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A dynamic imports polyfill for Deno Deploy and compiled executables
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import type { DenoConfiguration } from '';
import { dirname } from '';import { resolve, toFileUrl } from '';
import { ImportMap, resolveImportMap, resolveModuleSpecifier,} from '';
import * as nativeEsbuild from '';import * as webAssemblyEsbuild from '';import { denoPlugins } from '';
// NOTE Uncompleteinterface CallSite { getFileName(): string;}
declare global { interface ErrorConstructor { stackTraceLimit: number; prepareStackTrace(error: Error, callSites: CallSite[]): unknown; }}
export interface DynamicImportOptions { /** Use of the ponyfill when native is available */ force?: boolean;}
export interface ImportStringOptions { /** URL to use as the base for imports and exports */ base?: URL;
/** An object of parameters to pass to into the string */ parameters?: Record<string, unknown>;}
const SHEBANG = /^#!.*/;
const isDenoDeploy = Deno.osRelease() === '0.0.0-00000000-generic';const isDenoCLI = !isDenoDeploy;const isDenoCompiled = dirname(Deno.execPath()) === Deno.cwd();
let configuration: DenoConfiguration | null = null;let configurationPath: string | null = null;
for (const filename of ['deno.json', 'deno.jsonc'] as const) { try { configuration = JSON.parse( await Deno.readTextFile(filename), ) as DenoConfiguration;
configurationPath = resolve(filename);
break; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) continue;
throw error; }}
let importMap: ImportMap | null = null;const { imports, scopes, importMap: importMapFilepath } = configuration ?? {};
if (imports || scopes) importMap = { imports, scopes };
const importMapUrl = importMapFilepath ? toFileUrl(resolve(importMapFilepath)) : null;
if (importMapFilepath) { importMap = resolveImportMap( JSON.parse( await Deno.readTextFile(importMapFilepath), ), importMapUrl!, );}
const esbuild: typeof webAssemblyEsbuild = isDenoCLI ? nativeEsbuild : webAssemblyEsbuild;
let esbuildInitialized = false;
const esbuildOptions: webAssemblyEsbuild.BuildOptions = { bundle: true, platform: 'neutral', tsconfig: configurationPath ?? undefined, format: 'esm', write: false, ignoreAnnotations: true, keepNames: true, treeShaking: false, logLevel: 'error',
// @ts-ignore The types are not synchronized plugins: denoPlugins({ configPath: configurationPath ?? undefined, importMapURL: configurationPath ? undefined : (importMapUrl?.href ?? undefined), loader: 'portable', }),};
const AsyncFunction = async function () {}.constructor;
function customPrepareStackTrace(_error: Error, callSites: CallSite[]) { return!.getFileName();}
function getCallerUrl() { const { stackTraceLimit, prepareStackTrace } = Error;
Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity; Error.prepareStackTrace = customPrepareStackTrace;
const callerUrl = new URL(new Error().stack!);
Error.stackTraceLimit = stackTraceLimit; Error.prepareStackTrace = prepareStackTrace;
return callerUrl;}
async function buildAndEvaluate( options: webAssemblyEsbuild.BuildOptions, filepath: string, modules: Record<string, unknown> = {},) { if (!isDenoCLI && !esbuildInitialized) { esbuild.initialize({ worker: typeof Worker !== 'undefined', });
esbuildInitialized = true; }
const buildResult = await Object.assign({}, esbuildOptions, options), );
if (isDenoCLI) esbuild.stop();
const { text } = buildResult.outputFiles![0]; const [before, after = '}'] = text.split('export {');
const body = before.replace(SHEBANG, '') // TODO make `import.meta.resolve` use `resolveModuleSpecifier` // TODO only create object once and then reference it .replaceAll( 'import.meta', `{ main: false, url: '${filepath}', resolve(specifier) { return new URL(specifier, this.url).href } }`, ) + 'return {' + // TODO tmprove regexes to correctly handle names and string literals after.replaceAll( /(?<local>\w+) as (?<exported>\w+)/g, '$<exported>: $<local>', );
const exports = await AsyncFunction(...Object.keys(modules), body)( ...Object.values(modules), );
const toStringTaggedExports = Object.assign({ [Symbol.toStringTag]: 'Module', }, exports);
const sortedExports = Object.fromEntries( Object.keys(toStringTaggedExports) .sort() .map((key) => [key, toStringTaggedExports[key]]), );
const prototypedExports = Object.assign(Object.create(null), sortedExports); const sealedExports = Object.seal(prototypedExports);
return sealedExports;}
export async function dynamicImport( moduleName: string, { force = false }: DynamicImportOptions = {},) { try { if (force) throw new Error('Forced');
return await import(moduleName); } catch (error) { if ( !isDenoCompiled && !isDenoDeploy && error.message !== 'Forced' ) { throw error; }
const base = getCallerUrl(); const filename = resolveModuleSpecifier(moduleName, importMap ?? {}, base);
return await buildAndEvaluate( { entryPoints: [filename] }, filename, ); }}
export async function importString( moduleString: string, { base = getCallerUrl(), parameters = {}, }: ImportStringOptions = {},) { return await buildAndEvaluate( { stdin: { contents: moduleString, loader: 'tsx', sourcefile: base.href, }, }, base.href, parameters, );}