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A microframework for building JavaScript HTTP applications. Runtime-agnostic. Strongly typed.
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{ "lock": false, "lint": { "rules": { "exclude": [ "no-explicit-any" ] }, "include": ["./src", "./tests"], "exclude": [".deno", "dist", "node_modules", "**/_unstable"] }, "fmt": { "useTabs": false, "lineWidth": 80, "indentWidth": 2, "semiColons": true, "singleQuote": false, "proseWrap": "preserve", "exclude": [".deno", "dist", "lib", "node_modules"] }, "tasks": { "build:libs": "deno run --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net ./scripts/doit.ts && yarn tsup src --format cjs,esm --no-splitting --dts", "build:check": "deno task check:file-headers && deno task yarn:clean && yarn install && deno task build:all && deno task test:all", "check:file-headers": "deno run --allow-read ./scripts/check_file_headers.ts", "check:package-json-version": "deno run --allow-read ./scripts/check_package_json_version_for_release.ts", "lint:tests:bun": "deno lint tests/compat/bun", "lint:tests:node": "deno lint tests/compat/node*/*", "publish:dry-run": "npm publish --access restricted --dry-run", "test:all": "deno task test:compat:bun && deno task test:compat:deno && deno task test:compat:node && deno task test:middleware:deno && deno task test:unit", "test:compat:bun": "bun test tests/compat/bun", "test:compat:cloudflare": "yarn jest --config jest.config.cloudflare.ts tests/compat/cloudflare", "test:compat:deno:concurrency": "deno test tests/compat/deno/**/concurrency", "test:compat:deno": "deno test tests/compat/deno --ignore='**/concurrency/*.ts'", "test:compat:node": "yarn jest --config jest.config.node.ts tests/compat/node", "test:middleware:deno": "deno test tests/middleware/deno --allow-net", "test:unit": "deno test tests/unit", "yarn:clean": "rm -rf node_modules && rm yarn.lock || true" }}