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An experimental Deno tool to transform XML to DOCX with a little XPath- and component based configuration
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This is a Deno module for making .docx files.

It can be used to create a .docx using components, for example:

/** @jsx JSX */
import { Docx, JSX, Paragraph } from '';

Docx.fromJsx(<Paragraph>This is the simplest document you could make.</Paragraph>)

Or it can be used to convert any XML to DOCX:

// TODO example code

Formatting options

Paragraph formatting

Paragraph styles may be applied via different ways;

// As a prop:
<Paragraph alignment="center" />
// As a style:
const style = api.styles.add({
    type: 'paragraph',
    paragraphProperties: {
        alignment: 'center',
<Paragraph style={style} />;

Every style property, and every property of every style property, is optional;

    alignment?: 'left' | 'right' | 'center' | 'both';
    style?: string;
    spacing?: {
        before?: TwentiethPoint;
        after?: TwentiethPoint;
        line?: TwentiethPoint;
        lineRule?: 'atLeast' | 'exactly' | 'auto';
        afterAutoSpacing?: boolean;
        beforeAutoSpacing?: boolean;
    indentation?: {
        left?: TwentiethPoint;
        leftChars?: number;
        right?: TwentiethPoint;
        rightChars?: number;
        hanging?: TwentiethPoint;
        hangingChars?: number;
        firstLine?: TwentiethPoint;
        firstLineChars?: number;

Text formatting

// As a prop:
<Text isBold />

Every style property is optional again:

    verticalAlign?: 'baseline' | 'subscript' | 'superscript';
    isBold?: boolean;
    isItalic?: boolean;
    isSmallCaps?: boolean;
    language?: string;
    fontSize?: HalfPoint;

Paragraph formatting options may be merged with text formatting options. When used directly on a component (ie. not via a style) the formatting only applies to the paragraph pilcrow (“¶”) sign. In MS Word, the text styling options merged into a paragraph style definition do apply to the paragraph text – but may still be overriden with dedicated text formatting options.

<Paragraph isBold>Text not shown as bold, but the paragraph's pilcrow is.</Paragraph>
// As a style:
const style = api.styles.add({
    type: 'paragraph',
    textProperties: {
        isItalic: true,
    paragraphProperties: {
        isBold: true,
<Paragraph style={style}>Text is shown as bold and italic</Paragraph>;