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Next-generation ES module bundler ported for Deno
import type { InputOptions as _InputOptions, OutputOptions, RollupWatcherEvent,} from "../../deps.ts";import { VERSION } from "../../deps.ts";import { DenoResolverOptions } from "../rollup-plugin-deno-resolver/denoResolver.ts";import { rollup } from "./rollup.ts";import { watch } from "./watch.ts";
/** * @public */export { rollup, VERSION, watch };
/** * Prevent `warning: Compiled module not found` by re-exporting * types explicitly. * * @public */export type { AddonHook, AddonHookFunction, AmdOptions, AsyncPluginHooks, ChangeEvent, ChokidarOptions, CustomPluginOptions, DecodedSourceMapOrMissing, EmitAsset, EmitChunk, EmitFile, EmittedAsset, EmittedChunk, EmittedFile, ExistingDecodedSourceMap, ExistingRawSourceMap, ExternalOption, FilePlaceholder, FirstPluginHooks, GetInterop, GetManualChunk, GetModuleInfo, GlobalsOption, HasModuleSideEffects, InputOption, InternalModuleFormat, InteropType, IsExternal, IsPureModule, LoadHook, ManualChunksOption, MergedRollupOptions, MinimalPluginContext, ModuleFormat, ModuleJSON, ModuleParsedHook, ModuleSideEffectsOption, NormalizedAmdOptions, NormalizedInputOptions, NormalizedOutputOptions, NormalizedTreeshakingOptions, OptionsPaths, OutputAsset, OutputBundle, OutputBundleWithPlaceholders, OutputChunk, OutputOptions, OutputPlugin, ParallelPluginHooks, Plugin, PluginCache, PluginContext, PluginContextMeta, PluginHooks, PluginImpl, PluginValueHooks, PreRenderedAsset, PreRenderedChunk, PreserveEntrySignaturesOption, PureModulesOption, RenderChunkHook, RenderedChunk, RenderedModule, ResolveAssetUrlHook, ResolvedId, ResolvedIdMap, ResolveDynamicImportHook, ResolveFileUrlHook, ResolveIdHook, ResolveIdResult, ResolveImportMetaHook, RollupBuild, RollupCache, RollupError, RollupLogProps, RollupOutput, RollupWarning, RollupWatcherEvent, SequentialPluginHooks, SerializablePluginCache, SerializedTimings, SourceDescription, SourceMap, SourceMapInput, SourcemapPathTransformOption, SourceMapSegment, SyncPluginHooks, TransformHook, TransformModuleJSON, TransformPluginContext, TransformResult, TreeshakingOptions, WarningHandler, WarningHandlerWithDefault, WatchChangeHook,} from "../../deps.ts";
interface TypedEventEmitter< // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any T extends { [event: string]: (...args: any) => any },> { addListener<K extends keyof T>(event: K, listener: T[K]): this; emit<K extends keyof T>(event: K, ...args: Parameters<T[K]>): boolean; eventNames(): Array<keyof T>; getMaxListeners(): number; listenerCount(type: keyof T): number; listeners<K extends keyof T>(event: K): Array<T[K]>; off<K extends keyof T>(event: K, listener: T[K]): this; on<K extends keyof T>(event: K, listener: T[K]): this; once<K extends keyof T>(event: K, listener: T[K]): this; prependListener<K extends keyof T>(event: K, listener: T[K]): this; prependOnceListener<K extends keyof T>(event: K, listener: T[K]): this; rawListeners<K extends keyof T>(event: K): Array<T[K]>; removeAllListeners<K extends keyof T>(event?: K): this; removeListener<K extends keyof T>(event: K, listener: T[K]): this; setMaxListeners(n: number): this;}
/** * @public */export interface RollupWatcher extends TypedEventEmitter<{ change: (id: string, change: { event: string }) => void; close: () => void; event: (event: RollupWatcherEvent) => void; restart: () => void; }> { close(): void;}
/** * @public */export interface InputOptions extends _InputOptions { denoResolver?: DenoResolverOptions;}
/** * @public */export interface RollupOptions extends InputOptions { // This is included for compatibility with config files but ignored by rollup.rollup output?: OutputOptions | OutputOptions[];}
/** * @public */export interface WatcherOptions { buildDelay?: number; clearScreen?: boolean; exclude?: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[]; include?: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[]; skipWrite?: boolean;}
/** * @public */export interface RollupWatchOptions extends InputOptions { output?: OutputOptions | OutputOptions[]; watch?: WatcherOptions | false;}
/** * @public */export type { FilterPattern } from "./createFilter.ts";