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import { OPS } from "./mod.ts";import { NO_PARAMS_OPS } from "./client/base_op.ts";import { Doc } from "./util.ts";
const README0: string = `# dynamodb
DynamoDB client.
## Usage
\`\`\` tsimport { createClient } from "";
// if config/credentials not passed they will be read from the env/fsconst dyno = createClient();
// the client has all of DynamoDB's operations as camelCased async methodsconst result = await dyno.listTables();\`\`\`
The client config can be omitted entirely when calling \`createClient\`. If that is the case the config will be derived from the environment and filesystem, in that order, using [\`get-aws-config\`](
Prefer using temporary credentials and a session token.
## API
### Contents
### Basics
\`\`\` ts/** Generic document. */export interface Doc { [key: string]: any;}
/** Generic representation of a DynamoDB client. */export interface DynamoDBClient { describeEndpoints: (options?: Doc) => Promise<Doc>; describeLimits: (options?: Doc) => Promise<Doc>; listTables: (options?: Doc) => Promise<Doc>; scan: ( params: Doc, options?: Doc ) => Promise<Doc | AsyncIterableIterator<Doc>>; query: ( params: Doc, options?: Doc ) => Promise<Doc | AsyncIterableIterator<Doc>>; [key: string]: (params: Doc, options?: Doc) => Promise<Doc>;}
/** Credentials. */export interface Credentials { accessKeyId: string; // AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE secretAccessKey: string; // wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY sessionToken?: string; // somesessiontoken}
/** Client configuration. */export interface ClientConfig { credentials?: Credentials | (() => Credentials | Promise<Credentials>); region?: string; // us-west-2 profile?: string; // default canonicalUri?: string; // fx /path/to/somewhere port?: number; // 80}
/** Op options. */export interface OpOptions { wrapNumbers?: boolean, // wrap numbers to a special number value type? [false] convertEmptyValues?: boolean, // convert empty strings and binaries? [false] translateJSON?: boolean, // translate I/O JSON schemas? [true] iteratePages?: boolean // if a result is paged, async-iterate it? [true]}\`\`\`
### Factory
#### createClient
##### \`createClient(conf: ClientConfig): DynamoDBClient\`
Creates a DynamoDB client.
### Ops
The client supports all DynamoDB operations. Check the linked aws docs for info about parameters of a specific operation.
## FYI
Don't want to do all development against the real AWS cloud?
+ [DynamoDB Local](
+ [DynamoDB GUI](
## License
const { contents, ops }: Doc = Array.from(OPS) .map( (op: string, i: number): Doc => { const params: string = NO_PARAMS_OPS.has(op) ? "" : "params: Doc, ";
const rtn: string = `Promise<${ op === "Scan" || op === "Query" ? "Doc | AsyncIterableIterator<Doc>" : "Doc" }>`;
const camel: string = `${op[0].toLowerCase()}${op.slice(1)}`;
const signature: string = `${camel}(${params}options?: OpOptions): ${rtn}`;
const tail: string = i === OPS.size - 1 ? "" : "\n\n";
return { contentItem: ` + [${op}](#${op})${tail}`, opItem: `#### ${op}\n\n##### \`${signature}\`\n\n` + `[aws ${op} docs](${op}.html)${tail}`, }; }, ) .reduce( ( acc: { contents: string[]; ops: string[] }, { contentItem, opItem }: Doc, i: number, ): Doc => { acc.contents[3 + i] = contentItem; acc.ops[i] = opItem;
return acc; }, { contents: [ "1. [Basics](#Basics)\n\n", "2. [Factory](#Factory)\n\n", "3. [Ops](#Ops)\n\n", ].concat(new Array(OPS.size)), ops: new Array(OPS.size), }, );
const readTheDocs: string = README0.replace( "<CONTENTS/>", contents.join(""),).replace("<OPS/>", ops.join(""));
Deno.writeFileSync("./", new TextEncoder().encode(readTheDocs));