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An open-source doc block parser for generating documenation as JSON.
"use strict";//// TODO(crookse)// [ ] Check for abstract access modifier.// [ ] Support @inheritdoc.// [ ] Return a status report of the files that were and weren't parsed.// [ ] Check if a @memberof exists. If not, then document as top-level item.// [ ] Check exported members only properties.// [ ] Prase multi-line members only signature (interface already done).//exports.__esModule = true;/** * @memberof Docable.Compilers * @class JsonCompiler * * @description * This compiler reads doc blocks and converts and combines them into a JSON * object. */var JsonCompiler = /** @class */ (function () { function JsonCompiler() { this.re_description_stop_points = new RegExp(/@(param|return|throws)/, "g"); this.re_export = new RegExp(/export.+/, "g"); this.re_for_all_members = new RegExp(/\/\*\*((\s)+\*.*)+?\s+\*\/\n(export)?( +)?(export|constructor|interface|public|protected|private) ?(((\w+ {(\n.+\?:.+;)+)\n})|(((\w+ )*{)|(\w+.+;)|((async|function)? ?(\w+)?\(.+\)?{)|((async|function)? ?(\w+)?\(((\n? + .+:.+,?)+({|(\n( +)?\).+{))))))/, "g"); this.re_ignore_block = new RegExp(/@ignore/, "g"); this.re_ignore_line = new RegExp(/@ignore-line/); this.re_is_class = new RegExp(/\* @class/); this.re_is_enum = new RegExp(/@enum +\w+/); this.re_is_function = new RegExp(/@(function|func|method) +\w+/); this.re_is_interface = new RegExp(/@interface +\w+/); this.re_is_const = new RegExp(/export? ?const \w+ +?= +?.+/, "g"); this.re_is_method = new RegExp(/.+(static|public|protected|private)( async)? \w+\((\n.+)?(\n +\))?.+((\n? + .+:.+,?)+{)?/); this.re_is_constructor = new RegExp(/.+constructor\((.+)?\)?/); this.re_is_property = new RegExp(/@property/); this.re_members_only = new RegExp(/\/\/\/ +@members-only/); this.re_namespace = new RegExp(/@memberof.+/); this.re__member_names = "@(class|enum|function|func|interface|method|module)"; /** * @description * The decoder used to decode the files passed to `this.compile()`. * * @property TextDecoder decoder */ this.decoder = new TextDecoder(); /** * @description * A property to hold the final result of `this.compile()`. * * @property any parsed */ this.parsed = {}; /** * Is the compiler currently parsing a file with the `@members-only` * annotation? * * @property boolean parsing_members_only_file */ this.parsing_members_only_file = false; } // FILE MARKER: PUBLIC /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @description * Compile a JSON array containing classes, properties, and methods from * the specified files. * * All files passed to this method will have their doc blocks parsed for * member data. * * Any member that doesn't include the `@memberof` annotation will be * placed as a top-level item. * * @param string fileContents * The array of files containing doc blocks to parse. * * @return any * Returns the JSON array. */ JsonCompiler.prototype.compile = function (fileContents) { // If a file has `@members-only`... if (this.re_members_only.test(fileContents)) { this.parsing_members_only_file = true; this.parseMembersOnlyFile(fileContents); return; } this.parsing_members_only_file = false; this.parseClassFile(fileContents); return this.parsed; }; /** * @description * Get the specified `@annotationname` definitions from the specified doc * block. * * @param string annotation * The annotation to get in the following format: `@annotationname`. * @param string docBlock * The docBlock to get the `@annotationname` definitions from. * * @return any * Returns an array of data related to the specified annotation. */ JsonCompiler.prototype.getSection = function (annotation, docBlock) { var _this = this; // // The original regex (without doubling the backslashes) is: // // new RegExp(/@annotation\n?.+((\n +\* +)[^@].+)*(?:(\n +\*?\n? +\* + .*)+)?/, "g"); // // @annotation is the targeted annotation block (e.g., @param). // The \n after @annotation ensures we can parse @description\n or any other // annotation that doesn't have trailing characters. // var re = new RegExp("\\* " + annotation + "\n?.+((\n +\\* +)[^@].+)*(?:(\n +\\*?\n? +\\* + .*)+)?", "g"); var matches = docBlock.match(re); var ret = {}; if (!matches) { return null; } if (matches.length <= 0) { return null; } // Parsing @description? if (annotation == "@description") { var description_1 = []; matches.forEach(function (text) { var textBlockByLine = text.split("\n"); textBlockByLine.shift(); description_1 = _this.getDescription(textBlockByLine.join("\n")); }); return description_1; } // Parsing the following? var arrayedAnnotations = ["@returns", "@return", "@throws", "@throw"]; if (arrayedAnnotations.indexOf(annotation) != -1) { var annotationBlocks_1 = []; matches.forEach(function (text) { var textBlockByLine = text.split("\n"); textBlockByLine.shift(); var description = _this.getDescription(textBlockByLine.join("\n")); var parsedAnnotation = _this.getAnnotation(annotation, text); annotationBlocks_1.push({ description: description, annotation: parsedAnnotation }); }); return annotationBlocks_1; } // Default parsing var annotationBlocks = {}; matches.forEach(function (text) { var textBlockByLine = text.split("\n"); textBlockByLine.shift(); var name = _this.getMemberName(text, annotation); var description = _this.getDescription(textBlockByLine.join("\n")); var parsedAnnotation = _this.getAnnotation(annotation, text); annotationBlocks[name] = { name: name, description: description, annotation: parsedAnnotation }; }); return annotationBlocks; }; // FILE MARKER: PROTECTED //////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @description * Get the value of the `@memberof` annotation and use it to create a key * in `this.parsed`. * * @param string docBlock * The doc block in question. * * @return string */ JsonCompiler.prototype.getAndCreateNamespace = function (docBlock) { var _this = this; // Look for a namespace using the value of the `@memberof` annotation. If // a namespace isn't found, then the file being parsed will be placed as a // top-level item in the JSON array. if (!this.re_namespace.test(docBlock)) { return; } // Create the namespace by taking the `@memberof Some.Namespace` and // transforming it into `Some.Namespace` var reNamespaceResults = docBlock.match(this.re_namespace); var currentNamespace = null; reNamespaceResults.forEach(function (fileLine) { if (currentNamespace) { return; } if (_this.re_ignore_line.test(fileLine)) { return; } currentNamespace = fileLine .trim() .replace(/\*? ?@memberof +/, "") .trim(); }); // Create the namespace in the `parsed` property so we can start storing // the namespace's members in it if (!this.parsed.hasOwnProperty(currentNamespace)) { this.parsed[currentNamespace] = {}; } return currentNamespace; }; /** * @description * Get the `@annotationname` line. * * @param string annotation * The annotation to get from the doc block. * @param string docBlock * The doc block to get the `@annotationname` definitions from. * * @return any * Returns an object containing the annotation lines data. */ JsonCompiler.prototype.getAnnotation = function (annotation, docBlock) { var re = new RegExp(annotation + ".+", "g"); var match = docBlock.match(re); var line = { line: null, data_type: null, name: null }; if (match) { var lineParts = match[0].split(" "); line.line = match[0]; line.data_type = lineParts[1]; = lineParts[2] ? lineParts[2] : null; } return line; }; /** * @description * Get the description of the specified doc block. The description is the * start of the doc block down to one of the annotation tags: `@param`, * `@return`, `@throws`. * * @param string textBlock * The text block in question. * * @return string[] * Returns an array of descriptions. */ JsonCompiler.prototype.getDescription = function (textBlock) { var _this = this; var textBlockByLine = textBlock.split("\n"); var result = ""; var endOfDescription = false; textBlockByLine.forEach(function (line) { if (endOfDescription) { return; } // Is this the beginning of a doc block? if (line.trim() == "/**") { line = line.trim().replace("/**", ""); } // If we hit an annotation tag, then that means the we've reached the end // of the description. Also, if we've hit the */ line, then that means // we've hit the end of the doc block and no more parsing is needed. if (_this.re_description_stop_points.test(line) || line.trim() == "*/") { endOfDescription = true; return; } result += line + "\n"; }); return this.getDescriptionInParagraphs(result); }; /** * @description * Get paragraphs from the description text blocks. * * @param string textBlock * The text block containing the paragraph(s). * * @return string[] * Returns an array of strings. Each element in the array is a separate * paragraph. */ JsonCompiler.prototype.getDescriptionInParagraphs = function (textBlock) { var textBlockInLines = textBlock.split("\n"); textBlockInLines = (line) { if (line.trim() === "*") { return "---para-break---"; } // A new paragraph is preceded by a "*" and it won't be replaced. We // can use this fact to separate paragraphs. return line.replace(" * ", "").trim(); }); textBlockInLines = textBlockInLines .join("\n") .split("---para-break---") .map(function (val) { return val.trim(); }); // Filter out lines that don't contain anything textBlockInLines = textBlockInLines.filter(function (val) { return val.trim() != ""; }); return textBlockInLines; }; /** * @description * Get the doc block data for the interface in question. * * @param string text * The text containing the interface's data. * * @return any */ JsonCompiler.prototype.getDocBlockDataForConst = function (text) { return { is_exported: this.isMemberExported("const", text), name: this.getNameOfConst(text), description: this.getSection("@description", text) // signature: this.getSignatureOfInterface(text) }; }; /** * @description * Get the doc block data for the enum in question. * * @param string text * The text containing the enum's data. * * @return any */ JsonCompiler.prototype.getDocBlockDataForEnum = function (text) { var ret = { is_exported: this.isMemberExported("enum", text), name: this.getNameOfEnum(text), description: this.getSection("@description", text) }; return ret; }; /** * @description * Get the doc block data for the function in question. * * @param string text * The text containing the functions's data. * * @return any */ JsonCompiler.prototype.getDocBlockDataForFunction = function (text) { var ret = { is_exported: this.isMemberExported("function", text), name: this.getNameOfFunction(text), description: this.getSection("@description", text), params: this.getSection("@param", text), returns: this.getSection("@return", text), throws: this.getSection("@throws", text), signature: this.getSignatureOfMethod(text) }; return ret; }; /** * @description * Get the doc block data for the interface in question. * * @param string text * The text containing the interface's data. * * @return any */ JsonCompiler.prototype.getDocBlockDataForInterface = function (text) { return { is_exported: this.isMemberExported("interface", text), name: this.getMemberName(text), description: this.getSection("@description", text), signature: this.getSignatureOfInterface(text) }; }; /** * @description * Get the doc block data for the method in question. * * @param string text * The text containing the method's data. * * @return any */ JsonCompiler.prototype.getDocBlockDataForMethod = function (text) { var signature = this.getSignatureOfMethod(text); // Methods have constructors which are always public, so we want to make // sure the `construct()` function's access modifier isn't "constructor" // because the access modifier was omitted. var accessModifier = /constructor/.test(signature) ? "public" : signature.split(" ")[0]; var ret = { access_modifier: accessModifier, name: '', description: this.getSection("@description", text), params: this.getSection("@param", text), returns: this.getSection("@return", text), throws: this.getSection("@throws", text), signature: signature, is_async: /async/.test(signature) }; return ret; }; /** * @description * Get the doc block data for the property in question. * * @param string text * The text containing the property's data. * * @return any */ JsonCompiler.prototype.getDocBlockDataForProperty = function (text) { var signature = this.getSignatureOfProperty(text); var accessModifier = signature.split(" ")[0]; var ret = { access_modifier: accessModifier, description: this.getSection("@description", text), annotation: this.getAnnotation("@property", text), signature: signature }; return ret; }; /** * @description * Get the value of the `@class` annotation. * * @param string text * The text in question. * * @return string */ JsonCompiler.prototype.getMemberName = function (text, textType) { var matches = text.match(new RegExp(this.re__member_names + ".+", "g")); if (matches && matches.length > 0) { var memberName = text .match(new RegExp(this.re__member_names + ".+", "g"))[0] .replace(new RegExp(this.re__member_names + " +?", "g"), "") .trim(); return memberName; } // No annotations? Default to this. var textByLine = text.split("\n"); var line; switch (textType) { case "@param": line = textByLine[0]; return line .trim() .replace(/ ?\* /g, "") .trim() .split(" ")[2]; case "method": line = this.getMemberNameMethod(textByLine); return line .trim() .replace(/(public|protected|private) /g, "") .replace(/async /g, "") .split("(")[0]; case "property": line = textByLine[textByLine.length - 1]; return line .trim() .replace(/(public|protected|private) /g, "") .replace(":", "") .split(" ")[0]; default: break; } return undefined; }; JsonCompiler.prototype.getMemberNameInterface = function (textByLine, index, line) { if (index === void 0) { index = -1; } if (line === void 0) { line = ''; } if (index == -1) { index = textByLine.length - 1; } line = textByLine[index] + line; line = line.trim(); // Check for the opening bracket because that line will have the // interface's name var paren = new RegExp(/\{/, "g"); if (paren.test(line)) { // Add new lines so the signature looks like a pretty object line = line.replace("{", "{\n "); line = line.replace(/;/g, ";\n "); line = line.replace(" }", "}"); return line; } index = index - 1; return this.getMemberNameInterface(textByLine, index, line); }; JsonCompiler.prototype.getMemberNameMethod = function (textByLine, index, line) { if (index === void 0) { index = -1; } if (line === void 0) { line = ''; } if (index == -1) { index = textByLine.length - 1; } line = textByLine[index] + line; line = line.trim(); // Check for the opening parenthesis because that line will have the // method's name var paren = new RegExp(/\(/, "g"); if (paren.test(line)) { // Add a space after each comma line = line.replace(/,/g, ", "); // Just one space though... line = line.replace(/, /g, ", "); return line; } index = index - 1; return this.getMemberNameMethod(textByLine, index, line); }; /** * @description * Get the name of the const. * * @param string text * The text containing the const's data. * * @return string */ JsonCompiler.prototype.getNameOfConst = function (text) { var textByLine = text.split("\n"); return textByLine[textByLine.length - 1] .trim() .replace("export", "") .replace("const", "") .trim() .split(" ")[0]; }; /** * @description * Get the name of the enum. * * @param string text * The text containing the enum's data. * * @return string */ JsonCompiler.prototype.getNameOfEnum = function (text) { var textByLine = text.split("\n"); return textByLine[textByLine.length - 1] .trim() .replace(/ ?{/, "") .replace(/export +? ?enum +?/, ""); }; /** * @description * Get the name of the function. * * @param string text * The text containing the function's data. * * @return string */ JsonCompiler.prototype.getNameOfFunction = function (text) { var signature = this.getSignatureOfMethod(text); return signature .replace(/export +?/, "") .replace(/function +?/, "") .replace(/\(.+/, ""); }; /** * @description * Get the name of the property. * * @param string text * The text containing the property's data. * * @return string */ JsonCompiler.prototype.getNameOfProperty = function (text) { var signature = this.getSignatureOfProperty(text); return signature .replace(/(public|private|protected) +/, "") .replace(/\(.+/, ""); }; /** * @description * Get the signature of the function in question. * * @param string text * The text containing the function's data. * * @return string */ JsonCompiler.prototype.getSignatureOfFunction = function (text) { // The signature is the last line of the doc block var textByLine = text.split("\n"); return textByLine[textByLine.length - 1] .trim() .replace(/ ?{/, "") .replace("}", ""); }; /** * @description * Get the signature of the interface in question. * * @param string text * The text containing the interface's data. * * @return string */ JsonCompiler.prototype.getSignatureOfInterface = function (text) { var textByLine = text.split("\n"); return this.getMemberNameInterface(textByLine); }; /** * @description * Get the signature of the method in question. * * @param string text * The text containing the method's data. * * @return string */ JsonCompiler.prototype.getSignatureOfMethod = function (text) { var textByLine = text.split("\n"); var line = this.getMemberNameMethod(textByLine); return line .trim() .replace(/ ?{/, "") .replace("}", ""); }; /** * @description * Get the signature of the property in question. * * @param string text * The text containing the property's data. * * @return string */ JsonCompiler.prototype.getSignatureOfProperty = function (text) { // The signature is the last line of the doc block var textByLine = text.split("\n"); return textByLine[textByLine.length - 1].trim().replace(";", ""); }; /** * Is the member exported? * * @param string memberType * The member's type. * @param string text * The text containing the `export` keyword if the member is exported. * * @return boolean * Returns true if the member is exported and false if not. */ JsonCompiler.prototype.isMemberExported = function (memberType, text) { var reMemberName = new RegExp(memberType); if (this.re_export.test(text)) { var exportLine = text.match(this.re_export); if (exportLine && exportLine.length > 0) { if (reMemberName.test(exportLine[0])) { return true; } } } return false; }; // FILE MARKER: PROTECTED - PARSERS ////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @description * Parse a file that has the `@members-only` * annotation. * * @param string fileContents */ JsonCompiler.prototype.parseMembersOnlyFile = function (fileContents) { var _this = this; var docBlocks = fileContents.match(this.re_for_all_members); docBlocks.forEach(function (docBlock) { if (_this.re_ignore_block.test(docBlock)) { return; } if (_this.re_is_function.test(docBlock)) { var currentNamespace = _this.getAndCreateNamespace(docBlock); var memberName = _this.getMemberName(docBlock); var data = _this.getDocBlockDataForFunction(docBlock); data.is_function = true; if (!currentNamespace) { data.fully_qualified_name = memberName; _this.parsed[memberName] = data; } else { data.fully_qualified_name = currentNamespace + "." + memberName; _this.parsed[currentNamespace][memberName] = data; } return; } if (_this.re_is_enum.test(docBlock)) { var currentNamespace = _this.getAndCreateNamespace(docBlock); var memberName = _this.getMemberName(docBlock); var data = _this.getDocBlockDataForEnum(docBlock); data.is_enum = true; if (!currentNamespace) { data.fully_qualified_name = memberName; _this.parsed[memberName] = data; } else { data.fully_qualified_name = currentNamespace + "." + memberName; _this.parsed[currentNamespace][memberName] = data; } return; } if (_this.re_is_interface.test(docBlock)) { var currentNamespace = _this.getAndCreateNamespace(docBlock); var memberName = _this.getMemberName(docBlock); var data = _this.getDocBlockDataForInterface(docBlock); data.is_interface = true; if (!currentNamespace) { data.fully_qualified_name = memberName; _this.parsed[memberName] = data; } else { data.fully_qualified_name = currentNamespace + "." + memberName; _this.parsed[currentNamespace][memberName] = data; } return; } if (_this.re_is_const.test(docBlock)) { var currentNamespace = _this.getAndCreateNamespace(docBlock); var data = _this.getDocBlockDataForConst(docBlock); data.is_const = true; if (!currentNamespace) { data.fully_qualified_name =; _this.parsed[] = data; } else { data.fully_qualified_name = currentNamespace + "." +; _this.parsed[currentNamespace][] = data; } return; } }); }; /** * @description * Parse a file (assuming it's a class file). `this.compile()` defaults to * using this method. * * @param string fileContents */ JsonCompiler.prototype.parseClassFile = function (fileContents) { var _this = this; var docBlocks = fileContents.match(this.re_for_all_members); var classMap = { fully_qualified_name: null, namespace: null, name: null, description: null, properties: {}, methods: {} }; docBlocks.forEach(function (docBlock) { if (_this.re_ignore_block.test(docBlock)) { return; } if (_this.re_is_class.test(docBlock)) { classMap.namespace = _this.getAndCreateNamespace(docBlock); = _this.getMemberName(docBlock); classMap.description = _this.getSection("@description", docBlock); classMap.fully_qualified_name = classMap.namespace ? classMap.namespace + "." + :; return; } if (_this.re_is_property.test(docBlock)) { var propertyName = _this.getMemberName(docBlock, "property"); var data = _this.getDocBlockDataForProperty(docBlock); = propertyName; data.fully_qualified_name = classMap.fully_qualified_name + "." + propertyName;[propertyName] = data; } if (_this.re_is_constructor.test(docBlock)) { var methodName = _this.getMemberName(docBlock, "method"); var data = _this.getDocBlockDataForMethod(docBlock); // TODO(crookse) remove part where constructor is checked... we know // it's a constructor, so just assign that here. = 'constructor'; data.fully_qualified_name = classMap.fully_qualified_name + "()"; classMap.methods[methodName] = data; } if (_this.re_is_method.test(docBlock)) { var methodName = _this.getMemberName(docBlock, "method"); var data = _this.getDocBlockDataForMethod(docBlock); // TODO(crookse) find a way to clean this assignment up = methodName; data.fully_qualified_name = classMap.fully_qualified_name + "." + methodName; classMap.methods[methodName] = data; } }); if (!classMap.namespace) { this.parsed[] = classMap; } else { this.parsed[classMap.namespace][] = classMap; } }; return JsonCompiler;}());exports["default"] = JsonCompiler;