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Deno to npm package build tool.
// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import * as deps from "./mod.deps.ts";import { path } from "./mod.deps.ts";
/** Gets the files found in the provided root dir path based on the glob. */export async function glob(options: { pattern: string; rootDir: string; excludeDirs: string[];}) { const paths: string[] = []; const entries = deps.glob.expandGlob(options.pattern, { root: options.rootDir, extended: true, globstar: true, exclude: options.excludeDirs, }); for await (const entry of entries) { if (entry.isFile) { paths.push(entry.path); } } return paths;}
export function runNpmCommand({ bin, args, cwd }: { bin: string; args: string[]; cwd: string;}) { return runCommand({ cmd: [bin, ...args], cwd, });}
export async function runCommand(opts: { cmd: string[]; cwd: string;}) { const [cmd, ...args] = getCmd(); await Deno.permissions.request({ name: "run", command: cmd });
try { const process = new Deno.Command(cmd, { args, cwd: opts.cwd, stderr: "inherit", stdout: "inherit", stdin: "inherit", });
const output = await process.output(); if (!output.success) { throw new Error( `${opts.cmd.join(" ")} failed with exit code ${output.code}`, ); } } catch (err) { // won't happen on Windows, but that's ok because cmd outputs // a message saying that the command doesn't exist if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { throw new Error( `Could not find command '${ opts.cmd[0] }'. Ensure it is available on the path.`, { cause: err }, ); } else { throw err; } }
function getCmd() { const cmd = [...opts.cmd]; if ( === "windows") { return ["cmd", "/c", ...opts.cmd]; } else { return cmd; } }}
export function standardizePath(fileOrDirPath: string) { if (fileOrDirPath.startsWith("file:")) { return path.fromFileUrl(fileOrDirPath); } return path.resolve(fileOrDirPath);}
export function valueToUrl(value: string) { const lowerCaseValue = value.toLowerCase(); if ( lowerCaseValue.startsWith("http:") || lowerCaseValue.startsWith("https:") || lowerCaseValue.startsWith("npm:") || lowerCaseValue.startsWith("node:") || lowerCaseValue.startsWith("file:") ) { return value; } else { return path.toFileUrl(path.resolve(value)).toString(); }}
export function getDntVersion(url = import.meta.url) { return /\/dnt@([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\//.exec(url)?.[1] ?? "dev";}