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A microframework for Deno's HTTP server with zero third-party dependencies
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import { Interfaces, Request, Resource, Response, Server, Service,} from "../../mod.ts";import { assertEquals } from "../deps.ts";
// Default resource to add to the server (all tests should be able to see this resource)class DefaultResource extends Resource { paths = ["/"]; public GET(_request: Request, response: Response) { response.text("Hello from DefaultResource"); }}
// This resource should be added when `ServerService` is plugged into the serverclass AddedResource extends Resource { public paths = ["/added-resource"];
public GET(request: Request, response: Response): void { const queryParam = request.queryParam("some_query_param"); if (queryParam) { return response.text( `Hello from AddedResource. You passed in a "some_query_param" value: ${queryParam}`, ); }
response.text( "Hello from AddedResource. You did not pass in a query param.", ); }}
// This service should add `AddedResource` to the serverclass ServerService extends Service { runAtStartup(options: Interfaces.IServiceStartupOptions) { const { server } = options; server.addResource(AddedResource); }}
/** * Get the fully qualified URL given the URI. * * @param uri - The URI to add to the serverURL. * @returns The fully qualified URL. */function url(server: Server, uri: string): string { return server.address + uri;}
Deno.test("ServerService should add AddedResource at startup", async () => { const server = new Server({ protocol: "http", port: 1234, hostname: "localhost", // `AddedResource` is not present, but it should exist when `ServerService` is instantiated resources: [DefaultResource], services: [new ServerService()], });;
// Assert that the `DeafultResource` is accessible const res1 = await fetch(url(server, "/")); const res1Text = await res1.text(); assertEquals(res1Text, "Hello from DefaultResource");
// Assert that the `AddedResource` is accessible since `ServerService` added it const res2 = await fetch(url(server, "/added-resource")); const res2Text = await res2.text(); assertEquals( res2Text, "Hello from AddedResource. You did not pass in a query param.", );
// Assert (for sanity check) that `AddedResource` takes query params as expected const res3 = await fetch(url(server, "/added-resource?some_query_param=sup")); const res3Text = await res3.text(); assertEquals( res3Text, `Hello from AddedResource. You passed in a "some_query_param" value: sup`, );
// Assert (for sanity check) that `AddedResource` works with other query param values as expected const res4 = await fetch( url(server, "/added-resource?some_query_param=anotha one"), ); const res4Text = await res4.text(); assertEquals( res4Text, `Hello from AddedResource. You passed in a "some_query_param" value: anotha one`, );
await server.close();});