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The Deno 2 Release Candidate is here
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Earthstar is a tool for private, undiscoverable, offline-first networks.
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{ "tasks": { "test": "deno test --allow-all --unstable src", "test-watch": "deno test --watch --allow-all --no-check --unstable src", "bench": "deno bench --allow-all --unstable --no-check src/test/benchmark", "bundle": "deno run --allow-all scripts/build_web_bundle.ts", "npm": "deno run --allow-all scripts/build_npm.ts", "example": "deno run ./example-app.ts", "coverage": "deno task test-coverage && deno task show-coverage", "test-coverage": "deno test --no-check --coverage=cov_profile src", "show-coverage": "deno coverage cov_profile --lcov > cov.lcov && genhtml -o cov_html cov.lcov", "clean": "rm -rf npm build .nyc_output coverage earthstar.bundle.js cov.lcov coverage_html cov_profile node_modules", "release-alpha": "deno run --allow-all scripts/release_alpha.ts", "release-beta": "deno run --allow-all scripts/release_beta.ts" }, "fmt": { "files": { "exclude": ["npm", ".git", "earthstar.bundle.js", ".nova"] } }}