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🔻 Generate a Google Drive direct download link based on the URL or ID
const formatRegexes = [ /https:\/\/drive\.google\.com\/file\/d\/(?<id>.*?)\/(?:edit|view)\?usp=sharing/, /https:\/\/drive\.google\.com\/open\?id=(?<id>.*?)$/,];
const alphanumericRegex = /^[\w-]+$/;
function extractId(urlOrId: string) { for (const format of formatRegexes) { if (format.test(urlOrId)) { const result = format.exec(urlOrId);
return result?.groups?.id; } }
if (alphanumericRegex.test(urlOrId)) { return urlOrId; }
throw new Error("Invalid URL provided.");}
export interface DriveOptions { /** A Drive api key that can be used to exceed the download limit of 100MB. */ apiKey?: string;}
/**Generate a Google Drive direct download link based on the URL or ID.
@param URLorID The URL or ID of the drive content.
@example```javascriptdriveLink( "",);
//=> ""```*/export function driveLink(URLorID: string, { apiKey }: DriveOptions = {}) { if (typeof URLorID !== "string") { throw new TypeError("Invalid URL provided."); }
if (typeof apiKey === "string" && !alphanumericRegex.test(apiKey)) { throw new TypeError("Invalid API key provided."); }
const id = extractId(URLorID.trim());
const parsedKey = apiKey?.trim();
return parsedKey ? `${id}?alt=media&key=${parsedKey}` : `${id}`;}