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Deno to npm package build tool.
// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { path, ts } from "./mod.deps.ts";import { ScriptTarget } from "./types.ts";
export function outputDiagnostics(diagnostics: readonly ts.Diagnostic[]) { const host: ts.FormatDiagnosticsHost = { getCanonicalFileName: (fileName) => path.resolve(fileName), getCurrentDirectory: () => Deno.cwd(), getNewLine: () => "\n", }; const output = Deno.noColor ? ts.formatDiagnostics(diagnostics, host) : ts.formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext(diagnostics, host); console.error(output);}
export function getCompilerScriptTarget(target: ScriptTarget) { switch (target) { case "ES3": return ts.ScriptTarget.ES3; case "ES5": return ts.ScriptTarget.ES5; case "ES2015": return ts.ScriptTarget.ES2015; case "ES2016": return ts.ScriptTarget.ES2016; case "ES2017": return ts.ScriptTarget.ES2017; case "ES2018": return ts.ScriptTarget.ES2018; case "ES2019": return ts.ScriptTarget.ES2019; case "ES2020": return ts.ScriptTarget.ES2020; case "ES2021": return ts.ScriptTarget.ES2021; case "ES2022": return ts.ScriptTarget.ES2022; case "Latest": return ts.ScriptTarget.Latest; default: throw new Error(`Unknown target compiler option: ${target}`); }}
// Created from then aligned with tsconfig.json's casingexport type LibName = | "ES5" | "ES6" | "ES2015" | "ES7" | "ES2016" | "ES2017" | "ES2018" | "ES2019" | "ES2020" | "ES2021" | "ES2022" | "ES2023" | "ESNext" | "DOM" | "DOM.Iterable" | "WebWorker" | "WebWorker.ImportScripts" | "WebWorker.Iterable" | "ScriptHost" | "ES2015.Core" | "ES2015.Collection" | "ES2015.Generator" | "ES2015.Iterable" | "ES2015.Promise" | "ES2015.Proxy" | "ES2015.Reflect" | "ES2015.Symbol" | "ES2015.Symbol.WellKnown" | "ES2016.Array.Include" | "ES2017.Date" | "ES2017.Object" | "ES2017.SharedMemory" | "ES2017.String" | "ES2017.Intl" | "ES2017.TypedArrays" | "ES2018.AsyncGenerator" | "ES2018.AsyncIterable" | "ES2018.Intl" | "ES2018.Promise" | "ES2018.RegExp" | "ES2019.Array" | "ES2019.Object" | "ES2019.String" | "ES2019.Symbol" | "ES2019.Intl" | "ES2020.Bigint" | "ES2020.Date" | "ES2020.Promise" | "ES2020.SharedMemory" | "ES2020.String" | "ES2020.Symbol.WellKnown" | "ES2020.Intl" | "ES2020.Number" | "ES2021.Promise" | "ES2021.String" | "ES2021.WeakRef" | "ES2021.Intl" | "ES2022.Array" | "ES2022.Error" | "ES2022.Intl" | "ES2022.Object" | "ES2022.SharedMemory" | "ES2022.String" | "ES2022.RegExp" | "ES2023.Array" | "ES2023.Collection" | "ESNext.Array" | "ESNext.Collection" | "ESNext.Symbol" | "ESNext.AsyncIterable" | "ESNext.Intl" | "ESNext.Disposable" | "ESNext.BigInt" | "ESNext.String" | "ESNext.Promise" | "ESNext.WeakRef" | "ESNext.Decorators" | "Decorators" | "Decorators.Legacy";
export function getCompilerLibOption(target: ScriptTarget): LibName[] { switch (target) { case "ES3": return []; case "ES5": return ["ES5"]; case "ES2015": return ["ES2015"]; case "ES2016": return ["ES2016"]; case "ES2017": return ["ES2017"]; case "ES2018": return ["ES2018"]; case "ES2019": return ["ES2019"]; case "ES2020": return ["ES2020"]; case "ES2021": return ["ES2021"]; case "ES2022": return ["ES2022"]; case "Latest": return ["ESNext"]; default: { const _assertNever: never = target; throw new Error(`Unknown target compiler option: ${target}`); } }}
export function libNamesToCompilerOption(names: LibName[]) { const libFileNames: string[] = []; const libMap = (ts as any).libMap as Map<string, string>; for (const name of names) { const fileName = libMap.get(name.toLowerCase()); if (fileName == null) { throw new Error(`Could not find filename for lib: ${name}`); } else { libFileNames.push(fileName); } } return libFileNames;}
export type SourceMapOptions = "inline" | boolean;
export function getCompilerSourceMapOptions( sourceMaps: SourceMapOptions | undefined,): { inlineSourceMap?: boolean; sourceMap?: boolean } { switch (sourceMaps) { case "inline": return { inlineSourceMap: true }; case true: return { sourceMap: true }; default: return {}; }}
export function getTopLevelAwaitLocation(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) { const topLevelAwait = getTopLevelAwait(sourceFile); if (topLevelAwait !== undefined) { return sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition( topLevelAwait.getStart(sourceFile), ); } return undefined;}
function getTopLevelAwait(node: ts.Node): ts.Node | undefined { if (ts.isAwaitExpression(node)) { return node; } if (ts.isForOfStatement(node) && node.awaitModifier !== undefined) { return node; } return ts.forEachChild(node, (child) => { if ( !ts.isFunctionDeclaration(child) && !ts.isFunctionExpression(child) && !ts.isArrowFunction(child) && !ts.isMethodDeclaration(child) ) { return getTopLevelAwait(child); } });}
export function transformCodeToTarget(code: string, target: ts.ScriptTarget) { return ts.transpile(code, { target, });}