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import { encode, decode, hmac } from "../deps.ts";import { date } from "../util.ts";
/** Some magic bytes. */const AWS4: Uint8Array = encode("AWS4", "utf8");
/** Creates a HMAC-SHA256 mac.*/export function awsSignatureV4( key: Uint8Array, msg: Uint8Array, outputEncoding?: string,): string | Uint8Array { return hmac("sha256", key, msg, undefined, outputEncoding);}
/** Creates a key for generating an aws signature version 4. */export function kdf( key: string | Uint8Array, dateStamp: Date | string, region: string, service: string, keyInputEncoding?: string, outputEncoding?: string,): string | Uint8Array { if (typeof key === "string") { key = encode(key, keyInputEncoding) as Uint8Array; }
if (typeof dateStamp !== "string") { dateStamp = date.format(dateStamp, "dateStamp"); } else if (!date.DATE_STAMP_REGEX.test(dateStamp)) { throw new TypeError("date stamp format must be yyyymmdd"); }
const paddedKey: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array(4 + key.byteLength);
paddedKey.set(AWS4, 0); paddedKey.set(key, 4);
let mac: Uint8Array = hmac( "sha256", paddedKey, dateStamp as string, "utf8", ) as Uint8Array;
mac = hmac("sha256", mac, region, "utf8") as Uint8Array;
mac = hmac("sha256", mac, service, "utf8") as Uint8Array;
mac = hmac("sha256", mac, "aws4_request", "utf8") as Uint8Array;
return outputEncoding ? decode(mac, outputEncoding) : mac;}