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Eagle API Client for Deno

deno module deno compatibility vr scripts

❗This module is under development. Expect breaking changes.

import { EagleClient } from "[version]/mod.ts"

const client = new EagleClient()

const info = await

// 3.0.0

Supported endpoints

Official documents

  • Application
    • Info
  • Folder
    • Create
    • Rename
    • Update
    • List
    • ListRecent
  • Item
    • AddFromURL
    • AddFromURLs
    • AddFromPath
    • AddFromPaths
    • AddBookmark
    • Info
    • Thumbnail
    • List
    • MoveToTrash
    • RefreshPalette
    • RefreshThumbnail
    • Update
  • Library
    • Info
    • History
    • Switch