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#!/usr/bin/env bash# Generates new semver tag and pushes based on commit history.# Commits beginning with `fix` or `feat` trigger a new patch or minor# version. Commits containing `BREAKING CHANGE` trigger a new major# version.set -e
main() { if [[ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" != "$release_branch" ]]; then echo "Not on release branch. Exiting release." exit 0 fi if [[ -n "$CI" ]]; then echo "==> Prepping CI environment" setup_ci_git fi echo "==> Determine new release version" tags="$(git tag --list --sort='-*authordate' 'v*')" latest_tag="$(echo -e "$tags" | head -n 1 | grep -E '^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$' || true)" new_tag="$(generate_next_tag)" [[ -z "$new_tag" ]] && exit 0 message="$(generate_tag_message)" echo "==> Updating README with new version" update_readme $new_tag git add git commit -m "ci: Update README with new version $new_tag." echo "==> Creating tag" git tag -a "$new_tag" -m "$(echo -e "$new_tag\n\n$message")" if [[ -z "$CI" ]]; then (>&2 echo "Warning: Not in CI environment. Skipping pushing tags.") exit 0 fi echo "==> Pushing changes" git push origin $TRAVIS_BRANCH git push origin $TRAVIS_BRANCH --tags}
generate_next_tag() { local latest_version major minor patch log_cmd bump_type log if [[ -z "$latest_tag" ]]; then (>&2 echo "Error: Tag format not compatible.") exit 1 fi latest_version="$(echo $latest_tag | tr -d 'v')" major="$(echo "$latest_version" | cut -d. -f 1)" minor="$(echo "$latest_version" | cut -d. -f 2)" patch="$(echo "$latest_version" | cut -d. -f 3)" log_cmd="git log --date=short $latest_tag..origin/$release_branch" if [[ "$($log_cmd --pretty="%s %b")" == *"BREAKING CHANGE"* ]]; then bump_type="breaking" else log="$($log_cmd --pretty="%s")" bump_type="$(echo -e "$log" | grep -E "^feat|^fix" | sed 's/^\(feat\|fix\)[(:].*/\1/' | sort -u | head -1)" fi case "$bump_type" in "breaking") major=$((major+1)) minor=0 patch=0 ;; "feat") minor=$((minor+1)) patch=0 ;; "fix") patch=$((patch+1)) ;; *) (>&2 echo "No version bump required.") exit 0 ;; esac echo "v$major.$minor.$patch"}
generate_tag_message() { git log '--pretty=- %s [%h]' --date=short $latest_tag..origin/$release_branch | grep -E "^- feat|^- fix" | sort}
update_readme() { local new_tag="$1" sed -i "s/$latest_tag/$new_tag/g"}
setup_ci_git() { git remote set-url origin "https://$$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" git checkout $TRAVIS_BRANCH git config remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* git fetch --all git config "" git config "pietbot"}