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Next-generation ES module bundler ported for Deno
import type { RollupBuild, RollupOptions } from "./mod.ts";import { rollup as _rollup } from "../../deps.ts";import { write } from "./write.ts";import { generate } from "./generate.ts";import { denoResolver } from "../rollup-plugin-deno-resolver/mod.ts";import { ensureArray } from "../ensureArray.ts";import { error } from "../error.ts";
/** * rollup * * The `rollup` function receives an input options object as parameter * and returns a Promise that resolves to a `bundle` object with various * properties and methods as shown below. During this step, Rollup will * build the module graph and perform tree-shaking, but will not * generate any output. * * On a `bundle` object, you can call `bundle.generate` multiple times with * different output options objects to generate different bundles * in-memory. If you directly want to write them to disk, use `bundle.write` * instead. * * Once you're finished with the `bundle` object, you should call * `bundle.close()`, which will let plugins clean up their external * processes or services via the `closeBundle` hook. * * @param {RollupOptions} options * @returns {Promise<RollupBuild>} * @public */export async function rollup( options: RollupOptions,): Promise<RollupBuild> { const denoResolverPlugin = denoResolver(options.denoResolver); delete options.denoResolver;
options = { ...options, plugins: options.plugins ? [ ...ensureArray(options.plugins), denoResolverPlugin, ] : [denoResolverPlugin], };
try { const bundle = await _rollup(options);
return new Proxy(bundle, { get: (target, prop, receiver) => { const value = Reflect.get(target, prop, receiver);
if (prop === "write") { return write.bind(target); } else if (prop === "generate") { return generate.bind(target); }
return value; }, }); } catch (err) { if (err?.plugin === { const { plugin: _plugin, code: _code, pluginCode, } = err;
return error({ code: pluginCode,, }); }
throw err; }}