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Storage for private, distributed, offline-first applications.
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// This file has no type annotations because we can't get the typings for Node's crypto library here.
import crypto from "";
import { b64StringToBytes, concatBytes } from "../util/bytes.ts";import { bufferToBytes, bytesToBuffer, stringToBuffer,} from "../util/buffers.ts";
import { Logger } from "../util/log.ts";let logger = new Logger("crypto-driver-node", "cyan");
const _generateKeypairDerBytes = () => { // Generate a keypair in "der" format, which we will have to process // to remove some prefixes. // // Typescript has outdated definitions, doesn't know about ed25519. // So fight it with "as any". let pair = crypto.generateKeyPairSync( "ed25519", { publicKeyEncoding: { format: "der", type: "spki", }, privateKeyEncoding: { format: "der", type: "pkcs8", }, }, ); // Typescript thinks these are strings, but they're Buffers... // and we need to convert them to bytes (uint8arrays) return { pubkey: bufferToBytes(pair.publicKey), secret: bufferToBytes(pair.privateKey), };};
function _shortenDer(k) { return ({ pubkey: k.pubkey.slice(-32), secret: k.secret.slice(-32), });}let _derPrefixPublic = b64StringToBytes("MCowBQYDK2VwAyEA");let _derPrefixSecret = b64StringToBytes("MC4CAQAwBQYDK2VwBCIEIA==");function _lengthenDerPublic(b) { return concatBytes(_derPrefixPublic, b);}function _lengthenDerSecret(b) { return concatBytes(_derPrefixSecret, b);}
/** * A verison of the ICrptoDriver interface backed by native Node crypto functions. * Requires a recent version of Node, perhaps 12+? * Does not work in the browser. */export const CryptoDriverNode = class { static async sha256(input) { return bufferToBytes( crypto.createHash("sha256").update(input).digest(), ); } static updatableSha256() { return new UpdatableHash({ hash: crypto.createHash("sha256"), update: (hash, data) => hash.update(data), digest: (hash) => { const digest = hash.digest();
if (typeof digest === "string") { return stringToBytes(digest); }
return bufferToBytes(digest); }, }); } static async generateKeypairBytes() { logger.debug("generateKeypairBytes"); return _shortenDer(_generateKeypairDerBytes()); } static async sign(keypairBytes, msg) { logger.debug("sign"); if (typeof msg === "string") msg = stringToBuffer(msg); return bufferToBytes(crypto.sign( null, msg, { key: bytesToBuffer(_lengthenDerSecret(keypairBytes.secret)), format: "der", type: "pkcs8", }, )); } static async verify(publicKey, sig, msg) { logger.debug("verif"); if (typeof msg === "string") msg = stringToBuffer(msg); try { return crypto.verify( null, msg, { key: _lengthenDerPublic(publicKey), format: "der", type: "spki", }, sig, ); } catch { return false; } }};