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Deno to npm package build tool.
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// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { getCompilerScriptTarget, getCompilerSourceMapOptions, getTopLevelAwait, outputDiagnostics, SourceMapOptions,} from "./lib/compiler.ts";import { colors, createProjectSync, path, ts } from "./lib/mod.deps.ts";import { getNpmIgnoreText } from "./lib/npm_ignore.ts";import { PackageJsonObject } from "./lib/types.ts";import { glob, runNpmCommand } from "./lib/utils.ts";import { Redirects, SpecifierMappings, transform, TransformOutput,} from "./transform.ts";import * as compilerTransforms from "./lib/compiler_transforms.ts";import { getPackageJson } from "./lib/package_json.ts";import { ScriptTarget } from "./lib/compiler.ts";import { getTestRunnerCode } from "./lib/test_runner/get_test_runner_code.ts";
export interface EntryPoint { /** * If the entrypoint is for an npm binary or export. * @default "export" */ kind?: "bin" | "export"; /** Name of the entrypoint in the "binary" or "exports". */ name: string; /** Path to the entrypoint. */ path: string;}
export interface BuildOptions { /** Entrypoint(s) to the Deno module. Ex. `./mod.ts` */ entryPoints: (string | EntryPoint)[]; /** Directory to output to. */ outDir: string; /** Type check the output. * @default true */ typeCheck?: boolean; /** Collect and run test files. * @default true */ test?: boolean; /** Create declaration files. * @default true */ declaration?: boolean; /** Include a CommonJS module. * @default true */ cjs?: boolean; /** Skip outputting the canonical TypeScript in the output directory before emitting. * @default false */ skipSourceOutput?: boolean; /** Root directory to find test files in. Defaults to the cwd. */ rootTestDir?: string; /** Glob pattern to use to find tests files. Defaults to `deno test`'s pattern. */ testPattern?: string; /** Package to use for shimming the `Deno` namespace. Defaults to `deno.ns` */ shimPackage?: { name: string; version: string; }; /** Specifiers to map from and to a bare specifier with optional version. */ mappings?: SpecifierMappings; /** * Specifiers to redirect from and to. This will cause dnt to do a redirect * and can be useful for using different modules in the output. * * For example, you may wish to create a node specific file then do: * * ``` * redirect: { * "./file.deno.ts": "./file.node.ts", * } * ``` */ redirects?: Redirects; /** Package.json output. You may override dependencies and dev dependencies in here. */ package: PackageJsonObject; /** Optional compiler options. */ compilerOptions?: { /** Uses tslib to import helper functions once per project instead of including them per-file if necessary. * @default false */ importHelpers?: boolean; target?: ScriptTarget; /** * Use source maps from the canonical typescript to ESM/CommonJS emit. * * Specify `true` to include separate files or `"inline"` to inline the source map in the same file. * @remarks Using this option will cause your sources to be included in the npm package. * @default false */ sourceMap?: SourceMapOptions; /** * Whether to include the source file text in the source map when using source maps. * @remarks It's not recommended to do this if you are distributing both ESM and CommonJS * sources as then it will duplicate the the source data being published. */ inlineSources?: boolean; };}
/** Emits the specified Deno module to an npm package using the TypeScript compiler. */export async function build(options: BuildOptions): Promise<void> { // set defaults options = { ...options, cjs: options.cjs ?? true, typeCheck: options.typeCheck ?? true, test: options.test ?? true, declaration: options.declaration ?? true, }; const entryPoints: EntryPoint[] =, i) => { if (typeof e === "string") { return { name: i === 0 ? "." : e.replace(/\.tsx?$/i, ".js"), path: e, }; } else { return e; } });
await Deno.permissions.request({ name: "write", path: options.outDir });
const shimPackage = options.shimPackage ?? { name: "deno.ns", version: "0.8.0", };
log("Transforming..."); const transformOutput = await transformEntryPoints(); for (const warning of transformOutput.warnings) { warn(warning); }
const createdDirectories = new Set<string>(); const writeFile = ((filePath: string, fileText: string) => { const dir = path.dirname(filePath); if (!createdDirectories.has(dir)) { Deno.mkdirSync(dir, { recursive: true }); createdDirectories.add(dir); } Deno.writeTextFileSync(filePath, fileText); });
createPackageJson(); createNpmIgnore();
// npm install in order to prepare for checking TS diagnostics log("Running npm install..."); const npmInstallPromise = runNpmCommand({ args: ["install"], cwd: options.outDir, }); if (options.typeCheck || options.declaration) { // Unfortunately this can't be run in parallel to building the project // in this case because TypeScript will resolve the npm packages when // creating the project. await npmInstallPromise; }
log("Building project..."); const esmOutDir = path.join(options.outDir, "esm"); const umdOutDir = path.join(options.outDir, "umd"); const typesOutDir = path.join(options.outDir, "types"); const project = createProjectSync({ compilerOptions: { outDir: typesOutDir, allowJs: true, alwaysStrict: true, stripInternal: true, strictBindCallApply: true, strictFunctionTypes: true, strictNullChecks: true, strictPropertyInitialization: true, suppressExcessPropertyErrors: false, suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors: false, noImplicitAny: true, noImplicitReturns: false, noImplicitThis: true, noStrictGenericChecks: false, noUncheckedIndexedAccess: false, declaration: options.declaration, esModuleInterop: false, isolatedModules: true, useDefineForClassFields: true, experimentalDecorators: true, jsx: ts.JsxEmit.React, jsxFactory: "React.createElement", jsxFragmentFactory: "React.Fragment", importsNotUsedAsValues: ts.ImportsNotUsedAsValues.Remove, module: ts.ModuleKind.ESNext, moduleResolution: ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs, target: getCompilerScriptTarget(options.compilerOptions?.target), allowSyntheticDefaultImports: true, importHelpers: options.compilerOptions?.importHelpers, ...getCompilerSourceMapOptions(options.compilerOptions?.sourceMap), inlineSources: options.compilerOptions?.inlineSources, }, });
const binaryEntryPointPaths = new Set(, i) => ({ kind: e.kind, path: transformOutput.main.entryPoints[i], })).filter((p) => p.kind === "bin").map((p) => p.path), );
for ( const outputFile of [ ...transformOutput.main.files, ...transformOutput.test.files, ] ) { const outputFilePath = path.join( options.outDir, "src", outputFile.filePath, ); const outputFileText = binaryEntryPointPaths.has(outputFile.filePath) ? `#!/usr/bin/env node\n${outputFile.fileText}` : outputFile.fileText; const sourceFile = project.createSourceFile( outputFilePath, outputFileText, );
if (options.cjs) { // cjs does not support TLA so error fast if we find one const tlaLocation = getTopLevelAwait(sourceFile); if (tlaLocation) { warn( `Top level await cannot be used when distributing CommonJS ` + `(See ${outputFile.filePath} ${tlaLocation.line + 1}:${ tlaLocation.character + 1 }). ` + `Please re-organize your code to not use a top level await or only distribute an ESM module by setting the 'cjs' build option to false.`, ); throw new Error( "Build failed due to top level await when creating CommonJS package.", ); } }
if (!options.skipSourceOutput) { writeFile(outputFilePath, outputFileText); } }
let program = project.createProgram();
if (options.typeCheck) { log("Type checking..."); const diagnostics = ts.getPreEmitDiagnostics(program); if (diagnostics.length > 0) { outputDiagnostics(diagnostics); throw new Error(`Had ${diagnostics.length} diagnostics.`); } }
// emit only the .d.ts files if (options.declaration) { log("Emitting declaration files..."); emit({ onlyDtsFiles: true }); }
// emit the esm files log("Emitting ESM package..."); project.compilerOptions.set({ declaration: false, outDir: esmOutDir, }); program = project.createProgram(); emit(); writeFile( path.join(esmOutDir, "package.json"), `{\n "type": "module"\n}\n`, );
// emit the umd files if (options.cjs) { log("Emitting CommonJS package..."); project.compilerOptions.set({ declaration: false, esModuleInterop: true, outDir: umdOutDir, module: ts.ModuleKind.UMD, }); program = project.createProgram(); emit({ transformers: { before: [compilerTransforms.transformImportMeta], }, }); writeFile( path.join(umdOutDir, "package.json"), `{\n "type": "commonjs"\n}\n`, ); }
// ensure this is done before running tests await npmInstallPromise;
if (options.test) { log("Running tests..."); createTestLauncherScript(); await runNpmCommand({ args: ["run", "test"], cwd: options.outDir, }); }
function emit( opts?: { onlyDtsFiles?: boolean; transformers?: ts.CustomTransformers }, ) { const emitResult = program.emit( undefined, (filePath, data, writeByteOrderMark) => { if (writeByteOrderMark) { data = "\uFEFF" + data; } writeFile(filePath, data); }, undefined, opts?.onlyDtsFiles, opts?.transformers, );
if (emitResult.diagnostics.length > 0) { outputDiagnostics(emitResult.diagnostics); throw new Error(`Had ${emitResult.diagnostics.length} emit diagnostics.`); } }
function createPackageJson() { const packageJsonObj = getPackageJson({ entryPoints, shimPackage, transformOutput, package: options.package, testEnabled: options.test, includeCjs: options.cjs, includeDeclarations: options.declaration, includeTsLib: options.compilerOptions?.importHelpers, }); writeFile( path.join(options.outDir, "package.json"), JSON.stringify(packageJsonObj, undefined, 2), ); }
function createNpmIgnore() { const fileText = getNpmIgnoreText({ sourceMap: options.compilerOptions?.sourceMap, inlineSources: options.compilerOptions?.inlineSources, testFiles: transformOutput.test.files, }); writeFile( path.join(options.outDir, ".npmignore"), fileText, ); }
async function transformEntryPoints(): Promise<TransformOutput> { return transform({ entryPoints: => e.path), testEntryPoints: options.test ? await glob({ pattern: getTestPattern(), rootDir: options.rootTestDir ?? Deno.cwd(), excludeDirs: [options.outDir], }) : [], shimPackageName:, mappings: options.mappings, redirects: options.redirects, }); }
function log(message: string) { console.log(`[dnt] ${message}`); }
function warn(message: string) { console.warn(colors.yellow(`[dnt] ${message}`)); }
function createTestLauncherScript() { writeFile( path.join(options.outDir, "test_runner.js"), getTestRunnerCode({ shimPackageName:, testEntryPoints: transformOutput.test.entryPoints, testShimUsed: transformOutput.test.shimUsed, includeCjs: options.cjs, }), ); }
function getTestPattern() { // * named `test.{ts, tsx, js, mjs, jsx}`, // * or ending with `.test.{ts, tsx, js, mjs, jsx}`, // * or ending with `_test.{ts, tsx, js, mjs, jsx}` return options.testPattern ?? "**/{test.{ts,tsx,js,mjs,jsx},*.test.{ts,tsx,js,mjs,jsx},*_test.{ts,tsx,js,mjs,jsx}}"; }}