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A microframework for Deno's HTTP server with zero third-party dependencies
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import { IService, Request, Response, Service } from "../../../mod.ts";import { createHash } from "./deps.ts";
export class ETagService extends Service implements IService { #options: { weak: boolean };
#etags: Map<string, string> = new Map();
constructor(options: { weak: boolean } = { weak: false }) { super(); this.#options = options; }
runAfterResource(request: Request, response: Response) { // if response body is empty, send a default etag if ( response.body === null || (typeof response.body === "string" && response.body.length === 0) ) { // when it's empty, we want to set a default etag
// but if etag is already present on request, send a 304 const header = '"0-2jmj7l5rSw0yVb/vlWAYkK/YBwk"'; if (request.headers.get("if-none-match")) { response.status = 304; response.body = null; const existingModifiedDate = this.#etags.get(header) as string; // it will always be set due to this conditional response.headers.set("last-modified", existingModifiedDate); } else { // set the NEW default etag const date = new Date().toUTCString(); response.headers.set("last-modified", date); this.#etags.set(header, date); } response.headers.set("etag", header); return; }
// generate the hash const body = typeof response.body === "string" ? new TextEncoder().encode(response.body) : response.body as Uint8Array; const hash = createHash("sha1").update(body, "utf8").digest("base64") .toString().substring(0, 27); const len = body.byteLength;
// create the etag value to use let header = `"${len.toString(16)}-${hash}"`; if (this.#options.weak === true) { header = "W/" + header; }
response.headers.set("etag", header);
// check if request already has an etag, if so, // if its the same as the generated etag from the response body const incomingRequestIfNoneMatchValue = request.headers.get( "if-none-match", ); if (incomingRequestIfNoneMatchValue) { // request inc already has an etag set // so check if body hash matches if (header === incomingRequestIfNoneMatchValue) { // no need to send body, send not modified response.status = 304; response.body = null; response.headers.set( "last-modified", this.#etags.get(header) as string, ); return; } else { // res body is new response.status = 200; const date = new Date().toUTCString(); this.#etags.set(header, date); response.headers.set("last-modified", date); return; } }
// else request doesnt have a new one so generate everything from scratch response.status = 200; const date = new Date().toUTCString(); this.#etags.set(header, date); response.headers.set("last-modified", date); }}