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An open-source doc block parser for generating documenation as JSON.
( export DRASH_SERVER_DIRECTORY="$DOCABLE_DIR_ROOT/docs" for pid in $(ps aux | grep 'docs.ts' | grep 'deno' | awk '{print $2}'); do echo "[watchmedo] Killing deno docs.ts $pid" kill -9 $pid echo "[watchmedo] PID $pid killed." done if [[ $1 == "restart" ]]; then echo -e "[watchmedo] Restarting $DRASH_SERVER_DIRECTORY/docs.ts app..." else echo -e "[watchmedo] Starting $DRASH_SERVER_DIRECTORY/docs.ts app..." fi deno -A --no-prompt $DOCABLE_DIR_ROOT/docs/docs.ts & echo -e "[watchmedo] $DRASH_SERVER_DIRECTORY/docs.ts app started.\n" echo -e "[watchmedo] !!! IMPORTANT !!!" echo -e "[watchmedo] [ctrl] + [c] will NOT kill the docs.ts app. Run the following to kill the app:" echo -e " \`npm run dev-kill\`\n" if [[ -z $1 ]]; then echo -e "[watchmedo] Don't forget to run the following:" echo -e " \`npm run webpack-dev-watch\`\n" fi)