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A microframework for Deno's HTTP server with zero third-party dependencies
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import * as Drash from "../../mod.ts";import { ConnInfo, StdServer } from "../../deps.ts";
async function runServices( Services: Drash.Interfaces.IService[], request: Drash.Request, response: Drash.Response, serviceMethod: "runBeforeResource" | "runAfterResource",): Promise<void> { // There are two ways a service can short-circuit the // request-resource-response lifecycle: // // 1. The service throws an error. // 2. The service calls `request.end()`. // // If the service throws an error, then the request handler we pass in to `new // StdServer()` will catch it and return a response. // // If the service calls `request.end()`, then the request handler we pass in // to `new StdServer()` will return `new Response()`. for (const Service of Services) { if (serviceMethod in Service) { await Service[serviceMethod]!(request, response); if (request.end_lifecycle) { break; } } }}
/** * This class handles the entire request-resource-response lifecycle. It is in * charge of handling incoming requests, matching them to resources for further * processing, and sending responses based on the processes set in the resource. * It is also in charge of sending error responses that "bubble up" during the * request-resource-response lifecycle. */export class Server { /** * See Drash.Interfaces.IServerOptions. */ readonly #options: Drash.Interfaces.IServerOptions;
/** * A list of all instanced resources the user specified, and * a url pattern for every path specified. This means when a request * comes in, the paths are already converted to patterns, saving us time */ readonly #resources: Drash.Types.ResourcesAndPatternsMap = new Map();
/** * Our server instance that is serving the app */ #server!: StdServer;
/** * All services that provide extra functionality to the server and the overall * application. */ #services: Drash.Interfaces.IService[] = [];
/** * A promise we need to await after calling close() on #server */ #server_promise!: Promise<void>;
/** * A custom Error object handler. */ #error_handler!: Drash.Interfaces.IErrorHandler;
/** * The error handler to use in the event `this.#error_handler` cannot handle * errors. */ #default_error_handler = new Drash.ErrorHandler();
/** * Property to track request URLs to resources. This is used so that the * server does not have to find a resource if it was already matched to a * previous request's URL. */ #request_to_resource_map = new Map< string, Drash.Interfaces.IResourceAndParams >();
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILE MARKER - CONSTRUCTOR ///////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/** * @param options - See the interface for the options' schema. */ constructor(options: Drash.Interfaces.IServerOptions) { this.#options = options; this.#error_handler = new (options.error_handler || Drash.ErrorHandler)();
// Compile the application this.#addServices(); this.#addResources(); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILE MARKER - GETTERS / SETTERS /////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/** * Get the full address that this server is running on. */ get address(): string { return `${this.#options.protocol}://${this.#options.hostname}:${this.#options.port}`; }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILE MARKER - PUBLIC METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/** * Add the given resource to this server's list of resources. * * @param resourceClass - The resource class to instantiate and store in the * resources map. */ public addResource(resourceClass: typeof Drash.Resource): void { const resource = new resourceClass(); const patterns: URLPattern[] = []; resource.paths.forEach((path: string) => { // Add "{/}?" to match possible trailing slashes too patterns.push(new URLPattern({ pathname: path + "{/}?" })); }); this.#resources.set(this.#resources.size, { resource, patterns, }); }
/** * Close the server. */ public async close(): Promise<void> { try { this.#server.close(); await this.#server_promise; } catch (_error) { // Do nothing. The server was probably already closed. } }
/** * Run the server. */ public run() { this.#server = new StdServer({ hostname: this.#options.hostname, port: this.#options.port, handler: async (originalRequest: Request, connInfo: ConnInfo) => { return await this.#handleRequest(originalRequest, connInfo); }, });
if (this.#options.protocol === "http") { this.#server_promise = this.#server.listenAndServe(); }
if (this.#options.protocol === "https") { this.#server_promise = this.#server.listenAndServeTls( this.#options.cert_file as string, this.#options.key_file as string, ); } }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILE MARKER - METHODS - PRIVATE /////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/** * Add all resources to this server -- instantiating them so that they * are ready to handle requests at runtime. */ #addResources(): void { this.#options.resources?.forEach((resourceClass: typeof Drash.Resource) => { this.addResource(resourceClass); }); }
/** * Add all given services in the options. */ #addServices(): void { if ( { this.#services =; }
this.#services.forEach(async (service: Drash.Interfaces.IService) => { if (service.runAtStartup) { await service.runAtStartup({ server: this, resources: this.#resources, }); } }); }
/** * Get the resource associated with the given URL and its path params * associated with it. * * @param url - The URL to match to a resource. * @param resources - The resources map to use to find the resource. */ #getResourceAndParams( url: string, resources: Drash.Types.ResourcesAndPatternsMap, ): Drash.Interfaces.IResourceAndParams | undefined { let resourceAndParams: Drash.Interfaces.IResourceAndParams | undefined = undefined;
if (this.#request_to_resource_map.has(url)) { return this.#request_to_resource_map.get(url)!; }
for (const { resource, patterns } of resources.values()) { for (const pattern of patterns) { const result = pattern.exec(url);
// No resource? Check the next one. if (result === null) { continue; }
// this is the resource we need, and below are the params const params = new Map(); for (const key in result.pathname.groups) { params.set(key, result.pathname.groups[key]); }
resourceAndParams = { resource, pathParams: params, };
this.#request_to_resource_map.set(url, resourceAndParams); break; } }
return resourceAndParams; }
/** * Handle the given native request. This request gets wrapped around by a * `Drash.Request` object. Reason being we want to make sure methods like * `request.bodyAll()` is available in resources. * * @param originalRequest The native request from Deno's internals. * @param connInfo The connection info from Deno's internals. * * @returns A native response. */ async #handleRequest( originalRequest: Request, connInfo: ConnInfo, ): Promise<Response> { // Grab resource and path params const resourceAndParams = this.#getResourceAndParams( originalRequest.url, this.#resources, ) ?? { resource: null, pathParams: new Map(), };
const { resource, pathParams } = resourceAndParams;
// Construct request and response objects to pass to services and resource // Keep response top level so we can reuse the headers should an error be thrown // in the try const response = new Drash.Response();
try { const request = await Drash.Request.create( originalRequest, pathParams, connInfo, this.#options.request ?? {}, );
// Run server-level services (before we get to the resource) await runServices( this.#services, request, response, "runBeforeResource", );
if (request.end_lifecycle) { return this.#respond(response); }
// If no resource found, throw 404. Unable to call class/resource services // when the class doesn't exist! if (!resource) { throw new Drash.Errors.HttpError(404); }
// Run resource-level services (before their HTTP method is called) await runServices( ?? [], request, response, "runBeforeResource", );
if (request.end_lifecycle) { return this.#respond(response); }
// If the method does not exist on the resource, then the method is not // allowed. So, throw that 405 and GTFO. Unable to call resource method // services if the method doesn't exist! const method = request.method .toUpperCase() as Drash.Types.HttpMethodName; if (!(method in resource)) { throw new Drash.Errors.HttpError(405); }
// Run resource HTTP method level services (before the HTTP method is // called) await runServices([method] ?? [], request, response, "runBeforeResource", );
if (request.end_lifecycle) { return this.#respond(response); }
// Execute the HTTP method on the resource // Ignoring because we know by now the method exists due to the above check // deno-lint-ignore ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore await resource[method](request, response);
// Run resource HTTP method level services (after the HTTP method is // called) await runServices([method] ?? [], request, response, "runAfterResource", );
if (request.end_lifecycle) { return this.#respond(response); }
// Run resource-level services (after the HTTP method is called) await runServices( ?? [], request, response, "runAfterResource", );
if (request.end_lifecycle) { return this.#respond(response); }
// Run server-level services as a last step before returning a response // that the resource has formed await runServices( this.#services, request, response, "runAfterResource", );
if (request.end_lifecycle) { return this.#respond(response); }
const requestAcceptHeader = request.headers.get("accept"); const responseContentTypeHeader = response.headers.get("content-type");
if (requestAcceptHeader && responseContentTypeHeader) { this.#verifyAcceptHeader( requestAcceptHeader, responseContentTypeHeader, ); }
return this.#respond(response); } catch (e) { try { await this.#error_handler.catch(e, originalRequest, response, connInfo); } catch (e) { await this.#default_error_handler.catch( e, originalRequest, response, connInfo, ); }
return this.#respond(response); } }
/** * Respond to the client making the request. * * @param response The response details to use in the `Response` object. * * @returns A native Response. */ #respond(response: Drash.Response): Response { if (response.upgraded && response.upgraded_response) { return response.upgraded_response; }
return new Response(response.body, { headers: response.headers, statusText: response.statusText, status: response.status, }); }
/** * If the request Accept header is present, then make sure the response * Content-Type header is accepted. * * @param requestAcceptHeader * @param responseContentTypeHeader */ #verifyAcceptHeader( requestAcceptHeader: string, responseContentTypeHeader: string, ): void { if (requestAcceptHeader.includes("*/*")) { return; }
if (requestAcceptHeader.includes(responseContentTypeHeader)) { return; }
throw new Drash.Errors.HttpError( 406, "The requested resource is only capable of returning content that is not acceptable according to the request's Accept headers.", ); }}