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JS formatter for dprint Wasm plugins.
/** Formats code. */export interface Formatter { /** * Sets the configuration. * @param globalConfig - Global configuration for use across plugins. * @param pluginConfig - Plugin specific configuration. */ setConfig( globalConfig: GlobalConfiguration, pluginConfig: Record<string, unknown>, ): void; /** * Gets the configuration diagnostics. */ getConfigDiagnostics(): ConfigurationDiagnostic[]; /** * Gets the resolved configuration. * @returns An object containing the resolved configuration. */ getResolvedConfig(): Record<string, unknown>; /** * Gets the plugin info. */ getPluginInfo(): PluginInfo; /** * Gets the license text of the plugin. */ getLicenseText(): string; /** * Formats the specified file text. * @param filePath - The file path to format. * @param fileText - File text to format. * @param overrideConfig - Configuration to set for a single format. * @returns The formatted text. * @throws If there is an error formatting. */ formatText( filePath: string, fileText: string, overrideConfig?: Record<string, unknown>, ): string;}
/** Configuration specified for use across plugins. */export interface GlobalConfiguration { lineWidth?: number; indentWidth?: number; useTabs?: boolean; newLineKind?: "auto" | "lf" | "crlf" | "system";}
/** A diagnostic indicating a problem with the specified configuration. */export interface ConfigurationDiagnostic { propertyName: string; message: string;}
/** Information about a plugin. */export interface PluginInfo { name: string; version: string; configKey: string; fileExtensions: string[]; fileNames: string[]; helpUrl: string; configSchemaUrl: string;}
/** * Creates the WebAssembly import object, if necessary. */export function createImportObject(): WebAssembly.Imports { // for now, use an identity object return { dprint: { "host_clear_bytes": () => {}, "host_read_buffer": () => {}, "host_write_buffer": () => {}, "host_take_file_path": () => {}, "host_take_override_config": () => {}, "host_format": () => 0, // no change "host_get_formatted_text": () => 0, // zero length "host_get_error_text": () => 0, // zero length }, };}
export interface ResponseLike { status: number; arrayBuffer(): Promise<BufferSource>; text(): Promise<string>; headers: { get(name: string): string | null; };}
/** * Creates a formatter from the specified streaming source. * @remarks This is the most efficient way to create a formatter. * @param response - The streaming source to create the formatter from. */export async function createStreaming( responsePromise: Promise<ResponseLike> | ResponseLike,): Promise<Formatter> { const response = await responsePromise; if (response.status !== 200) { throw new Error( `Unexpected status code: ${response.status}\n${await response.text()}`, ); } if ( typeof WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming === "function" && response.headers.get("content-type") === "application/wasm" ) { return WebAssembly // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any .instantiateStreaming(response as any, createImportObject()) .then((obj) => createFromInstance(obj.instance)); } else { // fallback for node.js or when the content type isn't application/wasm return response.arrayBuffer() .then((buffer) => createFromBuffer(buffer)); }}
/** * Creates a formatter from the specified wasm module bytes. * @param wasmModuleBuffer - The buffer of the wasm module. */export function createFromBuffer(wasmModuleBuffer: BufferSource): Formatter { const wasmModule = new WebAssembly.Module(wasmModuleBuffer); const wasmInstance = new WebAssembly.Instance( wasmModule, createImportObject(), ); return createFromInstance(wasmInstance);}
/** * Creates a formatter from the specified wasm instance. * @param wasmInstance - The WebAssembly instance. */export function createFromInstance( wasmInstance: WebAssembly.Instance,): Formatter { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const wasmExports = wasmInstance.exports as any; const { // deno-lint-ignore camelcase get_plugin_schema_version, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase set_file_path, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase set_override_config, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase get_formatted_text, format, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase get_error_text, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase get_plugin_info, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase get_resolved_config, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase get_config_diagnostics, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase set_global_config, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase set_plugin_config, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase get_license_text, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase get_wasm_memory_buffer, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase get_wasm_memory_buffer_size, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase add_to_shared_bytes_from_buffer, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase set_buffer_with_shared_bytes, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase clear_shared_bytes, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase reset_config, } = wasmExports;
const pluginSchemaVersion = get_plugin_schema_version(); const expectedPluginSchemaVersion = 3; if ( pluginSchemaVersion !== 2 && pluginSchemaVersion !== expectedPluginSchemaVersion ) { throw new Error( `Not compatible plugin. ` + `Expected schema ${expectedPluginSchemaVersion}, ` + `but plugin had ${pluginSchemaVersion}.`, ); }
const bufferSize = get_wasm_memory_buffer_size(); let configSet = false;
return { setConfig(globalConfig, pluginConfig) { setConfig(globalConfig, pluginConfig); }, getConfigDiagnostics() { setConfigIfNotSet(); const length = get_config_diagnostics(); return JSON.parse(receiveString(length)); }, getResolvedConfig() { setConfigIfNotSet(); const length = get_resolved_config(); return JSON.parse(receiveString(length)); }, getPluginInfo() { const length = get_plugin_info(); const pluginInfo = JSON.parse(receiveString(length)) as PluginInfo; pluginInfo.fileNames = pluginInfo.fileNames ?? []; return pluginInfo; }, getLicenseText() { const length = get_license_text(); return receiveString(length); }, formatText(filePath, fileText, overrideConfig) { setConfigIfNotSet(); if (overrideConfig != null) { if (pluginSchemaVersion === 2) { throw new Error( "Cannot set the override configuration for this old plugin.", ); } sendString(JSON.stringify(overrideConfig)); set_override_config(); } sendString(filePath); set_file_path();
sendString(fileText); const responseCode = format(); switch (responseCode) { case 0: // no change return fileText; case 1: // change return receiveString(get_formatted_text()); case 2: // error throw new Error(receiveString(get_error_text())); default: throw new Error(`Unexpected response code: ${responseCode}`); } }, };
function setConfigIfNotSet() { if (!configSet) { setConfig({}, {}); } }
function setConfig( globalConfig: GlobalConfiguration, pluginConfig: Record<string, unknown>, ) { if (reset_config != null) { reset_config(); } sendString(JSON.stringify(globalConfig)); set_global_config(); sendString(JSON.stringify(pluginConfig)); set_plugin_config(); configSet = true; }
function sendString(text: string) { const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const encodedText = encoder.encode(text); const length = encodedText.length;
let index = 0; while (index < length) { const writeCount = Math.min(length - index, bufferSize); const wasmBuffer = getWasmBuffer(writeCount); for (let i = 0; i < writeCount; i++) { wasmBuffer[i] = encodedText[index + i]; } add_to_shared_bytes_from_buffer(writeCount); index += writeCount; } }
function receiveString(length: number) { const buffer = new Uint8Array(length); let index = 0; while (index < length) { const readCount = Math.min(length - index, bufferSize); set_buffer_with_shared_bytes(index, readCount); const wasmBuffer = getWasmBuffer(readCount); for (let i = 0; i < readCount; i++) { buffer[index + i] = wasmBuffer[i]; } index += readCount; } const decoder = new TextDecoder(); return decoder.decode(buffer); }
function getWasmBuffer(length: number) { const pointer = get_wasm_memory_buffer(); return new Uint8Array( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any (wasmInstance.exports.memory as any).buffer, pointer, length, ); }}