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The Deno 2 Release Candidate is here
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A microframework for Deno's HTTP server with zero third-party dependencies
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language: python
python: - "3.6"
env: - VER_DENO_LATEST="0.24.0" VER_DENO_STD_LATEST="0.24.0" VER_DRASH_LATEST="0.24.0"
install: - curl -fsSL | sh -s v$VER_DENO_LATEST - export PATH="$HOME/.deno/bin:$PATH" #make sure deno is accessible
script: # - export BRANCH=$(if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ]; then echo $TRAVIS_BRANCH; else echo $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH; fi) - console/tests
# before_deploy:# - cd $DRASH_DIR_ROOT# - console/bump_versions# - git add .# - cd docs# - npm install# - export DRASH_DIR_EXAMPLE_CODE="$DRASH_DIR_ROOT/docs/src/example_code"# - export DRASH_SERVER_DIRECTORY="$DRASH_DIR_ROOT/docs"# - console/compile_docs# - console/compile_webpack_bundles# - cd $DRASH_DIR_ROOT
# deploy:# provider: script# skip_cleanup: true# script: console/deploy_docs# on:# tags: true
# after_deploy:# - cd $DRASH_DIR_ROOT/docs# - git add .# - git commit -m "bump versions; npm run build ($(date))"# - git push https://$GIT_USER:$ HEAD:master