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The Deno 2 Release Candidate is here
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Earthstar is a tool for private, undiscoverable, offline-first networks.
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.PHONY: test test-watch npm fmt clean bundle clean: rm -rf npm build .nyc_output coverage earthstar.bundle.js cov.lcov coverage_html cov_profile node_modules example: deno run ./example-app.ts test: deno test --allow-all src test-watch: deno test --watch --allow-all src test-coverage: deno test --no-check --coverage=cov_profile src # to get "genhtml", run "sudo apt-get install lcov" (on linux) or "brew install lcov" (on mac) show-coverage: deno coverage cov_profile --lcov > cov.lcov && genhtml -o cov_html cov.lcov coverage: test-coverage show-coverage npm: deno run --allow-all scripts/build_npm.ts $(VERSION) bundle: deno bundle --no-check=remote ./mod.browser.ts ./earthstar.bundle.js run-bundle: deno run --allow-all ./earthstar.bundle.js --help depchart-no-types: mkdir -p depchart && npx depchart `find src | grep .ts` --exclude deps.ts src/print-platform-support.ts src/decls.d.ts src/index.ts src/index.browser.ts src/shims/*.ts src/entries/*.ts `find src | grep '/test/'` `find src | grep '/util/'` `find src | grep '/experimental/'` `find src | grep types.ts` --rankdir LR -o depchart/depchart-no-types --node_modules omit depchart-deps: mkdir -p depchart && npx depchart deps.ts `find src | grep .ts` --exclude src/print-platform-support.ts src/decls.d.ts src/index.ts src/index.browser.ts src/shims/*.ts src/entries/*.ts `find src | grep '/test/'` `find src | grep '/util/'` `find src | grep '/experimental/'` --rankdir LR -o depchart/depchart-deps --node_modules separated depchart: depchart-no-types depchart-deps