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Drake is a make-like task runner for Deno.
import { env } from "../lib/env.ts";import { desc, execute, run, task } from "../lib/registry.ts";import { DrakeError, readFile, stat, vers, writeFile } from "../lib/utils.ts";import { assert, assertEquals, assertRejects } from "./deps.ts";env("--quiet", true);
Deno.test("registryTest", async function () { const tmpDir = Deno.makeTempDirSync(); const savedCwd = Deno.cwd(); try { env("--directory", tmpDir);
const dir = env("--directory"); env("--directory", "."); assertEquals( env("--directory"), dir, );
await assertRejects( async () => await run("missing-normal-task"), DrakeError, "missing task:", "normal task passed to `run` API must exist", );
await assertRejects( async () => await run("./missing-file-task"), DrakeError, "missing task:", "file task passed to `run` API must exist", );
desc("Test task one"); task("task1", []);
const prereq = "./prerequisite-file"; const target = "./target-file"; const normalTask = "normalTask"; let signature = "";
assertEquals(task("task1").name, "task1"); assertEquals(task("task1").desc, "Test task one");
desc("File task"); task(target, [prereq], function () { signature += target; writeFile(target, ""); });
desc("Normal task"); task(normalTask, [prereq], () => signature += normalTask);
await assertRejects( async () => await run(target), DrakeError, "missing prerequisite file:", "prerequisite files should exist when file task executes", );
writeFile(prereq, ""); await run(target); assert( stat("./.drake.cache.json")?.isFile, "drake cache should have been created", ); const cache = JSON.parse(readFile("./.drake.cache.json")); assertEquals(cache.version, vers()); assertEquals(cache.os,;
await assertRejects( async () => await run(normalTask), DrakeError, `${normalTask}: missing prerequisite task: `, "missing prerequisite file task should throw error in a normal task", );
task(prereq, []); await run(normalTask), // Should now run OK. task(normalTask).prereqs = ["missing-task"]; await assertRejects( async () => await run(normalTask), DrakeError, `${normalTask}: missing prerequisite task: missing-task`, "missing task should throw error", );
task("missing-task", []); await run(normalTask); // Should now run OK.
task(target).prereqs.push(normalTask); await run(target); // Normal prerequisites do not throw a "missing prerequisite" error.
await assertRejects( async () => await execute(normalTask), DrakeError, "'execute' API must be called by 'run' API", );
signature = ""; Deno.removeSync(target); task("exec", [], async () => await execute(normalTask, normalTask, target)); await run("exec"); assertEquals( signature, normalTask + normalTask + target, "'execute' API should should execute serially", );
signature = ""; await run("exec"); assertEquals( signature, normalTask + normalTask, "'execute' API should skip up to date task actions", );
let counter = 0; // deno-lint-ignore require-await task("async", [], async () => counter += 1); task( "execAsync", [], async () => await execute(...Array(10).fill("async")), ); await run("execAsync"); assertEquals( counter, 10, "'execute' API should run async task actions 10 times", ); } finally { env("--directory", savedCwd); Deno.removeSync(tmpDir, { recursive: true }); }});