64ToBase64url(encodeBase64(data));}function decodeBase64Url(b64url) { return decodeBase64(convertBase64urlToBase64(b64url));}const encoder1 = new TextEncoder();const decoder = new TextDecoder();function isArray(input) { return Array.isArray(input);}function isDefined(input) { return input !== undefined;}function isNotNull(input) { return input !== null;}function isNotNumber(input) { return typeof input !== "number";}function isNotString(input) { return typeof input !== "string";}function isNull(input) { return input === null;}function isNumber(input) { return typeof input === "number";}function isNotTrue(input) { return input !== true;}function isObject(input) { return input !== null && typeof input === "object" && Array.isArray(input) === false;}function isString(input) { return typeof input === "string";}function isUndefined(input) { return input === undefined;}function isHashedKeyAlgorithm(algorithm) { return isString(algorithm.hash?.name);}function isEcKeyAlgorithm(algorithm) { return isString(algorithm.namedCurve);}function verify(alg, key) { if (alg === "none") { if (isNotNull(key)) { throw new Error(`The alg '${alg}' does not allow a key.`); } else return true; } else { if (!key) throw new Error(`The alg '${alg}' demands a key.`); const keyAlgorithm = key.algorithm; const algAlgorithm = getAlgorithm(alg); if ( === { if (isHashedKeyAlgorithm(keyAlgorithm)) { return ===; } else if (isEcKeyAlgorithm(keyAlgorithm)) { return keyAlgorithm.namedCurve === algAlgorithm.namedCurve; } } return false; }}function getAlgorithm(alg) { switch(alg){ case "HS256": return { hash: { name: "SHA-256" }, name: "HMAC" }; case "HS384": return { hash: { name: "SHA-384" }, name: "HMAC" }; case "HS512": return { hash: { name: "SHA-512" }, name: "HMAC" }; case "PS256": return { hash: { name: "SHA-256" }, name: "RSA-PSS", saltLength: 256 >> 3 }; case "PS384": return { hash: { name: "SHA-384" }, name: "RSA-PSS", saltLength: 384 >> 3 }; case "PS512": return { hash: { name: "SHA-512" }, name: "RSA-PSS", saltLength: 512 >> 3 }; case "RS256": return { hash: { name: "SHA-256" }, name: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5" }; case "RS384": return { hash: { name: "SHA-384" }, name: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5" }; case "RS512": return { hash: { name: "SHA-512" }, name: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5" }; case "ES256": return { hash: { name: "SHA-256" }, name: "ECDSA", namedCurve: "P-256" }; case "ES384": return { hash: { name: "SHA-384" }, name: "ECDSA", namedCurve: "P-384" }; default: throw new Error(`The jwt's alg '${alg}' is not supported.`); }}async function verify1(signature, key, alg, signingInput) { return isNull(key) ? signature.length === 0 : await crypto.subtle.verify(getAlgorithm(alg), key, signature, encoder1.encode(signingInput));}async function create(alg, key, signingInput) { return isNull(key) ? "" : encodeBase64Url(new Uint8Array(await crypto.subtle.sign(getAlgorithm(alg), key, encoder1.encode(signingInput))));}function isExpired(exp, leeway) { return exp + leeway < / 1000;}function isTooEarly(nbf, leeway) { return nbf - leeway > / 1000;}function is3Tuple(arr) { return arr.length === 3;}function hasInvalidTimingClaims(...claimValues) { return claimValues.some((claimValue)=>isDefined(claimValue) && isNotNumber(claimValue));}function validateTimingClaims(payload, { expLeeway = 1, nbfLeeway = 1, ignoreExp, ignoreNbf } = {}) { if (hasInvalidTimingClaims(payload.exp, payload.nbf)) { throw new Error(`The jwt has an invalid 'exp' or 'nbf' claim.`); } if (isNumber(payload.exp) && isNotTrue(ignoreExp) && isExpired(payload.exp, expLeeway)) { throw RangeError("The jwt is expired."); } if (isNumber(payload.nbf) && isNotTrue(ignoreNbf) && isTooEarly(payload.nbf, nbfLeeway)) { throw RangeError("The jwt is used too early."); }}function hasValidAudClaim(claimValue) { if (isUndefined(claimValue) || isString(claimValue)) return true; else return isArray(claimValue) && claimValue.every(isString);}function validateAudClaim(aud, audience) { if (hasValidAudClaim(aud)) { if (isUndefined(aud)) { throw new Error("The jwt has no 'aud' claim."); } const audArray = isString(aud) ? [ aud ] : aud; const audienceArrayOrRegex = isString(audience) ? [ audience ] : audience; if (!audArray.some((audString)=>isArray(audienceArrayOrRegex) ? audienceArrayOrRegex.includes(audString) : audienceArrayOrRegex.test(audString))) { throw new Error("The identification with the value in the 'aud' claim has failed."); } } else { throw new Error(`The jwt has an invalid 'aud' claim.`); }}function decode(jwt) { try { const arr = jwt.split(".").map(decodeBase64Url).map((uint8Array, index)=>index === 0 || index === 1 ? JSON.parse(decoder.decode(uint8Array)) : uint8Array); if (is3Tuple(arr)) return arr; else throw new Error(); } catch { throw Error("The serialization of the jwt is invalid."); }}function validate([header, payload, signature], options) { if (isNotString(header?.alg)) { throw new Error(`The jwt's 'alg' header parameter value must be a string.`); } if (isObject(payload)) { validateTimingClaims(payload, options); if (isDefined(options?.audience)) { validateAudClaim(payload.aud, options.audience); } return { header, payload, signature }; } else { throw new Error(`The jwt claims set is not a JSON object.`); }}async function verify2(jwt, key, options) { const { header, payload, signature } = validate(decode(jwt), options); if (verify(header.alg, key)) { if (!await verify1(signature, key, header.alg, jwt.slice(0, jwt.lastIndexOf(".")))) { throw new Error("The jwt's signature does not match the verification signature."); } if (!(options?.predicates || []).every((predicate)=>predicate(payload))) { throw new Error("The payload does not satisfy all passed predicates."); } return payload; } else { throw new Error(`The jwt's alg '${header.alg}' does not match the key's algorithm.`); }}function createSigningInput(header, payload) { return `${encodeBase64Url(encoder1.encode(JSON.stringify(header)))}.${encodeBase64Url(encoder1.encode(JSON.stringify(payload)))}`;}async function create1(header, payload, key) { if (isObject(payload)) { if (verify(header.alg, key)) { const signingInput = createSigningInput(header, payload); const signature = await create(header.alg, key, signingInput); return `${signingInput}.${signature}`; } else { throw new Error(`The jwt's alg '${header.alg}' does not match the key's algorithm.`); } } else { throw new Error(`The jwt claims set is not a JSON object.`); }}function getNumericDate(exp) { return Math.round((exp instanceof Date ? exp.getTime() : + exp * 1000) / 1000);}export { validateTimingClaims as validateTimingClaims };export { validateAudClaim as validateAudClaim };export { decode as decode };export { validate as validate };export { verify2 as verify };export { create1 as create };export { getNumericDate as getNumericDate };