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A microframework for Deno's HTTP server with zero third-party dependencies
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{ "Exceptions": { "HttpException": [ { "doc_block": "/**\n* @memberof Drash.Exceptions\n* @class HttpException\n*\n* @description\n* This class gives you a way to throw HTTP errors semantically.\n*/\n", "signature": "export class HttpException extends Error { }", "member_type": "class" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* A property to hold the HTTP response code associated with this\n* exception.\n*\n* @property number code\n*/\n", "signature": "public code: number;", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Construct an object of this class.\n*\n* @param number code\n* The HTTP response code associated with this exception.\n* @param string message\n* (optional) The exception message.\n*/\n", "signature": "constructor(code: number, message?: string) { }", "member_type": "method" } ], "HttpMiddlewareException": [ { "doc_block": "/**\n* @memberof Drash.Exceptions\n* @class HttpMiddlewareException\n*\n* @description\n* This class gives you a way to throw HTTP errors semantically in the\n* middleware classes. The difference between this class and HttpException\n* comes when you want to check which exception was thrown via\n*\n*/\n", "signature": "export class HttpMiddlewareException extends HttpException { }", "member_type": "class" } ] }, "Http": { "Middleware": [ { "doc_block": "/**\n* @type MiddlewareFunction\n* @param request Contains the instance of the request.\n* @param server Contains the instance of the server.\n* @param response Contains the instance of the response.\n*/\n", "signature": "export type MiddlewareFunction =| ((request: Drash.Http.Request,response: Drash.Http.Response,) => Promise<void>)| ((request: Drash.Http.Request, response: Drash.Http.Response) => void);", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @type MiddlewareType\n* @description\n* before_request?: MiddlewareFunction[]\n*\n* An array that contains all the functions that will be run before a Drash.Http.Request is handled.\n*\n* after_request: MiddlewareFunction[]\n*\n* An array that contains all the functions that will be run after a Drash.Http.Request is handled.\n*\n*/\n", "signature": "export type MiddlewareType = { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* Executes the middleware\n*\n* @param middlewares Contains middlewares to be executed\n*/\n", "signature": "export function Middleware(middlewares: MiddlewareType) { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* Executes the middleware function before or after the request at method level\n*\n* @param middlewares Contains all middleware to be run\n*/\n", "signature": "function MethodMiddleware(middlewares: MiddlewareType): any { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* Executes the middleware function before or after the request at class level\n*\n* @param middlewares Contains all middleware to be run\n*/\n", "signature": "function ClassMiddleware(middlewares: MiddlewareType) { }", "member_type": "method" } ], "Request": [ { "doc_block": "/**\n* Construct an object of this class.\n*\n* @param ServerRequest originalRequest\n* The original Deno ServerRequest object that's used to help create this\n* Drash.Http.Request object. There are some data members that the\n* original request has that can't be attached to this object. Therefore,\n* we keep track of the original request if we ever want to access data\n* members from it. An example of a data member that we want to access is\n* the original request's body.\n* @param IOptionsConfig options\n*/\n", "signature": "constructor(originalRequest: ServerRequest, options?: IOptionsConfig) { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @see Drash.Services.Http.Service.accepts()\n*/\n", "signature": "public accepts(type: string | string[]): boolean | string { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Get a cookie value by the name that is sent in with the request\n* \n* @param string cookie\n* The name of the cookie to retrieve\n* \n* @return string\n* The cookie value associated with the cookie name or undefined\n* if a cookie with that name doesn't exist\n*/\n", "signature": "public getCookie(name: string): string { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Parse this request's body as `multipart/form-data` and get the\n* requested input.\n*\n* @param string input\n* The filename of the file to get ??? (clarify).\n*\n* @return unknown\n*/\n", "signature": "public getBodyFile(input: string): unknown { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Get the value of one of this request's body params by its input name.\n* First, check the Content-Type of the request so that we know how to\n* parse the body. Then parse the body accordingly and retrieve the\n* requested value.\n*\n* @return string|null\n*/\n", "signature": "public getBodyParam(input: string): string | null { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Get the value of one of this request's headers by its input name.\n*\n* @return string|null\n*/\n", "signature": "public getHeaderParam(input: string): string | null { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Get the value of one of this request's path params by its input name.\n*\n* @return string|undefined\n*/\n", "signature": "public getPathParam(input: string): string | null { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Get the value of one of this request's query params by its input name.\n*\n* @return string|undefined\n*/\n", "signature": "public getUrlQueryParam(input: string): string | null { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Get this request's URL path.\n*\n* @return string\n* Returns the URL path.\n*/\n", "signature": "public getUrlPath(serverRequest: ServerRequest): string { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Get the request's URL query params by parsing its URL query string.\n*\n* @return { {[key: string]: string} }\n* Returns the URL query string in key-value pair format.\n*/\n", "signature": "public getUrlQueryParams(serverRequest: ServerRequest,): { } [key: string]: string } {", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Get the specified HTTP request's URL query string.\n*\n* @return null|string\n* Returns the URL query string (e.g., key1=value1&key2=value2) without\n* the leading \"?\" character.\n*/\n", "signature": "public getUrlQueryString(): null | string { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Does the specified request have a body?\n*\n* @return Promise<boolean>\n* Returns `true` if the request has a body. Returns `false` if not.\n*/\n", "signature": "public async hasBody(): Promise<boolean> { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Parse the specified request's body.\n* \n* @param IOptionsConfig options\n* \n* @returns {content_type: string, data: unknown}\n* Returns the content type of the body, and based on this\n* the body itself in that format. If there is no body, it\n* returns an empty properties\n*/\n", "signature": "public async parseBody(options?: IOptionsConfig,): Promise<Drash.Interfaces.ParsedRequestBody> { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Parse this request's body as application/x-www-form-url-encoded.\n*\n* @return Promise<object|Array<>>\n* Returns an empty object if no body exists, else a key/value pair\n* array e.g. returnValue['someKey']\n*/\n", "signature": "public async parseBodyAsFormUrlEncoded(): Promise<object | Array<unknown>> { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Parse this request's body as application/json.\n*\n* @return Promise<object>\n* JSON object - the decoded request body\n*/\n", "signature": "public async parseBodyAsJson(): Promise<object> { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Parse this request's body as multipart/form-data.\n*\n* @param Reader body\n* The request's body.\n* @param string boundary\n* The boundary of the part (e.g., `----------437192313`)\n* @param number maxMemory\n* The maximum memory to allocate to this process in megabytes.\n*\n* @return Promise<{ [key: string]: string | FormFile }>\n* Returned values can be seen here (look for `readForm`:\n*\n*/\n", "signature": "public async parseBodyAsMultipartFormData(body: Reader,boundary: string,maxMemory: number,): Promise<unknown> { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Respond the the client's request by using the original request's\n* respond() method.\n*\n* @param Drash.Interfaces.ResponseOutput output\n* The data to respond with.\n*/\n", "signature": "public async respond(output: Drash.Interfaces.ResponseOutput): Promise<void> { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Set headers on the request.\n*\n* @param {[key: string]: string } headers\n* \n* @return void\n*/\n", "signature": "public setHeaders(headers: { } [key: string]: string }): void {", "member_type": "method" } ], "Resource": [ { "doc_block": "/**\n* @memberof Drash.Http\n* @class Resource\n*\n* @description\n* This is the base resource class for all resources. All resource classes\n* must be derived from this class.\n*/\n", "signature": "export class Resource implements Drash.Interfaces.Resource { }", "member_type": "class" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* A property to hold the middleware this resource uses.\n*\n* All derived middleware classes MUST define this property as static\n* (e.g., static middleware = [\"MiddlewareClass\"];)\n*\n* @property string[] middleware\n*/\n", "signature": "public middleware: { after_request?: []; before_request?: [] } = {};", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* A property to hold the name of this resource. This property is used by\n* Drash.Http.Server to help it store resources in its resources property\n* by name.\n*\n* @property string name\n*/\n", "signature": "public name: string = \"\";", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* A property to hold the paths to access this resource.\n*\n* All derived resource classes MUST define this property as static\n* (e.g., static paths = [\"path\"];)\n*\n* @property string[] paths\n*/\n", "signature": "public paths: string[] = [];", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* The request object.\n*\n* @property Drash.Http.Request request\n*/\n", "signature": "protected request: Drash.Http.Request;", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* The response object.\n*\n* @property Drash.Http.Response response\n*/\n", "signature": "protected response: Drash.Http.Response;", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* The server object.\n*\n* @property Drash.Http.Server server\n*/\n", "signature": "protected server: Drash.Http.Server;", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Construct an object of this class.\n*\n* @param ServerRequest request\n* The request object.\n* @param Drash.Http.Response response\n* The response object.\n* @param Drash.Http.Server server\n* The server object.\n*/\n", "signature": "constructor(request: Drash.Http.Request,response: Drash.Http.Response,server: Drash.Http.Server,) { }", "member_type": "method" } ], "Response": [ { "doc_block": "/**\n* @interface IResponseOptions\n*\n* @description\n* views_path?: string\n*\n* A string that contains the path to the views directory from\n* your project directory. This must exist if the `views_renderer` property\n* is set by you. Only needs to be set if you plan to return HTML\n*\n* const server = new Drash.Http.Server({\n* ...,\n* views_path: \"/public/views\"\n* })\n*\n* template_engine?: boolean\n*\n* True if you wish to use Drash's own template engine to render html files.\n* The `views_path` property must be set if this is set to true\n*\n* const server = new Drash.Http.Server({\n* ...\n* template_engine: true\n* })\n*/\n", "signature": "export interface IResponseOptions { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @memberof Drash.Http\n* @class Response\n*\n* @description\n* Response handles sending a response to the client making the request.\n*/\n", "signature": "export class Response { }", "member_type": "class" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* A property to hold the body of this response.\n*\n* @property string body\n*/\n", "signature": "public body: any = \"\";", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* A property to hold this response's headers.\n*\n* @property Headers headers\n*/\n", "signature": "public headers: Headers;", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* The request object.\n*\n* @property Drash.Http.Request request\n*/\n", "signature": "public request: Drash.Http.Request;", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* A property to hold this response's status code (e.g., 200 for OK).\n* This class uses Status and STATUS_TEXT from the Deno Standard\n* Modules' http_status module for response codes.\n*\n* @property number status_code\n*/\n", "signature": "public status_code: number = Status.OK;", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* An object of options to help determine how this object should behave.\n*\n* @property IResponseOptions options\n*/\n", "signature": "private options: IResponseOptions;", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* A property to hold the path to the users views directory\n* from their project root\n*\n* @property string views_path\n*/\n", "signature": "private views_path: string | undefined;", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* The render method extracted from dejs\n*\n* @property boolean | undefined views_renderer\n*/\n", "signature": "private readonly template_engine: boolean | undefined = false;", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Construct an object of this class.\n*\n* @param Drash.Http.Request request\n*\n* @param IResponseOptions options\n*/\n", "signature": "constructor(request: Drash.Http.Request,options: IResponseOptions = { }},", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Render html files. Can be used with Drash's template engine or basic\n* HTML files. This method will read a file based on the `views_path`\n* and filename passed in. When called, will set the response content\n* type to \"text/html\"\n*\n* @param unknown args\n*\n* @example\n* // if `views_path` is \"/public/views\",\n* // file to read is \"/public/views/users/add.html\"\n* const content = this.response.render('/users/add.html', { name: 'Drash' })\n* if (!content) throw new Error(...)\n* this.response.body = content\n*\n* @return string|boolean\n* The html content of the view, or false if the `views_path` is not set.\n*/\n", "signature": "public render(// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any...args: any): string | boolean { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Create a cookie to be sent in the response.\n* Note: Once set, it cannot be read until the next\n* request\n* \n* @param Cookie cookie\n* Object holding all the properties for a cookie object\n* \n* @return void\n*/\n", "signature": "public setCookie(cookie: Cookie): void { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Delete a cookie before sending a response\n* \n* @param string cookieName \n* The cookie name to delete\n* \n* @return void\n*/\n", "signature": "public delCookie(cookieName: string): void { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Generate a response.\n*\n* @return string\n*/\n", "signature": "public generateResponse(): string { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Get the status message based on the status code.\n*\n* @return null|string\n* Returns the status message associated with this.status_code. For\n* example, if the response's status_code is 200, then this method\n* will return \"OK\" as the status message.\n*/\n", "signature": "public getStatusMessage(): null | string { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Get the full status message based on the status code. This is just the\n* status code and the status message together. For example:\n*\n* If the status code is 200, then this will return \"200 (OK)\"\n* If the status code is 404, then this will return \"404 (Not Found)\"\n*\n* @return null|string\n*/\n", "signature": "public getStatusMessageFull(): null | string { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Send the response to the client making the request.\n*\n* @return Promise<Drash.Interfaces.ResponseOutput>\n* Returns the output which is passed to `request.respond()`. The output\n* is only returned for unit testing purposes. It is not intended to be\n* used elsewhere as this call is the last call in the\n* request-resource-response lifecycle.\n*/\n", "signature": "public async send(): Promise<Drash.Interfaces.ResponseOutput> { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Send the response of a static asset (e.g., a CSS file, JS file, PDF\n* file, etc.) to the client making the request.\n*\n* @param null|string file\n* The file that will be served to the client.\n* @param null|Uint8Array contents\n* TODO Add description\n*\n* @return Drash.Interfaces.ResponseOutput\n*/\n", "signature": "public sendStatic(file: null | string,contents: Uint8Array | string = \"\",): Drash.Interfaces.ResponseOutput { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Get the content type from the request object's \"Accept\" header. Default\n* to the response_output config passed in when the server was created if\n* no accept header is specified. If no response_output config was passed\n* in during server creation, then default to application/json.\n*\n*\n* @return string\n* Returns a content type to set as this object's content-type header. If\n* multiple content types are passed in, then return the first accepted\n* content type.\n*/\n", "signature": "protected getContentTypeFromRequestAcceptHeader(): string { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "if (contentTypes && contentTypes == \"*/*\") {\n", "signature": "return \"application/json\";", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "if (firstType == \"*/*\") {\n", "signature": "return \"application/json\";", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Redirect the client to another URL.\n*\n* @param number httpStatusCode\n* Response's status code.\n* Permanent: (301 and 308)\n* Temporary: (302, 303, and 307)\n*\n* @param string location\n* URL of desired redirection.\n* Relative or external paths (e.g., \"/users/1\",\n* \n* @return {status: number, headers: Headers, body: any}\n*/\n", "signature": "public redirect(httpStatusCode: number,location: string,): Drash.Interfaces.ResponseOutput { }", "member_type": "method" } ], "Server": [ { "doc_block": "/**\n* @memberof Drash.Http\n* @class Server\n*\n* @description\n* Server handles the entire request-resource-response lifecycle. It is in\n* charge of handling HTTP requests to resources, static paths, sending\n* appropriate responses, and handling any errors that bubble up within the\n* request-resource-response lifecycle.\n*/\n", "signature": "export class Server { }", "member_type": "class" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* A property to hold the Deno server. This property is set in\n* like so:\n*\n* this.deno_server = serve(HTTPOptions);\n*\n* serve() is imported from\n*\n* @property DenoServer deno_server\n*/\n", "signature": "public deno_server: DenoServer | null = null;", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* The hostname of the Deno server.\n*\n* @property string hostname\n*/\n", "signature": "public hostname: string = \"localhost\";", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* The port of the Deno server.\n*\n* @property number port\n*/\n", "signature": "public port: number = 1447;", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* A property to hold this server's logger.\n*\n* @property Drash.Loggers.ConsoleLogger|Drash.Loggers.FileLogger logger\n*/\n", "signature": "public logger: Drash.CoreLoggers.ConsoleLogger | Drash.CoreLoggers.FileLogger;", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* A property to hold this server's configs.\n*\n* @property Drash.Interfaces.ServerConfigs configs\n*/\n", "signature": "protected configs: Drash.Interfaces.ServerConfigs;", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* A property to hold the location of this server on the filesystem. This\n* property is used when resolving static paths.\n*\n* @property string|undefined directory\n*/\n", "signature": "protected directory: string | undefined = undefined;", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* A property to hold middleware.\n*\n* @property middleware\n*/\n", "signature": "protected middleware: { }", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* A property to hold the resources passed in from the configs.\n*\n* @property { [key: string]: Drash.Http.Resource } resources\n*/\n", "signature": "protected resources: { [key: string]: Drash.Interfaces.Resource } = {};", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* This server's list of static paths. HTTP requests to a static path are\n* usually intended to retrieve some type of concrete resource (e.g., a\n* CSS file or a JS file). If an HTTP request is matched to a static path\n* and the resource the HTTP request is trying to get is found, then\n* Drash.Http.Response will use its sendStatic() method to send the\n* static asset back to the client.\n*\n* @property string[] static_paths\n*/\n", "signature": "protected static_paths: string[] = [];", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Construct an object of this class.\n*\n* @param Drash.Interfaces.ServerConfigs configs\n* See Drash.Interfaces.ServerConfigs\n*/\n", "signature": "constructor(configs: Drash.Interfaces.ServerConfigs) { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Get the request object with more properties and methods.\n*\n* @param any request\n* The request object.\n*\n* @return any\n* Returns any \"request\" object with more properties and methods that\n* Drash uses. For example, deno uses the `ServerRequest` object; and this\n* method takes that object and hydrates it with more properties and\n* methods.\n*/\n", "signature": "public async getRequest(serverRequest: ServerRequest,): Promise<Drash.Http.Request> { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Handle an HTTP request from the Deno server.\n*\n* @param any request\n* The request object.\n*\n* @return Promise<any>\n* See `Drash.Http.Response.send()`.\n*/\n", "signature": "public async handleHttpRequest(serverRequest: Drash.Http.Request,): Promise<Drash.Interfaces.ResponseOutput> { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Handle cases when an error is thrown when handling an HTTP request.\n*\n* @param any request\n* The request object.\n* @param any error\n* The error object.\n* @param Drash.Http.Resource|any resource\n* (optional) Pass in the resource that threw the error. If a resource\n* wasn't created, then default to an empty object, which is why any is\n* the assigned type.\n* @param Drash.Http.Response|any response\n* (optional) Pass in the response that threw the error. If a response\n* wasn't created, then default to an empty object, which is why any is\n* the assigned type.\n*\n* @return any\n* See `Drash.Http.Response.send()`.\n*/\n", "signature": "public async handleHttpRequestError(request: Drash.Http.Request,error: Drash.Exceptions.HttpException,resource: Drash.Http.Resource | null = null,response: Drash.Http.Response | null = null,): Promise<Drash.Interfaces.ResponseOutput> { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Handle HTTP requests for the favicon. This method only exists to\n* short-circuit favicon requests--preventing the requests from clogging\n* the logs.\n*\n* @param any request\n*\n* @return string\n* Returns the response as stringified JSON. This is only used for unit\n* testing purposes.\n*/\n", "signature": "public handleHttpRequestForFavicon(request: Drash.Http.Request,): Drash.Interfaces.ResponseOutput { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Handle HTTP requests for static path assets.\n*\n* @param any request\n*\n* @return any\n* Returns the response as stringified JSON. This is only used for unit\n* testing purposes.\n*/\n", "signature": "public async handleHttpRequestForStaticPathAsset(request: Drash.Http.Request,): Promise<Drash.Interfaces.ResponseOutput> { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Run the Deno server at the hostname specified in the configs. This\n* method takes each HTTP request and creates a new and more workable\n* request object and passes it to\n* `Drash.Http.Server.handleHttpRequest()`.\n*\n* @param HTTPOptions options\n* The HTTPOptions interface from\n*\n* @return Promise<DenoServer>\n* Returns the Deno server from the serve() call.\n*/\n", "signature": "public async run(options: HTTPOptions): Promise<DenoServer> { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Run the Deno server at the hostname specified in the configs as an\n* HTTPS Server. This method takes each HTTP request and creates a new and\n* more workable request object and passes it to\n* `Drash.Http.Server.handleHttpRequest()`.\n*\n* @param HTTPSOptions options\n* The HTTPSOptions interface from\n*\n* @return Promise<DenoServer>\n* Returns the Deno server from the serveTLS() call.\n*/\n", "signature": "public async runTLS(options: HTTPSOptions): Promise<DenoServer> { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Close the server.\n*/\n", "signature": "public close(): void { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Add an HTTP resource to the server which can be retrieved at specific\n* URIs.\n*\n* Drash defines an HTTP resource according to the MDN Web docs\n* [here](\n*\n* @param Drash.Http.Resource resourceClass\n* A child object of the `Drash.Http.Resource` class.\n*\n* @return void\n* This method just adds `resourceClass` to `this.resources` so it can be\n* used (if matched) during an HTTP request.\n*/\n", "signature": "protected addHttpResource(resourceClass: Drash.Interfaces.Resource): void { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Add server-level and resource-level middleware.\n*\n* @param any middleware\n*\n* @return void\n*/\n", "signature": "protected addMiddleware(middlewares: any): void { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Add a static path for serving static assets like CSS files, JS files,\n* PDF files, etc.\n*\n* @param string path\n*\n* @return void\n* This method just adds `path` to `this.static_paths` so it can be used (if\n* matched) during an HTTP request.\n*/\n", "signature": "protected addStaticPath(path: string): void { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Execute server-level middleware before the request.\n*\n* @param any request\n* The request object.\n* @param Drash.Http.Resource resource\n* The resource object.\n*\n* @return void\n*/\n", "signature": "protected async executeMiddlewareServerLevelBeforeRequest(request: Drash.Http.Request,): Promise<void> { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Execute server-level middleware after the request.\n*\n* @param any request\n* The request object.\n* @param Drash.Http.Resource resource\n* The resource object.\n*\n* @return void\n*/\n", "signature": "protected async executeMiddlewareServerLevelAfterRequest(request: Drash.Http.Request,response: Drash.Http.Response | null,): Promise<void> { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* Get an HTTP error response exception object.\n*\n* @param number code\n* @param string message\n*\n* @return Drash.Exceptions.HttpException\n*/\n", "signature": "protected httpErrorResponse(code: number,message?: string,): Drash.Exceptions.HttpException { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Get the resource class.\n*\n* @param any request\n* The request object.\n*\n* @return Drash.Http.Resource|undefined\n* Returns a `Drash.Http.Resource` object if the URL path of the request\n* can be matched to a `Drash.Http.Resource` object's paths.\n*\n* Returns `undefined` if a `Drash.Http.Resource` object can't be matched.\n*/\n", "signature": "protected getResourceClass(request: Drash.Http.Request,): Drash.Interfaces.Resource | undefined { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Is the request targeting a static path?\n*\n* @param any request\n*\n* @return boolean\n* Returns true if the request targets a static path.\n*/\n", "signature": "protected requestTargetsStaticPath(serverRequest: ServerRequest): boolean { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Log a debug message\n*\n* @param string message\n* Message to log\n*\n* @return void\n*/\n", "signature": "protected logDebug(message: string): void { }", "member_type": "method" } ] }, "Interfaces": { "LogLevelStructure": [ { "doc_block": "/**\n* @memberof Drash.Interfaces\n* @interface LogLevelStructure\n*\n* @description\n* name: string\n*\n* The name of the log level (e.g., \"debug\").\n*\n* rank: number\n*\n* The rank of the log level. See the\n* Drash.Dictionaries.LogLevels.LogLevel enum member to see the ranking\n* structure of the log levels.\n*/\n", "signature": "export interface LogLevelStructure { }", "member_type": "method" } ], "LoggerConfigs": [ { "doc_block": "/**\n* @memberof Drash.Interfaces\n* @interface LoggerConfigs\n*\n* @description\n* enabled: boolean\n*\n* Is the logger enabled? This is useful if you have a config file that\n* can toggle this option between `true` and `false`.\n*\n* file?: string\n*\n* The filename to log to (used in Drash.CoreLoggers.FileLogger).\n*\n* level?: string\n*\n* Options are:\n*\n* all\n* trace\n* debug\n* info\n* warn\n* error\n* fatal\n* off\n*\n* Defaults to \"debug\".\n*\n* tag_string?: string\n*\n* A string with tags. Tags must be wrapped in brackets in order for the\n* logger classes to properly identify them. For example,\n*\n* {some_tag} | {some_tag} * {some_tag} [{some_tag}]`.\n*\n* tag_string_fns?: any\n*\n* This takes an object of key-value pairs where the key is the name of\n* the tag defined in the `tag_string` config. This object is used to\n* replace tags in the `tag_string` config by matching keys to tags and\n* replacing tags with the values of the keys. For example, if\n* `tag_string` was `{my_cool_tag}` and `tags_string_fns.my_cool_tag`\n* returns `\"HELLO\"`, then `{my_cool_tag}` would be replaced with\n* `HELLO`.\n*\n* test?: boolean\n*\n* Is the logger running in a test process? Setting this to true will\n* silence the console logger from outputting to the console so you can\n* test without actually logging to the console.\n*/\n", "signature": "export interface LoggerConfigs { }", "member_type": "method" } ], "ParsedRequestBody": [ { "doc_block": "/**\n* @memberof Drash.Interfaces\n* @interface ParsedRequestBody\n*\n* @description\n* content_type: any|undefined\n*\n* The Content-Type of the request body. For example, if the body is\n* JSON, then the Content-Type should be application/json.\n*\n* data: any|undefined\n*\n* The data passed in the body of the request.\n*/\n", "signature": "export interface ParsedRequestBody { }", "member_type": "method" } ], "ServerConfigs": [ { "doc_block": "/**\n* @memberof Drash.Interfaces\n* @interface ServerConfigs\n*\n* @description\n* directory?: string\n*\n* The path to the directory of the server on the filesystem. This is\n* used when resolving static paths, so make sure you have this set\n* correctly if you are serving static paths. A quick way to implement\n* this could be the following:\n*\n* directory: `${await Deno.realpath('.')}`\n*\n* logger?: Drash.CoreLoggers.ConsoleLogger | Drash.CoreLoggers.FileLogger\n*\n* The server's logger. For example:\n*\n* logger: new Drash.CoreLoggers.ConsoleLogger({\n* enabled: true,\n* level: \"debug\",\n* tag_string: \"{date} | {level} |\",\n* tag_string_fns: {\n* date: function() {\n* return new Date().toISOString().replace(\"T\", \" \");\n* },\n* },\n* })\n*\n* memory_allocation?: {\n* multipart_form_data?: number\n* }\n* The amount of memory to allocate to certain parts of the codebase.\n* For example, the multipart reader uses a default of 10MB, but you can\n* override that default by specifying the following:\n*\n* memory_allocation: {\n* multipart_form_data: 128 // This would be translated to 128MB\n* }\n*\n* middleware?: any\n*\n* The middleware that the server should use. Server-level middleware\n* should be placed in middleware.server_level. Resource-level\n* middleware should be placed in middleware.resource_level. For\n* example:\n*\n* middleware: {\n* resource_level: { ... },\n* server_level: { ... }\n* }\n*\n* pretty_links?: boolean\n*\n* Enabling pretty links allows your Drash server to check whether or\n* not an index.html file exists in a static directory. For example, if\n* /public/app/index.html exists, then you can go to /public/app and it\n* will serve the index.html in that static directory.\n*\n* resources?: any\n*\n* An array of resources that the server should register. Passing in 0\n* resources means clients can't access anything on the server--because\n* there aren't any resources.\n*\n* response_output?: string\n*\n* The fallback response Content-Type that the server should use. The\n* response_output MUST be a proper MIME type. For example, the\n* following would have the server default to JSON responses:\n*\n* response_output: \"application/json\"\n*\n* static_paths?: string[]\n*\n* An array of static paths. Static paths are made public to clients.\n* This means they can access anything in static paths. For example, if\n* you have /public as a static path, then clients can look at things\n* under your /path/to/your/server/public directory.\n*\n* views_path?: string\n*\n* A string that contains the path to the views directory from\n* your project directory. This must exist if the `views_renderer` property\n* is set by you. Only needs to be set if you plan to return HTML\n*\n* views_path: \"/public/views/\"\n*\n* template_engine?: boolean\n*\n* True if you wish to use Drash's own template engine to render html files.\n* The `views_path` property must be set if this is set to true\n*\n* const server = new Drash.Http.Server({\n* ...\n* template_engine: true\n* })\n*/\n", "signature": "export interface ServerConfigs { }", "member_type": "method" } ] }, "Loggers": { "ConsoleLogger": [ { "doc_block": "/**\n* @memberof Drash.CoreLoggers\n* @class ConsoleLogger\n*\n* @description\n* This logger allows you to log messages to the console.\n*/\n", "signature": "export class ConsoleLogger extends Logger { }", "member_type": "class" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Construct an object of this class.\n*\n* @param any configs\n* See Drash.Interfaces.LoggerConfigs.\n*/\n", "signature": "constructor(configs: Drash.Interfaces.LoggerConfigs) { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Write a log message to the console.\n*\n* This method is not intended to be called directly. It is already used\n* in the base class (Logger) and automatically called.\n*\n* @param any logMethodLevelDefinition\n* @param string message\n*\n* @return string\n* Returns the log message which is used for unit testing purposes.\n*/\n", "signature": "public write(logMethodLevelDefinition: Drash.Interfaces.LogLevelStructure,message: string,): string | void { }", "member_type": "method" } ], "FileLogger": [ { "doc_block": "/**\n* @memberof Drash.CoreLoggers\n* @class FileLogger\n*\n* @description\n* This logger allows you to log messages to a file.\n*/\n", "signature": "export class FileLogger extends Logger { }", "member_type": "class" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* The file this logger will write log messages to.\n*\n* @property string file\n*/\n", "signature": "protected file: string = \"tmp_log.log\";", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Construct an object of this class.\n*\n* @param Drash.Interfaces.LoggerConfigs configs\n* See Drash.Interfaces.LoggerConfigs.\n*\n*/\n", "signature": "constructor(configs: Drash.Interfaces.LoggerConfigs) { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Write a log message to this.file.\n*\n* This method is not intended to be called directly. It is already used\n* in the base class (Logger) and automatically called.\n*\n* @param any logMethodLevelDefinition\n* @param string message\n*\n* @return string|void\n* Returns the log message which is used for unit testing purposes.\n*/\n", "signature": "public write(logMethodLevelDefinition: Drash.Interfaces.LogLevelStructure,message: string,): string | void { }", "member_type": "method" } ], "Logger": [ { "doc_block": "/**\n* @memberof Drash.CoreLoggers\n* @class Logger\n*\n* @description\n* This Logger is the base logger class for all logger classes.\n*/\n", "signature": "export abstract class Logger { }", "member_type": "class" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* See Drash.Interfaces.LoggerConfigs\n*\n* @property any configs\n*/\n", "signature": "protected configs: Drash.Interfaces.LoggerConfigs;", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* The level of the log message currently being written.\n*\n* @property string current_log_message_level_name\n*/\n", "signature": "protected current_log_message_level_name: string = \"\";", "member_type": "property" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @doc-blocks-to-json ignore-doc-block\n*/\n", "signature": "protected test: boolean = false;", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Construct an object of this class.\n*\n* @param Drash.Interfaces.LoggerConfigs configs\n* See Drash.Interfaces.LoggerConfigs.\n*/\n", "signature": "constructor(configs: Drash.Interfaces.LoggerConfigs) { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Write a log message. All extended classes must implement this method.\n* See Drash.CoreLoggers.ConsoleLogger/FileLogger for examples.\n*\n* @param any logMethodLevelDefinition\n* @param string message\n*/\n", "signature": "abstract write(logMethodLevelDefinition: Drash.Interfaces.LogLevelStructure,message: string,): string | void;", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Output a DEBUG level log message.\n*\n* @param string message\n* The log message.\n*/\n", "signature": "public debug(message: string): string | void { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Output an ERROR level log message.\n*\n* @param string message\n* The log message.\n*/\n", "signature": "public error(message: string): string | void { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Output a FATAL level log message.\n*\n* @param string message\n* The log message.\n*/\n", "signature": "public fatal(message: string): string | void { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Output an INFO level log message.\n*\n* @param string message\n* The log message.\n*/\n", "signature": "public info(message: string): string | void { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Output a TRACE level log message.\n*\n* @param string message\n* The log message.\n*/\n", "signature": "public trace(message: string): string | void { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Output a WARN level log message.\n*\n* @param string message\n* The log message.\n*/\n", "signature": "public warn(message: string): string | void { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Get the parsed version of the raw tag string.\n*\n* @return string\n*/\n", "signature": "protected getTagStringParsed(): string { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Send the message to the write method (which should be in the child\n* class). Also, do some prechecks before sending to see if the log\n* message should be written.\n*\n* @param Drash.Interfaces.LogLevelStructure logMethodLevelDefinition\n* The dictionary definition of the log message's level.\n* @param string message\n* The log message.\n*\n* @return string\n* Returns the log message which is used for unit testing purposes.\n*/\n", "signature": "protected sendToWriteMethod(logMethodLevelDefinition: Drash.Interfaces.LogLevelStructure,message: string,): string | void { }", "member_type": "method" } ], "Server": "" }, "Services": { "HttpService": [ { "doc_block": "/**\n* @memberof Drash.Services\n* @class HttpService\n*\n* @description\n* This class helps perform HTTP-related processes.\n*/\n", "signature": "export class HttpService { }", "member_type": "class" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Checks if the incoming request accepts the type(s) in the parameter.\n* This method will check if the requests `Accept` header contains\n* the passed in types\n*\n* @param string|string[] type\n* The content-type/mime-type(s) to check if the request accepts it\n*\n* @example\n* // YourResource.ts - assume the request accepts \"text/html\"\n* const isAccepted = this.request.accepts(\"text/html\"); // \"text/html\"\n* // or can also pass in an array and will match on the first one found\n* const isAccepted = this.request.accepts([\"text/html\", \"text/xml\"]); // \"text/html\"\n* // and will return false if not found\n* const isAccepted = this.request.accepts(\"text/xml\"); // false\n*\n* @return boolean|string\n* False if the request doesn't accept any of the passed in types,\n* or the content type that was matches\n*/\n", "signature": "public accepts(request: any, type: string | string[]): boolean | string { }", "member_type": "method" }, { "doc_block": "/**\n* @description\n* Get a MIME type for a file based on its extension.\n*\n* @param string filePath\n* The file path in question.\n* @param boolean fileIsUrl\n* (optional) Is the file path a URL to a file? Defaults to false.\n*\n* If the file path is a URL, then this method will make sure the URL\n* query string is not included while doing a lookup of the file's\n* extension.\n*\n* @return string\n* Returns the name of the MIME type based on the extension of the\n* file path .\n*/\n", "signature": "public getMimeType(filePath: string | undefined, fileIsUrl: boolean = false):| null| string { }", "member_type": "method" } ] }}